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HALTER MEN SHOW ACTIVITY Selling Race Winners at Pimlico Are Bid Up Steeplechase Jockey Succumbs to Injuries Baltimore Md May 15 Selling race troubles which have lieeii dormant for the past few days broke out afresh at Pimlico this afternoon and tin winners of three of the selling races wen bid up One of them Futurity changed hamls When Am ¬ brose won thy opening rate everyone expected Albert Simons to be on ha ad when bids were a ked for and they were not disappointed Capt P M Walker claimed Ambrose after Simons took Magazine from him on Friday last Simons bid Ambrose up from 1200 to 1505 and Captain Walker relalusd the horse After Futurity won Sam Louis bid him up from 400 to 100 and W F Carmody let him go When Elwah won the closing dash H G Bedwell who has not taken part in any selling race bidding of late ran the colt up from 500 lo flOOO without getting him himThe The program was an ordinary one thT fields being made up of the cheaper grade of horses A majority of the winners scored by long margins the only close finish of the afternoon coming with the second race in which Fairy Godmother beat Golden Treas ¬ ure a neck neckThe The Emerson Steeplechase the days feature was won bv an outsider Woldship which galloped home with a twenty lengths lead Weldship paid J710 to 2 hi the uiutucls uiutuclsJ J L Holland is gathering a baud of broodmares to send to his farm in Oklahoma for mating with the Voter stallion Hilarious lie has already se ¬ cured Anna L Daley Bcsponsful and Ethel Le Brume He has also obtained options on Paris Queen Louise Welles Ponkatasset and several others and will probably buy them before the meet ¬ ing here conies to an end endSteeplechase Steeplechase jockey J Van Heuschoten who had the mount on Sir Cleges when that horse fell in yesterdavs jumping race died In out of the local hospitals this moriiing as a result of his Injuries Van Beiischoten was struck on the head br one of the horses that were raiting behind Sir Cleges and suffered a fractured skull The lad was a native of Brooklyn and was a brother of G Van Beiischo ¬ ten who formerly rotle for Max lllivcyj lllivcyjJockev Jockev J Wilson hns beeiv engaged to ride Harry GiddlngV Hearts of Oak In the Kings Plate to be run on the opening day of thu Woodbine spring meeting at Toronto TorontoSklrvln Sklrvln rode Olympla to victory yesterday Inslead of Snldei as previously sent out i