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CONNAUGHT PARK FORM CHART OTTAWA ONT SATURDAY JUNE 14 1913 First day Connaught Park Jockey Club Spring Meeting ol i days 2T Iwoks on Weather clear 0 p m Chicago time 130 p in Indicales apprentice allowance ftQ ftQkft kft FIRST RACE 1 Mile 500 added 3yoaroIds and upward Canadianfoaled and Owned O J J O Allowances Net value Ind Horses AWtPPSt J Vj A Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 11 ink 1s 10 Ambrose C S Campbell 35 7107 lOout lOoutll Mla MlalTtSTT lTtSTT lTtSTTWv Wv W410G 1 3 11 li 2 21 2 2l 2 2J Montour J K Seagram 32 S 5 05 out Gorman3MAGPIE 5tArltWY w 4 HI 5 1 5 5 f 5 3 3k k D McClhyJ G Gorman 20 30 SO C 1 Chanman3PIOUAI 3MAGPIE w 4 106 3 4 41 31 3 Si 3l 4 = Dpromlc J G Chapman f35 710710out 3PIOUAI CROWN wn 4 111 4 2 2J 2 4J 4t 5 T Harty C S Campbell 35 710710out tCoupled CatupbclltCoupled m betting no separate place or show iKjtting Time 25 5115118 143 Track fast Winner Ch f by Dublin Destitute trained by A G Weslon Wesloni olltttJv M At 1 ost r linutls Start good and slow Won cantering second and third driv i t tolltttJv ng LINDKS1A orat savecl ground while rounding the first turn and after following the leaders under re ¬ straint for the first half mile moved up on the outside and easily drew away into a long lead RUSTLING showed the most early speed but tirod after going threcuuarters of a mile CALUMNY finished resolutely on the outside and outstayed MAGPIK for third place FLORAL CROWN and MAGPIE showed speed but 8959 SECOND RACE 58 Mile 500 added 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 110 second 75 third 50 InJ Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O II G P S 8M1CORN BROOM w 99 fi 4 Ink 1 = 1 1U Rowley CS Campbell TO5 G5 So out 8851 PEACOCK w 99 2 2 Sl 3l 3 = 2t Nathan II Parr 10 15 15 4 1 8877 SUPREME w 99 5 3 2i 21 2 = 3 Ambrose It T Wilson t 5 G5 3 5 out 8825 LOUISE TRAVERS w 107 11 5s 4 4 4k Small E J McGraw ± 7521 11 51 2 out 8711 F A STONE ws 93 7 G 4 5 5 = 5 = Neylon J W Schorr G 20 20 3 8877 JOHN P NIXON w 10G 4 5 G3 G G G11 Hopkins E J McGraw 175 2 11512 out JA1Y I5RY I5RYA A w 99 3 7 7777 F JohnsonMrs J AV Flynn 30 50 50 15 7 j t + JCoupled In bcttins no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 25 49 102 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g by Cesarion Birch Broom trained bv A G Wcston W WcstonW lV TSVilA5 At 1 ost mlllutcs Htirt Sx d and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing CORN BKOOAI drew away into a long lead while rounding the far turn and had speed in re ¬ serve at the finish PEACOCK ran well and in a game finish took secfnd place in the last few strides SI PRLJIL sliowcd speed but would not extend himself in the last quarter and finished with his mouth open LOUISK TRAVERS began slowly JOHN P NIXON was not persevered with after etting away in a tangle THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 400 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 380 second 00 third 40 z 54 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners o n C P S SS2 ROfKMAUY wn 3 98 73 l 13 li I1 i Hopkins J I Watkins3s Watkins 8870 TOM SAYERS c 6 10S 15 1 3s 2 2s 2s F Adams I Gorman 10 15 1 2 24nk 8852 BLACK RIVER 4 107 3 4 4k 5 5J 3k 3 31 J Willms T Morgan V S S 3 Sc 8427 JEAN GREY 9513 G 2 2U 31 4 42 = 4 Neylon W F Cisco 10 20 20 8 4 4fi1 8773 I ITHSIA 95 5 7 fii G1 51 51 Montour E J gait 15 20 li G 3 8870 PLANTER 111 11 S 101 111 7 = 01 T Ilarty J F Smvth 4 5 4 X 5 4 c cS Comerf8878lXCLE 8879 MARIE T 93 G 10 S 7 7l Gl 7 71 Nathan C T Comerf Comerforil 4 7 7 21 7 8878lXCLE OBIE 95 8 5 91 91 Sok nk s A Wilson Mrs J AV D Davtotl 0 25 25 10 j Fl85in R775MINN1E BRIGHT 101 9 U 11 10l 11 UJ Drunler Mrs J W Fl Flynn 50 50 SO 12 G 85in = GEO S DAVIS 103 1 15 15 123 10 10l 10 101 Gullett M J Cowai 10 15 10 1 2 8017 JUAQtllN A 10711 2 7 71 8 = 12 = 11 = Deromle H G Bedw Bedwell S 10 10 4 2 8730 SHREVE A 11010 9 51 f 9 121 E Scharf J II Shrovo 8775 BLAX FRANCES lOfi 2 12 121 13 = 13 IS Meripolo J Forrester 8775 HERETIC 1QG 12 13 IS 14 H 14 Robbins C T Halsey 8060 SHAWNEE 6 10G 4 14 14 15 15 IT Ambrose C N Freeii Time 25 49 102 109 Track fast iniierB f by Marta Santa Country Fraud trained by J C Gallaher ent to post at 345 At itost 11 minutes Start good and sMw for allliut GEOIIGE S DAVIS Won and bought in s ° Scratched SS52 Floridas Beauty 105 Overweights Rosemary 3 pounds Planter S QQK I FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles First Runniifi Eresidents Plate 1500 added 3yearolds O vJ A and upward Handicap Net value to Winner 1140 and Plate second 250 third 150 inn liorscs AWtPPSt St X V Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P 22S w 4 103 2 3 3 3 r lnk Ambrose T Clyde tl 1 1 out 8745 = EDDA v 5 114 3 3 2 = 25 2 lh lh 2n Small T W Schorr 45 4 5 45 out 8828BWANAiTUMBOw4112 1 1 lh ih ink y 21 3 G Burns C S Campbell tl 1 1 out fCoupIed iu betting no separate place or show betting Time 24 50 115 141 1531J Track fast Wr9 ° Fcfci fi bv PrvH MiyrPiljjriiuagc rwa bv 4 G W Wojjj ojjj Went to post at 421 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same AIREY was outpaced early but gradually improved her position and having slipped through on the inside on the stretch turn linishing with a rush and got up to win in the liual stride EDDA ran on the outside of BVANA TUMBO for tho entire way and was carried wide when entering the homestretch then tired in n game finish BWAXA TUMBO tried to bear over to the inside in the last sixteenth and his rider had to stop rldlug to stralgh ten him out probably losing the race by it itScratched Scratched SSS2Colston 97 SSSO Iatou 104 O f f FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 500 added yearolds and upward Allowances O J O Net value to winner 420 second 75 third S50 Ind Horses AWtPPSt i iA Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P i 8775FLEX w 4 103 53 I2 ink ink 11 Hopkins Gallaher Bros 3 4 4 733 8854 = UPRIGHT w 4 109 9 5 2nk 21 23 21 Small T S Parker 852 85361 8880 THE RUMP w 4 106 3 2 43 3 3l D ConnellyW Martin 15 20 20 8 4 8853 OLIVER LODGE w 3 95 1 1 3t 61 4 = 4U Ambrose C S Campbell 20 30 20 8 4 8882 ASTROLOGER WB 4 108 4 4 5k 5J 51 51 F Adams J W Burttschell 57621 8C44 YMIR w 4 112 27 Gnk S C C5 G Burns J Hochrein 4 7 7 2J 65 882 8821s 1s AFTERGLOW VvSB 3 102 88 S 7 t 7 ° 72 Neylon J W Schorr 10 15 15 6 2J 2Joor oor T WB 5 106 66 71 4b S2 S5 E Scharf J W Hedrlck 7 12 10 4 2 2WB WB 3 96 7 9 9999 Nathan T H Balfe CO 100 100 40 20 20Time Time 25 49 115 Track fast fastWinner Winner B f by Inflexible Lizzella trained by J C Gallaher GallaherWent Went to post at 440 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing FLUX sprinted away from the others in the first eighth and set a fast pace to the stretch turn then liuiig on gamely when challenged and outgaming UPRIGHT won going away The latter moved up fast on the outside while rounding the far turn but tired In the homestretch and swerved over to the inside in the last eighth THK RUMP was a forward contender all the way OLIVER LODGE was cut off on the far turn and came again in the homestretch The others were always outpaced Overweights Upright 1 pound Oliver Lodge 1 8963 SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 400 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 305 second 00 third 40 Jnd Horses AWtPPSt 14 A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II 8 759 SATYR w 3 104 11 5 58J51S 41 3i 3 i 1 Robbins J M Cooper 15 SO 30 10 5 8J51S BILLY COLLINS WB 3 92 12 S 61 4 = 42 21 Neylon O P Stifel 3 3 13575 710 7102l 7721 MAMA JOHNSON w 3 93 13 7 2l 2 21 3h F Moore Clinton Stable 20 25 20 S 4 4St 8879 = INCISION w 5 115 3 3 387S St 71 66 4k G Burns J Grillin 2i 21 2 45 25 25li 87S 2CLEM BEACHEY w C 115 8 1 li int li 5i Hopkins E Minter S 15 15 6 3 3HI 8 7 04 BEN PRIOR W 5 110 6 13 HI 9l 5 G Dennler N B Davis 10 15 15 6 3 8805 RUSSELL McGILLwB 4 114 2 6 101 S1 S2 71 Ambrose R J Allison 4 7 7 2J 65 657l 8740T NUNNALLY WB 9 115 99 7l 10 71 8 T Harty A F Dayton 15 15 15 6 3 XX 18 CHERRY SEED wn 4 109 10 2 31 5 = 92 93 E Scharf J W HeUrick 6 12 12 C 21 8112 ORBED LAD wn 7 113 110 13 13 13 101 Halsey M Foley 10 15 15 6 3 4798 FAUSTINA w 3 93 7 11 9 92 11 Hi Hi n1 Montour W B Carson 30 SO 30 12 C Cla 8580 CARRILLON VB 6 107J 5 12 la 12ll2ll2s Jla 12 12J J F Adams G M McSweeney 10 15 15 5 2J 2J870iFANCHETTE 2JGnk 870iFANCHETTE w 4 107 4 4 C Gnk t C Gi 10 101 13 Nathan J M Milburn 20 40 40 15 C CTime Time 24 43 102 109 Track fast Winner CooperWent Ch g by Hippodrome Fairy Sprite trained by J M Cooper Went to post at 52 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SATYR was off forwardly and after running in close pursuit of the pacemakers finished gamely under a drive and outstayed BILLY COLLINS in a closely contested finish The latter began slowly but moved up fast while rounding the far turn and almost got up to win MAMA JOHNSON was much used in forcing the pace and was tiring at the cud INCISION closed a big gap CLEM BEACHEY set the puce to the stretch and tired BEN PRIOR and RUSSELL McGILL made up much ground Overweights Carrlllon 11 pounds Q f 1 SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles 500 added 3yearolds and upward Selling OcOrJb Net value to winner 455 second 75 third 50 Hid Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8882 JACQUELINA w C 110 3 2 3 3l 21 I3 lt Mondon H G Bedwell 4 4 3i 6 8882 APIASTER VB 4 114 2 3 C 5i 4 2nk 2s F Adams P M Civill 3 4 4 S 882 1 HUSKY LAD WB 5 105 4 4 24 21 Ink 32 su Ambrose W F Cisco 15 15 15 C 3 8850 BIG DIPPER w3 9G 9 5 I2 11 3t 42 41 Nathan E J McGraw 8 10 10 3 85 K74DMOLLIE S wn 5 110 10 10 12 111 9 51 D ConnellyE Utterback 15 20 20 8 4 4X7952GEIIRARD X7952GEIIRARD WB 3 9211 7 41 7 71 51 G1 Neylon J W Schorr 30 SO 30 12 C 8883 STAIRS WE 4 105 12 S 72 62 5nk 71 7J Robbins F P Robie 20 30 20 S 4 X8853L M ECKERT w S 102 5 6 S1 9J S1 S S Halsey 15 Weete 12 15 12 5 21 8880 MERRY LAD TVB 5 113 6 9 5k 41 C 91 9 G Burns E Trotter 4 4 3 C5 35 X88S MISS JONAH w 5 101 1 1 10 SnklO5 102 102 E Scharf J W Hcdrick GO CO CO 25 li 885G = HASSON w 3 100 7 11 9t 12 12 H2 11s Hopkins R G Martin G 10 10 3 85 85ELLA GRANE w 3 102 S 12 111 10J H1 12l 12 Dennler N B Davis 15 30 30 12 G GTime Time 25 50ys 116 141 S 150 Track fast fastWinner Winner Br m by Jack Point Eyelet trained by H G Bedwell BedwellWent Went to post at 548 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same JACQUELINA was saved behind the leaders for the first threequarters then slipped through on the inside while rounding the last turn and shook off her opposition after entering the homestretch but was tiring at the end APIASTER was shuflled back while rounding the first turn but closed a big gap and finished fast and gaining HUSKY LAI showed much sj eed but tired in the stretch drive BIG DIPPERS saddle slipped after he had set the pace to the last turn MOLLIE S closed a big gap MERRY LAI quit quitScratched Scratched S021IIowdy Howdy 110 SG473Love Day IOC SS24sUrsula Emma 99 SS573Golden Treas ¬ ure 110 110Overweights Overweights Gerrard 2 pounds Ella Grane 5