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THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances 82311 105 3 03 BRIGS BROTHER ch g 2 109 109SM4 By Cunard Ella Smith E R Bradley SM4 Latonia 58 l00fast 1710 112 7 6 = 4 = i Ganz 7 Caution Frances M Cosis SS15 Latonia 5S l00fast 7 100 6 4i Cosis4i 41 McDonld n Bandit Barbara Lane Old Ben 8744 Douglas 58 58fast 28 100 5 4 4 McDonld 5 O Rosebud L Nephew Ilosuncr 8635 Douglas 58 l00fast 3110 112 1 2i 2nt Loftus 7 Bandit Old Ben Tiktok S3S7 Churchill 5S l02hvy 6310 110 5 6 = 55J Gan 10 Salon Aunt Mamie Old Ben 8314 Churchill 41 f 53 good 10 115 5 4h 4 McDonld 5 LNcphew O Rosebud B TonftT 8231 Churchill 41 f 53fast 195 110 3 23 2 1 Ganz 5 Vandergrif t Barb Lane Galar S10S Lexington 58 l00fast 71 115 7 41 3 Ganz 14 Imperator JGtind JMacGinnisa 7925 Lexington 41 f 5fislow 1 111 5 1 1 Ganz 10 TNorman Indolence Candy Box 786S Lexington 12 4 V hvy 365 100 6 6OHAGAN 31 351 Hopkins 0 LNephew Ilarwood Dick Dodie DodieBy OHAGAN b c 2 112 112S90S By Oddfellow Rubus J MacManus S90S Latonia 51 f 108 fast 7310 108 2 11 3J J Henry fi RsirbLsinc BlnckToney Toronto SS71 Latonia 5S l01fast 51 112 1 lz I2 J Henry 11 Wsitmlon FatherRiieyMcshjicu 8793 Douglas 58 l00fast 1ld 112 10 10LOST G1 G l J Henry 12 Sosius Harry L Toronto TorontoBy LOST FORTUNE ch ff 2 109 By AllanaDale Maid of Fortune Mahoney Shan ¬ non non3i SS45 Lutonia 5S l00fast 425 108 2 3i 7 Kslep Bandit Barbara Lane Old B n 8GG3 Douglas 5S 59fast 5 109 1 31 38 Buxton fi Pringliurwt IVbcco John Gund 8459 Douglas 5S 101 fast 41 108 4 li Gundli Ink Buxton 8 Oliircn Barbara Lane Ilarwood 8428 Churchill 5S l02slow 3 31 lt Kcdcris 10 IdaLavinia BuzAround May L 83S5 Churchill 5S l02Vfchvy 18 102 3 I1 Il Kcdcris 0 Black Toncy Meshach II Class 8183 Churchill 12 49 fast 16 105 9 9 = S Taplin 14 Miss Declare Osaple May L 8108 Lexington ES l00fast 66 115 11 Oh 91 Kcdcris 14 Imperator J Gund 18 Brother 8026 Lexington 41 f 54fast 13 102 7 7CANDY 6 = 3 = Hopkins S Destino Billy Stuart Dick Dodlo DodloBy CANDY BOX b g 2 109 109S8S1 By Box Margaret Kent J F Gaffney S8S1 Latonia 5S l00fast 40 109 6 6SS20 3 i 2 ° W Andress S Roamer OReilly Joi Rosenfield SS20 Douglas 51 f 1OS fast 13 105 6 li 3i Buxton J FraneesM BiishvIIcad GrecnVo 8767 Douglas 5S l01fast 13 105 3 4 41 Buxton 12 Eustace Marta Mac Ilyki 8499 Douglas 58 l01fast 23 106 3 G1 441 W Andrcssll Bandit Bird Man Bushy Head 8428 Churchill 58 l02slow 395 107 7 G1 G2 W AndresslO L Fortune IdaLavinia K Around 8370 Churchill 41 f 54Vfast 14 110 3 B 36J W Andress S Vandergrift Magnet Abednego 8276 Churchill 41 f 5Cmud 12 110 1 1U I3 W Andress 7 Tiktok Birka Watermelon 8032 Lexington 5S l02fast 48 109 2 8 8 1 J Henry 8 Magnet Dr Samuel The Norman 7966 Lexington 41 f 55 fast fld 10 1 3 31 41 J McCabe 12 RIIyams Parcel Post RMundi 7925 Lexington 41 f 56slow 72 109 4 41 4 W AndresslO BBrother T Norman Indolence IndolenceBy HYKI eh c 2 By Dr Leggo Norinne J Livingston 8910 Latonia 51 f l07fast 4 109 7 9 913 Goose 10 Korfhagc Bushy Head Kustace 8767 Douglas 5S l01fast 265 110 9 5h 3 Kirschm 12 Eustace Marta Mac Candy Uox 8431 Churchill 4 f 54slow 21 103 4 51 5 Vandsen 7 BandSaddle Chrisphe Abdgo 8358 Churchill 5S l00fast rid 10S 11 12 12IlKirschm 14 Caution Barbara Lane Tiktok 7452 Juarez 12 4Sfast 16 110 5 6 GojKlrschm 8 Manganese Edith W F Clierry 7379 Juarez 12 47 fast 7 110 2 4i 4JMolcswh S 0 Rosebud Shadrach Gladys Y 7324 Juarez 31 f 42i slow 21 115 10 2 = 1 11 Molcswh 11 Succession Bar Lane Brevity 6939 Juarez 31 f 41J fast 45 113 3 51 5s Loftus 11 Edith W Galar Barbara Lane 38 36i slow 21 112 6 li 2 = Kirschm S Manganese Brevity Paw PawBy BIG SPIRIT ch c 2 105 By Marathon Keltic Green W H Crawford 8910 Latonia 51 f l07fast 57 107 2 SK 7a J Henry 10 Korfhage Bushy Head Kustacc 8355 Churchill 58 101 fast 72 H3 4 4RALPH 71 712 J McCabe 10 Boots and Saddle Bandit Sosiua SosiuaBy RALPH b c 2 105 105tirst By Sompronius Bashford Bello G J Long tirst start