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WINS 4750 And ajraln thoso who purchased Collyors How To Brat Tlie Mutnels cleaned up Would you br satisfied to win 4750 on a capital of 0 Dont K a mollvcoddlc but ot tbe sys ¬ tem and let it do the work YOU WILL THEN STOP GTESSING GTESSINGLimited Limited Number for 5 5I I have a limilcrt number of Collyers How To Bwit The Muliirls left First come lirst servrd and the priee is SPECIAL Dont confound this system with withothers others Its an ADVANCED idea the same as handicapping was YEARS ujio and can be bel l played at track ivoolrooni or handbook Bush Bushyour your ettinKis subscription and K I In while the ettinK is GOOD GOODBE3 BE3 IT E COLIiYER Formerly with the Chicago American AmericanSUITE SUITE 309 OXFORD BUILDING 118 North La Salle Street Chicago Illinois