Third Race [3rd Connaught Park, Daily Racing Form, 1913-06-21

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THIRD RACE 1 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Maidens Allowances 0054 l4ijcG no noBILLY BILLY Carsonsi COLLINS blk g 3 107 By Sain Sister Josephine W B Carson si 3 Connght 5i f 1 Ol Vffast 135 92 S G 4 4s 2h Neylon la Satyr Mama Johnson Incision 8313 Churchill 31 l13good 38 97 3 G G G G Neylon G Caiigll Hill Gowell Soni t 8198 Churchl Im20y 139 fast 61 88 4 1 2 4 G 5 Neylon 5 Froglegs Buckhoru Rudolfo RudolfoKAYDEROSEROS KAYDEROSEROS b o 3 105 By Chuctanunda Roxane W Martini 9051 Connaught 31 l14fast 100 103 G 2 2 31 5 J I Connelly 7 Flex Gold fin Ymlr 83S6 Ymlr83S6 1 l42fast 32 101 Gil 2 Connaught G3 G1D Connelly 8 Alaliiniont Clinton W W Plirl 8773 Blue Bon 21 llafast 109 Left at the 21 post J Wilson 10 Bryiidor FIrlnl Sooalrr Clark Sill ClarkSill Pimlico 34 l14 ifast fid 110 G 3 3 3h G1 D Connolly 14 Mahubah Br iu Belle LAhdon 772S LAhdon772S Jamesfwn 61 f 108 fast 100 lOt 7 777 7 JConnolly 7 Monocacy Chuckles K KI I on 6088 Laurel GI f 110J slow 12 1129 9 9 10 10 Kcderls 12 F Fairy PAntoinette Ambrose AmbroseCLINTON CLINTON b g 3 107 By Wadsworth Gold Hose P M Civill 9080 Connaught 34 117 fast S5 97 2 3 2 in 2 Dcnnler S Baron deKalb Fuchsia Lindas S9S LindasS9S Connaught 1 l42fast 12 100 3344 2i 2U Snyder 8 Malamont W W C Vrk Ab on S85G Blue Bon 1 l42fast GO 95 7 G 7 7 7 7 3E Scharf 7 Big Dji per IlaiVn Illi Cr 8359 WTliderS251 Churchl lm70y 143 fast 84 97 S 2 S 7 S 9 = Karrick 11 Melton S rek AU oh WTlider S251 ibetourSOT1 Churchill 3il13fast 28 9S 10 99 9 StJKarrick 14 Al Bloch Theresi G 1 ibetour SOT1 Lexington 34 111 fast K10 103 7 622 31 Buxton 11 Al Bloch Just Red I Mic rTt 7963 Lexington 34 l14V3fast 99 102 7 8 7 6 6 = Kcderls 0 S Bill MeCorkle Aniia Patricia FUCHSIA PatriciaFUCHSIA ch f 3 105 By Peep oDay Freyja E J Salt 90SO Salt90SO Connaught 31 117 fast 5 100 G 4 3 33 S2 Vandsen S Baron de Kalb Clinton L Iid 89CO Connght 51 f l09Vifast 15 95 7 G G 51 5 Monlour 15 Hosemary T Saver B Hirer S773 HirerS773 Iluo Bon 31 l15fast 15 106 7 5 4 4 4 Bruce 10 Bryiidor Fir if Speaker Clark 7765 Jamestown 31 l15fast S 105 1 213 3i Robbins 7 Cogs Chad Buford S lowflakes 7591 Cliarleston 31 l15fast 4 102 9 12 12 Gi G lVandsen 12 Pandorina Anna Claire Svosset 7513 Charleston 34 l17good 21 102 10210 10 9 G 5 33 Vandsen l5 HH Gray Svosset Anna Clalro SyossetABDON 7145 Charlcsfn Ci f l09 l00slow slow 10 105 3 2 2ABDON 22 3 2J Vandsen 10 Bernadotte Anna Claire Syosset ABDON br c 3 102 102S9S6 By Bryn Mawr Miss Doone W F Preseravel PreseravelS9SG S9SG Connaught 1 l42fast 31 105 S 7 5 5 3nt 4 = J Howley 8 Malamont CUnton W w Clark 6597 Jamestown 51 f 108 fast 185 112 G 4 4 41 4 1 E Martin 0 TrIIIer Gardenia Jack Kellogg 6357 Jamestown 51 f lOSjf fast 2 112 4 8 I KelloggI I i fl K Martin 10 Clothes Brush Cogs Battery 0141 Pimlico 31 1141 slop 30 97 7 7 763SO 7 53 3 = E Martin 8 Buskin Tarts Hobnob 63SO Pimlico 5S 1022 fast 10 109 2 1 1LORD G 21 Ji K Martin 11 Virile Pandorina Astute LORD LADAS b c 4 107 10790SO 90SO Connaught 34 117 fast 95 114 7 7 740GS 8 Baron de Kalb Clinton Fuchsia 40GS Fort Eric 1 1403 fast 10 110 7 7 7 8 Cousin Puss Warllorn Adolante 4012 Fort Erie 5J f l07g fast 15 103 8 G 1J Napier Grenida Blan Frances 2861 Montreal 34 1151 good 100 103 8 4 11 Lady Irnia BetticSue Suffragist

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Local Identifier: drf1913062101_4_4
Library of Congress Record: