First Race [1st Hamilton, Daily Racing Form, 1913-06-27

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FIRST RACE 58 Mile 2ycarolds Canadianfoaled Allowances Maiden Jockeys 3200 504f 2 1 W Index Course CourseBEEHIVE DIst TiineTckOdds Wt St A V Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy BEEHIVE b c 2 116 116GS By Bassetlaw My Honey H Giddings 8M3 Toronto GS l02fast 110 J15 1 1 1 1S 1i J Wilson 4 Meissen Alai Bass Amphion S5I5 Toronto li f Crfast 1720 121 2 1 1s I5 1 Wilson 1 Darkltosalcen SlipDayCBroon 8108 Toronto TorontoMEISSEN 12 4Sfast 31 110 7 0 21 li C Turner it DKosaleen SlipperDay JIartola JIartolaBy MEISSEN b f 2 118 1184J By Inferno Royal China J E Seagram 9030 CoiinRlit 4J f r6fast 12 jnt 4 45S 4 3 1 I1 Monlour 5 I Rosaicen D Cluster Sinsin 6I3 Toronto 5S l02fast 315 102 2 24i 2 2 21 2i Monlour 4 Beehive Alai Bass Ainphion 8578 Toronto TorontoSLIPPER 4i f 56 fast 27 9S 3 354 43J Montour 5 SkyRockct LyricMtiscMissGayle LyricMtiscMissGayleBy SLIPPER DAY br f 2 108 By Martimas Blue Grouse J S Hcndrie S345 Toronto 4 f f r fast S7 115 4 3 3J F Adams i Beehive DarkRosaleen CBroon S4IB Toronto TorontoSANDY 12 4Sfast 15 107 3 3 33 3 = 1 Wolfe 13 Beehive DarkUosaleeu Martola MartolaBy SANDY b g 2 108 108li By McGce Gargle C S Campbell 9050 Connght ConnghtLADY li f 56fast 5 U9 5 5f 3 4 4l G5 Dennler T Meissen D Rosalccn DClnstcr DClnstcrBy LADY ISLE b f 2 108 1084J By Havoc FairlicHead T J Elward S61S Toronto 4J f Wfast 15 8S 1 14J 1 3 3i Suydcr i Manila Deference Extravagant S345 Toronto TorontoAMPHION 4J f D5ysfast fid 115 S 11 1010 Small 13 Beehive DRosiileen SlipperDay SlipperDayBy AMPHION b g 2 108 108CS By Inferno Court Maid II W Bennett S6I3 Toronto CS l0ifast 35 102 4 44J 444 4 = ileronda 4 Beehive Meissen Alai Bass S543 Toronto 4J f D5fast fid 115 13 13 13 12 Snyder 13 Beehive DRosalccn SlipperDay

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Local Identifier: drf1913062701_5_3
Library of Congress Record: