Belmont Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1913-07-29


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BELMONT PARK FORM CHART EW YORK MONDAY JULY 28 1913 Belmont Iark Tenth day Metropolitan Jockey Club Summer Meeting of 12 days Weather cloudy first four races wet last two Presiding Judge C II Pcttinglll Starter James Milton Racing Secretary W C Edwards Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m Indicates apprentice allowance 1O012 ST RACE 34 Mile Main Course 57947 111 4 147 400 added 3yoar olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 370 second 70 third 30 AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 9831PROGRESSIAE wn 3 100 115 5 2l 21 I1 Karrick T F Sheedy 2J 3 135710out 135710out98873LACE 98873LACE w 3 107 3 3 li 21 1 lh 2 Butwcll R Parr 5 C 41 Gw out out95293ELLA 95293ELLA BUYSON w y 113 4 4 3 3l 31 3 3 Nicklaus R F Carmen 1 051 25 out 9831 DEDUCTION v 4 110 2 2 4 4 1 5 4l 4i 1 AAilson 1 M AAr Green S 5 75 out 9770 = WAR LORD w 2iTime 3 103 5 5 2 I1 4 5 5 Booker Jericho Stable 30 50 30 8 2i Time 12 24 36 48 113 Track fast Winner PennyAVent Ch c by Ccsarlon Stur Cat trained by II Penny AVent to post at 239 At post 1 minute Sta t good and sow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing PROGRESSIVE began well but was caught i the first sixteenth and knocked back to last but after being saved to the stretch found an opening next t the rail and wearing the loaders down took the lead in the last sixteenth and won going away LACE showed her usual early speed and set u fast paw but vjit much used in racing with ELLA BRYSON i id WAR LORD and tired In the final drive ELLA BRYSON ran close up with the leaders all the wa DEDUCTION was always outrun WAR LORD San slowly but went around the others into the lea 1 then tired Scratched 9951s Iviibel 10 KV47Cadeau 115 T kT O SECOND RACE 1 Mile 57DS4 JL J J JL O ward Sellng Not value to winner 400 nd S100 third 5 Jnd Horses AWtPPStVi Str Fin Jockeys Owners u H o I S 9700 F MULHOLI VNDwB 9 109 7 8 S 6l 41 2J I5 Butwell W Stockton 2 21 0571013 9951 AVATER WELLES w 5 114 5 1 1 ink i ink 2 j Wilson It 1 Miller 5 o 4 C5 3T 9831 DISCOVERY w 3 10 074 = 2 = 25 3 3 AVolfe J O Talbott TalbottK73i 2 21 9571013 K73i 3SLIM PRINCESS wn 4 111 S 3 1n 3l 3 4 4 C Grand T F Coles 15 15 12 5 2 9951 MONMOUTH w 3 107 2 4 3 5s T3 5 T3 Brady T Monahan 10 12 10 t 2 9888 DANDY DIXON wn 7 111 4 5 4 6 6 G VanBenMrs G E Pe Penin 15 25 15 C 3 87313HAMMON PASS w fi IOC 3 fi 71 8 71 7 7 Karrick W D Althouse 20 SO 30 10 5 9095 ELXAR wn 5 10T 1 2 61 71 S 8 S D Dnport W Clarke 15 30 30 10 5 5Time Time 12 24 36 48 100 114 140 Track fast Winner BJk g by Baimoekburii Miss Baker trained by William Garth GarthWent Went to post at 303 At mit 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easilv second and third driv ¬ ing FRED MULHOLLAND Ixgairln I is usual slow fashion und trailed for tho first throeeighths lion ot sail for the leaders and passing WATEK WELLES in the last eighth drew out to win In a cmitcr WATER WELLES showed tho must onrly spe d tiud sot the pace to the stretch but tired anil sworvod badly in the last sixteenth DISCOVERY ran well but was made too much use of in the first throeqniir UTS and tired SLIM PRINCESS ran a good raoo raooScratched Scratched 9SSSM ningfrfiold HRl 99SOStcntw 112 99S5Bunch of Keys 105 Overweights Slim Princess 4 pounds Dandy Dlxon 2 A THIRD RACK 1 Mile 7x981 ii77 l4 000 added 3 yearolds a ward Handicap Net value to winner 510 second 100 third 50 Ind Horses AWtPPStH k Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C 9888 BI5AUCOrP w S 107 3 I 5 3 1 1s l AVolfe R T Wilson S5 95 85 9982 ItllYlHMltX w fi IOS 1 2 Mi 2 2 25 lint well F Johnson 123512 123512IMYPOKT IMYPOKT w HID 2 3 L 3 I Knrrlck ISMliollowStnble 20 30 11 11Time Time 12 24 30 49ii 102 114 140 Track fast Winner HoaloyiWent Ch h by Ornament till B lie Iraiiul by T 1 Hoaloyi Went to post at 530 At post 2 mlnuKs Start gx d jind slow Won driving second tho RKAtTUlP was taken back and saved until rounding tho stretch nun where ho was sent Into a gdi but gdibut tirei lu he lust eighth mid hud to be UnrU ridden to vlii UEYUOUKN vas wucli the best I riiler maile tlio mistake of making his effort on tlio stretch turn niul the horse did his usual bolting net and l t it Icast a liilf dozen lengths then came fast again in the last eighth and was catching BEAUCO17P at every sufferanceScratched stride BAYPORT showed speed luit held nil early lead on sufferance Scratched 110OviTWiljshts 99S23PcrthjOiire 112 82rSlckIe 111 99S2 Isidora 110 OviTWiljshts IlaviKirt uumids 1 Or T P FOURTH RACE 34 Milo Main Course 7147 111 1 147 Eighth Runuiug JLVVJLO Suffolk Selling Stakes Value 1000 2yearolds X Net value to winner 075 second 200 third si CO Jiiu Horses AWtPPSt Vi A i Sir Fin Jockeys Owners 994GANYTTME w 107 6 6wn ink 12 Butwell A Miller Miller2l 97GK WOODEN SHOES wn 100 4 2l 2 1 HanoverQuincy Stable J94G 4G = THE SPIRIT 100 1 1w 1 31 3 S 3 = 31 Brady J 1 B Madden 9890 190 NAIAD w 101 2 2w fi 5 5 42 44 4 45 Wolfe K T 1 Wilson Wilsonfi 9 708 WATER LADY LADYDOS w 103 5 5WK 4 6 6 C 6 51 Xicklaus R RF F Carman Carmanr4 DOS l I GALLOP WK 97 3 2 2 i 4 = ri 54 fi Campbell J 1 L lj Holland Tim 13 24 36 48 113 Track fast fastWinner Winner R f by Yankee Femesole trained by A J Goldsborongh GoldsboronghWent Went to post at 358 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same ANYTIME shot to the front while rounding the far turn and in doing so cut over in front of THK SPIRIT very sharply then kept her advantage and outstayed WOODEN SHOES In a fast and game finish WOODEN SHOES was always in closest pursuit and tired in the last sixteenth THE SPIRIT was well np from the start but tired in the last eighth NAIAD began very slowly and made up some ground WATER LADY ran a bad race GALLOP tired after being prominent for the tirst half mile Scratched mileScratched 0415 Mordecai 102 102Overweights Overweights Wooden Shoes 2 pounds 1O016 4yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 410 second 100 third 50 AWtPPSt 4 8 12 14 Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S ir 0SHANNOX RIVER W 5 140 3 2 3 l a 1 W Allen R Parr Parron 2199 RACEBROOK w G 141 4 3 I1 on = o Krause T L Evans 170 ESSEX II w 11 141 6 4 2 3 3 Mr Alpers J M W Green 94 C5 GOLD EN w 5 133 2 1 41 Lost rider ider Murphy T Davis Davisr 20 20 20 6 85 989 13S OF THE WINDws 4 138 5 C Lost rider r Fain E K Salisbury Salisburyr 85 1652 7lflout 7lflout9984SXOSEGAY 9984SXOSEGAY w 5 139 1 5 Lost rider r Chandler H W Warner 064125 064125Time Time 501 Track slow Winner Rlk g by Black Dick Teutore trained by William Garth GarthWpnt Wpnt to post at 421 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing The race was run In a blinding rain storm SHANNON RIVER was saved for the flrst circuit of the Held then took the lead and racing RACEBROOK into defeat drew out after clearing the last jump RACERROOK was a close and game contender to the last jump ESSEX II was beaten off SON OF THE WIND lost his rider at the second jump when in the lead NOSEGAY lost his rider at the sixtli and GOLDEN his at the seventh jump T rj SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Main Course 57047 111 1 147 400 added 2year JL VJ JL I olds Maidens Special Weights Net value to winner 390 second 70 third 30 nil Horses AWtPPSt 4 StrFIn rFIn Jockeys Owners O H C P M81 LILY ORME ORMEFIGIXXY wn 107 3 4 Ink u 2s I1 It McCahey McCaheyw H W Warner 5 10 10 75 out FIGIXXY w 110 4 3 2s 2 1 21 2 Butwell G Cochran 25 71035 out 98923SMALL wn 110 2 2 3 3l 38 3 = ° 3 J Wilson M Boney 3 4 95 13 out 9892 ORTYX w 107 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 Karrick Oneck Stable 15 20 20 3 out outTime Time 12 A 25 38 50 115 Track sloppy Winner Blk f by Monsieur de LOrme Web of Fate trained by H W Warner Went to Kst at 452 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the simc LILY ORME set the pace for the first threeeighths then gave way but milled in the stretch and lM k the lead again but tired and just lasted long enough to win FIG1NNY seemed to run In spots but elosid up fast again at the end and would have won in another stride SMALL was always outrun outrunScratched Scratched S 53CHff Field 110 9S92 Stars and Stripes 110 97t5 Margaret Melse 107 S978 Breakers 110 Plamida 107

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Local Identifier: drf1913072901_2_7
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