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FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Handicap 4J 2 1 3 10 1 PRIDE OF LISMORE IORE b g B 108 By Galveston Clara White T Goulding Gouldingink 9988 Butto 51 f 107 hvy 6 6asyc 1W ink Burgame ParlBoy Americus EHnnvood EHnnvood4J asyc ButU 51 f lOSsloi li li983S 15 105 4J Mulligan G Lady Panehita Envy Americus 983S Butte 51 f l06fast 9 9SUMS 9i5 107 6 Mulllgan 5 PStreak EIInnvtxHI ParlBoy SUMS Butte 34 l13faat I 12 108 10851fl07fast 4 i Sielaff S FloPark Sir Fretful Parlor Bov Bov4J J602 Butte 51fl07fast 4 40 112 4J Mulligan LPnnchlta DmlGip SFrctful SUS4 CdAlenu 58 l00ifast 8 107 5 51 Anderson r L Pchita MCanomn Platinum 7504 Juarez 34 lllfast 5 57lttl 11 52J Kederls 7 Kootenay IGenman Lackrose 7lttl 111 Juarez 34 l14i fast 3 103 3 3J Kederis 4 El Palomar I Gentleman Injury 7261 Juarez fil f l06i fast 1 185 112 125 I1 Kederis ii PZareta Kootenay LPanchita 7030 Tuaroz 51 f l06g fast 4 4700S 112 112700S 12 21 Kederis 0 FRobcrts L Pchita MCanomn 700S Juarez 51 f 1058 fast Z 32 105 105W 1s Il Kederis J LPanchita Kootcnny EBryson W Juarez 5 f 1061 fast 85 105 105691S 11 3J KIrschm 15 I Gentleman FRoberts Furlong 691S Juarez 5 f 100 J good 21 107 1076SIO 1s 31 KIrschm G RioBrazos ElPalomar Pawhuska 6SIO Juarez 51 f 1071 fast 2 102 121 3 1 Kederis G V Roberts Upright Luc Allen 6521 Pinillco 34 1141 fast 4 115 22 321 Kederis 9 Besom Hitnation Tho Rascal Rascal5l 6090 Laurel 34 116 slow 9 107 107G032 5l 5 Kcderls 0 J Knight Chemulpo V Strome G032 Laurel 34 113 fast 30 112 1126S52 41 r Kederis i Isidora Rosseaux Hoffman 6S52 Laurel 34 112J fast 30 117 117MRS 10 10IslKcderi3 10 Back Bay Isidora Rosseaux MRS GAMP b f 3 107 10799V By Mazagan Emma Traunmiller S Veiller VeillerIn 99V Butte F C l10V slow S 101 In Burgame 5 DaddyGip LPanchita IStreak 39 Butte 78 127 fast 10 101 121 Bingame 4 Clark M Iiuuiieta Dublin John John65v 9363 Butte 5S 1 00fast 21 103 65v Burgame 7 EIIarwood Americus MOmaiin 9389 Butte 5S l00slow 215 101 101SS68 G2 M Mthews 7 Envy Parlor Boy Americus SS68 CdAlcne 34 l14mud 7 100 21 Gentry 5 OrlinKripp Truly OrgeBlossom OrgeBlossom4J 8761 CdAlene 51 f l07fast 7 93 4J Kent G 0 Blossom Seneca L Panehita 8511 CdAlene 51 f 108 slow 5 92 5 1 Bezanson G Kootenay Parlor Boy Or Kripp 8393 CdAlene 5S l00fast 8 101 2 f5J Groth G Or Blossom S Peters Delanev 6735 Juarez 51 f 1071 fast 65 109 23 21 Hill 5 Pan Zareta TheCinder Kenneth 6675 Juarez 58 1002 fast 2 107 1s I2 Hill 5 Ancestors Real Star Truly TrulyI4 6264 Lagoon 58 100 fast 95 103 I4 I4 Hill 7 Gasket Auto Run Bula Welsh Welsh3J 6199 Lagoon 58 1002 fast 5 97 3J 5 Hill 7 Mona Canomann Truly Batwa Batwaluk 6093 Lagoon 58 1003 fast 910 109 luk 2n Hill 7 Stout Heart Wheeler Daylight Daylight1s B029 Lagoon 41 f 57 hvy 31 112 1s 21 D Boland 7 Auto Run Gasket Stout Heart AMERICUS b h 5 By Tim Payne La Ccrita F E Baird K SS Butte rl f 107 hvy 18u 107 1075J Corey Par Boy PotTmore KIIanvd 9SM Butte 5J f lOSslop 3 UN 31 Corny G LPanchita Envy PofLlsmorc PofLlsmorc4s 9S3 Butto 31 f 1 OTfast S 1W 1WF 4s Cony G PStreak EIIarwood ParlBoy 973S Bujio F O lr Vifast 4 107 1075S 1 Corey s P Boy B HarwiKxl Chautlclor 9Va Butte 5S l00fast 2 106 106F 21 Corey 7 IIIarwfxMl MCauonn FFaslin 9430 Butte F C lllalow 10 106 1065S 21 Corey 7 Parlor Boy Daddy Gip Goldtttiu Goldtttiu3s 9389 Butte 5S l00slow 10 106 3s Corey 7 Envy Parlor Boy MCanomann MCanomann3nk 8K30 Blue Bon 51 f lOSfast 12 108 3nk 23 Hopkins in RMessage HBee RobtBradley 8722 Blue Bon 34 l15V5fast 10 112 421 9 J Corey 1G Spellbd Rlshtey ClotbpsBrush ClotbpsBrushink 7913 HdeGrace fi f 107 fast 10 110 1107Sfxi ink 2J Ford 10 Baytborn Nimbus Tbeo Cook Cookr 7Sfxi IlilifJniii 1 115 fast T lir r 75i Pcnniila lli AKiiIcr SttirGirt Baylborn 77s9 lldcJiracf 58 It2igood U10 107 10775C3 21 = j Wolfe S Tlirlflv llnsson CliIlDantv CliIlDantvG 75C3 Oharlestn CJ f 1 OSfast C HiS G G Scluirf G Bel tie Sue TlwrCJIH Jrosvcnor Jrosvcnory 7472 Charlesln 51 f Io7fast IGC 118 y 41 E Martin G HQIKLU irosvenor MHKubkn 74 Charlcsfn 51 f 1OS fast 135 109 21 21 Corey G Hoffman Viley Queen Bee 7415 Cliarlestn 31 f l077sfast 15 117 1171W 2 3J Corey 10 Sherwood PrAluuoil Orosvinor OrosvinorI2 1W Clwleston 55 1 laojbvy e 115 I2 12J Corey S Uerfceley Uicislon Stealaway PAHLOE BOY oh r E 115 115MSS By Deutschland Eeina de Los Angeles J Krauso MSS Butte 51 f 107 hvy 115 112 ink B McKwen 5 PofLmore Americus EHiird 9923 Butte 78 129 slow 7 IOS 22 E McEwen 7 Floral Park Cu Bon Jack Paints 9838 Butte 5i f l06fast 41 110 31 E McEwen G PStreak EIIarwood Americus 9738 Butte F C l10sfast 65 111 111964T 2n E McEwen S Americus EHarwd Chantlelor 964T Butte 34 l13fast 6 112 3J B McEwen S FPark SIrFretful ProfLismoru 9430 Butte F C lllislow 5 109 10993S9 I1 E McEwen 7 Amerleus Daddy Gip Goldftnn 93S9 Butte 5S l00slow 2 110 2 E McEwen 7 Envy Americus M Canomann 9159 CdAlene 34 l13Sfast C lOii 4ll Iorsyth G Kootenay Cantem Roslris 9092 CdAlene 5 f lOSysslop 910 115 Ink R McEwen G K Elk Cleopat Fleetg Fashion 8969 CdAlene 51 f 107 good 31 106 106S905 44J Burpame 7 Seneca O Blossom L Panchta S905 CdAlene 78 127 fast 95 IOS IOSSS42 32i Sielaff 5 Caiitem Jobn Louis Hadad SS42 CdAlene 5 f l07ifast 41 107 107S657 21 Hill G Cantem Seneca Kootenay S657 CdAlene 34 113 fast 4 107 21 Moleswh 7 Lackrose Sea Cliff Platinum 8511 CdAlene 51 f 108 slow 7 119 21 Burgame G Kootenay OrKripn FFootsteps 8443 CdAlene 34 114 fast 12 109 6 6S309 7 11 13 = JHill 13 Seneca Sea Cliff Lackrose S309 CdAlene 51 f l0644fast 6 108 4 5 41 41 Pauley 7 Seneca Truly Eliz Harwood 8236 CdAlene 34 l14hvy 2 109 1 1S205 1 2 31 E McEwen 4 Manasseh Seneca Lackrose S205 CdAlene 5J f 109 mud 165 117 1 1SIR 2 13 2ni E McEwen 7 HWalbank Tellurium VRights VRightsBy SIR FRETFUL b g 1 102 By Galveston Tillte S J J Coalter SSW Butte 51 f lOSslop 7 107 Ul Burgame G Lady Panehita Envy Americus 9737 Butte 1 l394 fast 7 IOS in Burgame S Cantem Jack Paine Bert Getty 96 W Butte 34 l13fast 15 106 2 Pauley S FlPark ParBoy Pof Lismore Lismore32i 9602 Butte 51 f l07fast S 108 32i K McEwen G LPanchita DGip PofLmore 9470 Butte 1 143 fast 2 103 10393S9 lh J Nelson 4 Cantem Cu Bon Waldo 93S9 Butte 5S l00i slow 15 103 103SS41 5J J Nelson 7 Envy Parlor Boy Amoricus SS41 CdAlene 78 l2Gfast 15 102 102S637 221 Groth S Lackrose Platinum Sea Cliff S637 CdAlene 34 113 fast 15 10U 55 Kent 7 Lackrose Parlor Boy Sea Cliff 8443 CdAlene 34 114 fast SO 103 5 12 9 7 Pauley 13 Seneca Sea Cliff Lackrose 8283 CdAlene 51 f 108 fast 85 111 4 4S206 1 11 I1 Pauley 7 Dorbie E Hamilton Voladay Jr S206 CdAlene 51 f 109 mud 20 112 2 2S037 5 42 4 i E McEwen 7 D Gip EHarwood E Hamilton S037 CdAlene 34 l14 fast 30 106 7 7 7 7 W Taylor 9 Chilla Dutch Rock Mary Emily 5848 Victoria 1 116 1502 fast 109 4 4SIMPSILLA 1 I1 I1 Plckens 7 Delmas Reene W Pof Bohemia SIMPSILLA ch g 4 98 By Sempronius Clonsilla Edmonton Stable 9955 Butte F C l10fslow 135 104 1049S71 52i Pauley 5 MrsGamp Dad Gip LPanchita LPanchitaIn 9S71 Butte F C 110 good 7 105 In Pauley G Mimorioso Goldnnn Pajaroita 9773 Butte 58 l00rast 25 107 22 Pauley S Gimli T Belle Tildy AVolffarth 4263 Vancouver 34 115 fast 107 4 3 21 21 Broadft S GPallen PofBohemia Derfleer 4075 Vancouver 78 1334 mud 113 4 r 5 533 Broadft 5 D Courage Burl P of Bohemia 4035 Vancouver 5S 1032 mud 106 6 4 31 4i Broadft 7 J Henderson Big Ike DerBinger