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STATEMENT Of the ownership, management, circulation, etc., of Daily Racing Form, published 0 times a week at Chicago", Illinois, required by the Act of August 21. Note. This statement is to be made in duplicate, both copies to be delivered by the publisher to the postmaster, who will send one copy to the lhird Assistant Postmaster General livisiou of Classl-tlcation, Washington, D. C, and retain the other in the files of the iost ollice. Editor Frank II. Brunell. Evanston. 111. Managing Editor, J. R. Jencry, Chicago, 111. Business Manager Jennie B. Brunell, Evanston, ill. Publisher Daitv Racing Form Publishing Co.. 441 Plvmouth Ct., Chicago, 111. Owners If a corKration, give names and addresses of stockholders holding 1 per-cent. or more of total amount of stock : Fralik II. Brunell, Evanston, 111. J. B. Brunell. Evanston. 111. Marlon B. Wilson, Kenilworth. 111. .. Known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders holding 1 per-cent. or more of total amount of ltonds, mortgages, or other securities: None Average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails i.r otherwise, to paid subscribers during the six mouths preceding the date of this statement this information is required from dally newspapers only, 12"4- JENNIE B. BRUNELL, Business Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of September. 1013. AMtary Public. My commission expires July 15. 1017.