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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. Communications without names and addresses will not be noticed nor answered. No answers will bo sent by mail and none by wire unless reply prepay inciitlsiuatleatfiffie S. IL. Nashville, Tenn. The winning records of Little Nephew and Pennant are: Little Nephew, jdarts. 17; won II, second 5, third 2. unplacecl 1; Winnings, 0,355. Pennant, starts, 3; all firsts; t.viJinings, .fir.,SS0. H. McG., -Norfolk, Va. .Air. Asa Stockwell of Lexington. Ky., clears up the record about place jind show mutuel tickets paying more than straight tickets. Mr. Stockwells figures agree with Daily Racing Form about a race at Lexington, Ky.. May 9, 1911, which was won bv Arcite. Mutuel tickets n the result paid .50 straight, .00 place and ?2.!I0 show.