Telegraphic Form, Daily Racing Form, 1913-12-07

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TELEGRAPHIC FORM. The horses which seem best in Sundays races are: Juarez Park Juarez, Mex., December 0. 1 Little Bit, Bashful Bettie, Christmas Daisy. 2 Ocean Queen, Buss, Ursula Emma. 3 Rose of Jeddah, Hazel C, Herpes. 4 Emerald Gem. Bird Man, Redpath. 5 Miss Sly, Gimli, Palatable. C J. W. Fuller entry, Irish Gentleman, Vested Rights. P. Clark. .The horses which seem best iu Mondays ja.ces are: Palmetto Park Charleston, S. C, December 0. 1 Pluvious. Suowitakes, Eaton. 2 Loan Shark, Kiva, Sylvestris. 3 Grosvenor, Kaliuka, Spring Maid. 4 Sir John Johnson, Theresa Gill, Wilhlte. 5 Hearthstone, Pikes Peak, Ford Mai. 0 Tom Holland, Batwa, Servleence. T. K. Lynch.

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Local Identifier: drf1913120701_2_3
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