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CHARLESTON RACING STATISTICS. During the twenty-seven racing days intervening lietween the opening of the meeting of the Charleston Kail and Racing Association at Palmetto Park. December 1 and tlie close of li:;, 1C2 races yvere inn and Si4.105 was distributed in stakes and purses. presenting a daily average of :?2,:;71.2;. In this distribution 120 owners shared and the following eightv were winners of 25 and over: Owner. 1st. M- - -1"t- Bcdwell, II. G 17 17 1" hB Taibott. .i. o i- i -i:,jJ HoLaml. J. I 1 . :.i7i lievtrwyck Stable - - Walker. W : L Carman. R. F ., -Lr Weber. A 1 Adair and Baker - 1 .-; Colton. M. A 4 - 1 2 Hedrick, J. W - : LJ Ziinmef. J. 51 4 4 .. 1.1... Wortliington. C. T. 1 0 1.19 Baker, G. C 5 1 !. Mcore, 51,1 :; 1 ;; t lirown, F. E - - V0? Strode, J. A - Frey. Mrs. W. II 2 2 4 .Si.j Yankc, W. G. - 2 1 Spiet. C. A 2 5 2 S;..j ioode, J. M - - Trotter. E. - - - 40 McCarren, J. 11 1 5 4 i2. Bvrne, .1. P 0 57o Oipen, A. M - - 33 Kunz, S. II Bills. C - J Tyrce. J. S 2 1 KlO i Tennessee Stable 0 .". ;.!t0 Marion, L 1 : 2 ... i Green, J. M. W. 2 0 2 ;nu i Sheedy, T. F 2 1 2 500 Odoui. J. D. 2 1 1 o2. Gibson. J. A 1 0 0 i OBricn, T. W 2 1 0 ..00 Brown. T. .7 1 4 2 500 Sweeney, J. F 1 2 2 500 Kirwan, Mrs. AV. A 1 2 1 490 Joplin, A. R - 1 Day, G. J 450 Haniol. E. J 2 -50 Musante. F 2 0 0 4o0 Davis. N. B 1 1 440 Tyson, Miss E. A 1 2 1 4 lo Mizell. W. R 1 1 " -110 Mahoney. J. E - 1 1 1 55So Cohen, M. B 1 - 2 .175 Penny. IT 1 :"J Malone. A 0 - 1 -l- McBride, E 1 - 0 Abeam, D. J 1 1 0 .to0 Geiger, G. H 1 - "2.. Phillips, P 12 0 ..-jo McGrayv, E. J 1 1 2 ..2j Brown, R. A. 1 1 1 -3 Crump, E 1 1 1 -J Gallaher, P 1 1 Hissell. G. W. J 1 1 1 : 10 Grefer, F. J 0 U 1 ;0 Messervy. J. W 0 2 1 -U0 Burttschell. J. 0 1 1 1 300 Marrone. Miss A. M 1 1 1 00 Gorin, IL B 1 0 :: M0 Most, L 0 1 295 Moore. E. W 1 7 --0 Clarkson, F 1 X 0 275 Johnson. J. P -1 1 0 2.o Kohrman, J 1 1 0 - Adrians, L 1 0 , 2 275 Brollier. D. A 1 0 2 275 Paul. J. Ia 1 0 3, 275 Buscher. J. II 1 0 1. 259 Grifliu, J 1 0 1 250 Ross. S 1 0 1 . 250 Sheehan, Mrs. T 1 0 1 250 Real. N K 0 2 2.".5 Darby, J. W I 0 o 225 Haymaker. R. V 1 0 0 v225 Nichols, J. H 1 0 0 i5 Ridge, G. E 1 0 0 223 Vititoe. D 1 0 0 25 Continued ou second page. v i i i i J 1 ! ! ! ! ! ; 1 - 5 - . v CHARLESTON RACING STATISTICS. Continued from lirst page. Of 200 horses that were placed the following 11" were winners of 25 and over: , Horse. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Donald Macdonald 2 0 1 .01.1 Riiisiins o o i.os.. Tarts 2 0 0 1...2.J , Dartworth 2 1 1 l,.2,i Theresa Jill 1 0 0 l.luO - Joe Deibold 3 1 1 L0 Marshon 3 1 1 l.Oio Cov 4 0 1 1.010 Over the Sands :: 0 1 1.000 Ladv Lightning 2 4 1 DOo Dr. Waldo Briggs :: 1 1 010 Sir John Johnson 1 2 1 SjO 1 P.rave Cunarder 2 2 1 10 Chattier 2 t 1 700 i Rightcasy 3 1 1 i 1 Ancon 3 1 0 r- . : Servieence 2 2 3 iOO l . Deposit 2 2 1 000 i Trade Mark 3 0 0 "i i Viley O O 57. . Merry Lad 2 1 2 i Star Actress 2 0 0 0i. Master Jim 2 2 0 0-L . Pa i d tier 1 5 0 u. Ann Tilly 2 3 1 02. Munoeacy 2 0 0 bl.j 1 Loretta Dwyer 2 2 0 Olo Kiiimundy 2 1 0 W;j 1 Chilton King - 0 0 2L 1 Rve Straw V. 1 0 m.i Deduction J- 0 2 -jj Feather Duster . 2 o 0 . 1 Chas. Cannell 2 1 2 .mO ! Outlau .S. 12 2 ..oO . Robert Rradley 2 1 1 o40 Laura yf. 2 1 1 io 1 Reno st 2 1 1 o2o Mycenae 2 0 ..2u Aniencus . - 1 y JJJJ 1 Dastante .... 2 10 .jG; 1 Pluvious . .... 2 1 0 i00 1 L. 1L Adair 1 2 1 400 1 Aguier ! 2 O 0 -l.i 1 Dr. Ke;Vdall 2 0 0 4..0 1 l ord lai 2 0 O 4..0 1 rvuK Hudson 2 0 0 45 1 Lace 2 0 0 4..0 ! Diupiesne 1 J - 1 Earl of Savoy 1 2 - 4iu ! Linbrook 1 - " p.ob r i ; i -H- Lochie! 1 1 -J Samuel R. Meyer 1 0 1 4-. Wilhite 1 j-; Ralph Lloyd t f 410 Celesta Ill 410 Sherlock Holmes 1 3 J -J00 Prince Ahmed 1 1 ;1 Behest 1 " : Toddling 1 Supreme 1 1 1 0 OKI Pen 1 1 V B! Lost Fortune 1 I 1 .; Amoret 1 - - l.ulgarian 1 - - ;;PJ Cliff Maid 1 2 2 Brvnliinah 1 " Ll Ella P.ryson 1 0 0 L2 Carlton O 2 1 Rillie Raker - 1 - " Winning Witch 1 1 :j-J Cold Cap 1 - Warbler 1 :;. Tom Holland 1 - ! Kalinka 7 T Couuterpart JJ l ;;;;-J AI Jones 1 - Hearthstone 1 h - Prince Chap J - n J y-l Ruisseau To "- Rig Dipper 1 1 - Loan Shark 1 Young Emblem 1 1 1 .T- Jolm Turlong J - Cliarlestonian - : Coreopsis J ;; :;; 1 0 Prigs Rrother J Colonel Ashmeade - IJwah 1 n;! Miss Cayle 1 1 Runway 1 1 J -JL Flora 1 Park r- Camellia 1 1 J ri- Scrcnata j 1 -PJ Tomboy 1 J " .-."J Hareourt 1 J n Helen M 1 "JJ .- Veneta Strome J - P.riar Path 1 0 1 20 Sherwood 0 1 1 -.J Ratwa J 1 Platlmsh 1 J I-ision 1. 1 John Mnrrs 1 J Michaael Angelo J -jO Sir Denrah 1 g 1 Dick Dcadwood 0 2 -4" uXtltX 0 Rat Mnsterson " Hish Class 1 JJ JJ Little Ep 1 J1. " o, Luria J ., 1 " Sir Marion r.or Stealaway 1 JJ JJ .-.V- Terra Rlanco 1 u u o T McTaggart piloted more winners than any other ioekey with M. Ruxton second. The record of the jeekevs who rode one or more winners follows: .Tockev. Mts. 1st. 2d. T.d. Unp. P.C. McTaggart. J IE! ii Ruxton. M - , Deronde. 1 1; 1 1 J- -J; Ooose. R 4; H ,S H "n if 10 11 M .1 Martin. E 01 10 ; Turner. C 4 !. Neander. R 4f. 0 0 0 .1.. Waldron. R 1; ? i 1? Vo 1 14 .1J Rurlingame, C 1 j - Sumter. H 24 4 0 2 IS .1 Ryrne, C, 20 4 j. 13 .U Nathan. M "0 r rl -J McCahey. J ."52 4 0 1 - Doyle, W "0 4 4 . 21 .10 Pickett. R 20 :: J 4 12 .1.. Corey, G 2.". : 1 IS .1- Callahan. J :!0 :. 1 20 .OS Ward. W ."0 :: 10 4 42 .0.. Campbell. J. 2 1 1 .22 Keogh, P 15 2 O 2 11 .1.5 Wolfe. H Jfi 2 1 " 10 12 Rightmlre. V 2. 2 y 2 10 .08 Hanover. J AT, 2 2 2 20 .00 Mclntyre. J 0 1 0 .. .1. Rorel. C 0 1 2 1 -H Williams. J 10 1 1 0 8 .10 Krarli. J ...10- 1 0 2 i .10 Murphy. V 12 I 4 4 .05 Deavenport, .T IT. 1 O S .Oi Davis. 1 J 1 -j Oberr. W ...21 1 2 2 1. , .0., Nlcklaus. A ...22 1 2 1 IS .Oo , , - i i 1 . : l . i i . . 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 ! Tlie following placed, but failed to win: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. od.Unp. Class, .1 IS 0 7 2! Randolph. F 14 0 :! 1 10 Skirvin, 11 20 O 4 10 Paulev. II 0 0 2 0 4 Fail-brother, C S O 2 1 Ratter. J 7 0 2 0 7, Scharf. E IS 0 12 1.", Connelly. D 0 0 1 1 7 , Miller, C 7 i 0 2 r, Ferguson. A 0 0 0 1 r Purns. fi S 0 0 1 7 Watkins, R S o 0 1 7 Alley, E in o o l 14 The following hail mounts to the number shown and failed to place: Jockey. Mts. Jockey. Mts. Audress. W 1 Hiupliy. II 5 Rresch, U 2 Jenkins, F ;! Chappell, II 4 Keams. J 1 Connor, R 2 Louusherry. W 1 Goose. W 2 Pickens, A 0 Grand. C .". Radtke. H 1 Henry, J o Suiythe, J 7 The record of the trainers who saddled one or more , winners follows: Trainer. Wins. Trainer. Wins. Arthur. J 1 Marshall, II S Raird, P. E 2 .May. J. W 1 Raker W. II S McCallerty. J. J. ... 2 Redwell. H. U 10 McCoulskey. H :: Rluine, 1 1 McPherson. J 2 Rlute. J I Miller. D. P. 1 Dray. F. M 2 Moore. E. W 2 Erooks. W 1 Morton, G. II 2 Drown, P. E .: Musante, F 2 Drown. P. J t Nichols. J. II 1 P.uckner. W. II 2 Pangle. J. W 1 Rurke. W. E. 1 Paul. J. L 1 Rurns. M t Penny, II 1 P.uittschell, .1. 0 1 Perkins. W ."i Rurttschell. W. A. .. I Phillips. J :: Carman, R. F 4 Powers, R. J 1 Colton, E. T I Ridge, G. M I Edwards, J 1 Shanuon, H 1 Garson. J 1 Shannon. J. J 1 Gass, J 1 Shields, W 4 Geiger. G. II 1 Spiers, W. J 7 Goode, J. M :: Strode, J. A 4 Haymaker. 1 1 Tauber, L 2 House, W. S 12 Trotter. E - Jones, P. II 2 Walker, Wm 0 Joplin. W. 0 2 Ward, J. S 4 Kellv, M. C 2 Wilkerson, E 1 Kunz, S. II 2 Ziegler. G " Malone, A 1 Zimuier, A 5 Marlman. G. II 1 The following stakes were decided: Stake,, Winner. Value. Fort Sumter Inaugural Handicap. December l; Theresa Gill 1,1. 10 Argyle Hotel Handica- December 0; Ring- Ung 1,M0 St. Johns Hotel Selling Stakes, December 10; Donald Macdonald SCO Jasper Handicap. December K!; Tarts 1,1.10 Fort Moultrie Selling Stakes, December 17; Dartworth 00 Mount Pleasant Handicap. December 20: Dentil d Macdonald 1.1-10 Christmas Handicap, December 21: Kingling. 1 The percentage of winning favorites ran ijuite a bit above normal, as shown in the following tabu- kit ion: Number of days 27 Number of races P2 Winning lirst choices Winning second choices Winning outsiders y - Winning at odds-on Defeated at odds-on 0 Percentage of winning favorites 41 The Palmetto Park track was not as fast this season as it was last winter and none of the track records has been reduced so far. The track marks for the various distances, revised to date, are as follows: Dist. Horse. A.Wt. Date. Time. 1-4 Rubv IIyams.2 114 Feb. 5. 1913 :24 2 1-2 f Nash Cash. ..2 112 Feb. .1. 1012 :20b ::-S South. Shore2 11:: Feb. S. 1012 :andand 3 1-2 f Miss Gayle..2 115 March 12. 1913.. :42 1-2 Forward 2 103 March 2. 1012... Ai-h 4 1-2 f Forward 2 10S March 27. 1012... :.14 3-S Jack Kellogg3 115 Jan. 31. 1913 ....1:01 Rr. Cunarder2 115 Dec. 0, 1013 1:01 5 1-2 f Caugh Hill. .4 100 April 2, 1012 l:0i ::-4 Caugh III1I.. 4 113 April 0. 1012 1:12 0 1-2 C Caugh Hill. .5 120 Feb. 11. 1913 1:20 7-S Carlton G. . .0 10G March 14. 1013.-1:27 1 Kormak 4 10; Feb. 7. 1912 1:40VS lni70vdsDr. Duenner.4 100 April 1. 1012 ...1:45 1 1-10 John Furlongj 111 April 17, 1912 ...1:47 John Furlong.l 110 April 10. 1012 ...1:47 1 1-S Guv Fisher. .0 110 April 3, 1912 1:54 1 1-4 Jawbone ...3 113 April 0. 1012 2:0Si,i 1 1-2 O. the Sands.:, 104 Dec. 20. 1913 ...2:43