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CHARLESTON ENTRIES. o I The figures under tho heading "Rec." in the I entries below show tho best time of each horse I at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter I where it finished. In cases where record was I made on other than a fast or good track, abbre-I viations show track conditions. 3 u Probabilities; Weather clear; track good. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race 3-4 Mile. 3-yoar-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 18091:12 1113. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 1302.1 Rlaek Chief 100 1:13 7 107X72.1 12900 Sylvestris 10.1 1:12 7 105720 120S0 Premier 105 1 ;i3 0 112XT15 130.12 Viley 101 1:12 5 107X711 90209 Ronnie Kelso 8 112x715 130.13 Camel 105 1:13 8 11.1x710 1302.1 Votes 10! 1:13 4 107X710 130O.1 Queed 107 1:1.1 4 109 X 710 13010 Relle Tcrre 3 9.1X710 13030 Seini-iuaver 103 1:14 0 115x7i0 13030 Pluvious 110 1:11 0 110X710 13000 Ranjo Jim 1001:18 3 97.. 701 12023 Jennie Wells 101 1:14 10 110X700 13010 Castaia M 90 1:17 3 05X095 13001 Dicks Pet 100 l:1Sm 3 95X09Q Second Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 1SC9 1:12 4 113. 13024 Cieni Reacbey 99 1:13 7 107x72.1 12737 Toison dOr Ill 1:13 S 107X720 12922 Question Mark 10S 1 :14 ! 112x71.1 13021 Tony W 112 1:13 8 112x715 13030 No .Manager 105 1:10 3 97X710 1297.1 Scarlet Pimpernel . 91 1:14 0 115X710 13010 Lady Innocence ... 3 90X705 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A Wt.Hau. 13021 Robby Cook 115 1:14 8 107 700 13001 Toinbov 10O 1:17 3 95.. 700 12749 Our Nugget 109 1:1.1 7 110x095 13024 Skcets los 1:18 4 109 x. 01 15 12795 Yankee Pooh 117 1:10 7 112.. 090 12980 Auto .Maid 105 1:13 5 110x00 12982 Lady Etna 107 1:19 7 110. 090 12974 Elsewhere 99 1:14 5 110090 Third Race 1 1-16 Miles, ".-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: 1950 1:47 5 111. 12S29f Donald Macdonald .110 1:40 8 11S7.10 12985f Dartworth Ill 1:47 0. 109 x 745 12S0 Kalinka 109 1:40 4 100.. 715 12901 Republican 122 1:4Sm 5 1108710 129S5- Rrynlimab 98 1:48 4 103x710 13027 Joe Deibold 102 1:40 .1 108x735 1301.1$ Pardner 109.1:40 5 102 x 73.1 1292.1t I.ocbiel 102 1:4.1 0 100 735 12901 John Furlong lo7 1:44 7 102x71,0 t.L L. Holland entry, ill. G. Redwell entry. Fourth Race 1 Mile. Isle of Palms Selling Stakes. Value ,200. 3-vear-olds and upward. Track record: 124S 1:40 1103. 12S29tD 0 N A L D MACDONALD 113 1:38, 8 11507.10 129S5fDartworth 110 1:40 0 113 x 740 1301.1 Winning Witch ...110 1:38 .1 109 x 750 12901 P.oli R 10.11:3! 7UIK725 1301.1 Pardner 108 1:40 .1 110 - 721 13014 Dangerous March.. 107 1:39 7 111x720 13037 Diupiesne 103 1:41 7 109720 12.117 Czar Michael 3 104 715 f.1. L. Holland entry. Fifth Race 1 Mile. 3-year-ohls and upward. Selling. Track reeord: 12481:40 1 103. 13029 Linbrook 102 1:43 I 108 725 12938 Ralph Lloyd 90 1:41 4 103x720 13029 Golden Treasure. . .115 1:41 O 113x71.1 i 12971 Pollv II lot 1:12 3 95x715 V 13029 Dr. Dougherty 94 1:40 7 109x710 13001 Pattv Regan 93 l:45s 3 89x710 13050 Floral Crown Ill 1:4.1 .1 112x700 12970 Jezail 99 1:45 3 100 x 700 13024 Willis 107 1:44 4 107X09.1 13041 Flask 92 1:40 3 SO x 090 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 3 year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. S .Track record: 12831 1 :43 1110. 13003 Earl of Savov 108 1:44 4 100X72.1 13029 Outlan 103 l:47m 0 105X720 12902-- Mvcenae 90 1:42 5 101x720 12938 Ralph Lloyd 102 1:45 4 101x715 13029 Master Jim 10! 1 :47in .1 10tx"715 13005 Rig Dipper 105 1:18m 4 9SX710 13037 Jabot 0 10o710 12705 Rrando 5 9S.. 700