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FLOMNCE ROBERTS WINNER JOHN LOWES MARE CARRIES 116 POUNDS TO VICTORY IN JALAPA HANDICAP. Beats Scarlet Oaks in Driving Finish Useeit, Favorite, Is Unplaced as Result of Interference Entries for Juvenile Stakes. 171 Paso, Tex.. January 11. The Jalapa Handicap, a live and one half furlongs sprint, was won at Juarez today liy John Lowe consistent mare. Florence Roberts, in a hard drive with Scarlet Oaks. The favorite, Useeit, failed to place, the cause being that she suffered from repeated interference during tlie early running of the race. Again the halter men were active. Fool o Fortune w::s bid up from 00 to liy .Mrs. L. Delaney. the raiing partner of S. .1. Kellev. Lowcen was bid up from 00 to 00 by Walter S. Heath and then to ,000 liy It. G. .Martin, who bought her. Iki Sinner made Ids reappearance today and claimed Ilasson out of the second race for 00. Jockey Ford was suspended for live days for rough riding. Jockey Joe Kederis arrived from .San Francisco this morning and will be seen in the saddle in the near future. Tile horse Henry Ritio. owned by V. F. Knebcl-k:ii;ip, died today of bowel trouble, lie was insured by Lkyds for 1,500. Tue complete list of the entries for the four two-year-old stakes to be run at Juarez between now and the elese of the present scasmi follows: Senoritas Stakes, 00 Added. lor miles two years old; 0 to accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start: added, of which 25 to second and to third. Winners of three races other than selling to carry 7 pounds ctra. .Maidens allowed 5 pounds. Three and one-half furlongs. To he run Suiidav. Januarv 25. lSlnekford. G. 1.. .Silver Blossom, ch. f, bv Mee-lick Dona Hamilton: .Meelicka, ch. f. by Meelick jhisswced. Butler, James Gypsy, br. f. by lien l.rush Ruu-away Girl; Ambrosial. 1. f, by Voter -Aiiihrosine: lilt. her. l.r. f. by Voter Stepping Stone; Vicars Dacg.itor, ch. f, bv Superman Olcvia. I lancy. W. C Black Welles, blk. f. bv Dick Welles Marioni. Car. I. E. Charity Ward. b. f, by Luck and Charity Ollie Ward: .Mamie V.. eh. f, by Luck and Charity Miss 1auiuiire. Clayton, J. D. I.ady Capricious, b. f. by Marta Haitn Roberta Hiinyar I.ass. br. f, by .Marta Santa Maude Feaiy. Dupee and Bender June Bride, ch. f, by Salvation Colonia. Farmer, .Mrs. M. R. Cugrail. ch. f. bv Cunard Grr 11. Furgersoii, J. J. Marion Rose II.. ch. f. by ISear-tatehor- -.Marion Kose. Ilaiubrhk. IS. II. Smile Wood, gr. f. by Atkins ILnds Around. Livingston. Jefferson Blue Uacer, ii. f, by I.lues Reseda; Marie OBrien, b. f. by Cesarion Sneer-w II ; .Sanderling. blk. f, by Kock Sand Selina I. Newman. J. F. and Son Joselina Zarate, cli. f. by Abe Frank Minyoii; Rebecca, b. f, bv Abe Frank Aid Kan. 0C;iiii:H. E. J. Anna Hose, ch. f. by Marta Santa Vanessa. Quiulan iV Higel Earbarita, br. f, by Financier M-s. Nugent. S.ilt, E. .1. Lady Benzol, b. f. by Galveston t hire Duncan; Lady Ilammil, b. f, by Galveston AVnnetka. Speiiee. K. Commaurelta, blk. f, by The Commoner Annie Lauretta. Tramniell .t Gray Glen Dell, ch. f, by Withers Nina Owens. an Gorden, G. Lois V., eh. f, by Reformation Motto. Veiller. S. Ktlle May, b. f. by Marta Santa Damo; Flossie, ch. f. by Boanerges Amelia Gerst, Weir, 1". D. Ida, br. f, by Ieep oDay Hanover-ln Busy Edith, b. f. by Yankee Busy Maid: Dai y Stevens, br. f, by Stalwart Ariadne: Miss Fielder, ch. f. by Prince of Melbourne Dainty. Yucatan Stakes, 5500 Added. l or colts and geldings two years old; 0 to ae-eoii.,iany the nomination: 5 additional to start: 00 added, of which 2." to second and ."i to tl id. Winners of three races other than selling to carry 7 pounds extra. Maidens allowed 5 pounds. I i fee and one-half furlongs. To be run Sunday. 1 ruar.v s. Blackford. G. L. Vampire, ch. c, by Meelick Paschal: Deir-ro. ch. c. by .Meelick Gay and Fes-t v : Meelinkie. b. e, by Meelick Lady Winkle. Butler, .lames Superhuman, ch. g. by Superman Deity; Last Coin, b. c. by Ultimas Half Crown; Ar-ple." ch. g. by Hippodrome -Forbidden Fruit. Clark. I. E. Lukemae. b. g. by Luke Ward Jessie Mae; Easter Boy, ch. g. by Luke Ward Pan-lita. Dupee and Bender .Milton Earlier, ch. C, by Salvation- Cliico. Ferris. J. C. Viander. ch. c. by Sir Huon Glo-vina; Liuihus, b. e, by S"ir Huon Onadere. Fitzgerald, E. L. Dr. Cann. blk. e, by Cesariou Uuth Parrish. Highnote, John 15. A. Jones, b. g, by Blues Zella Knight. Livingston. Jefferson Tod Cook. ch. c, by Peter Quince---Anna Loretta Daly; Ed Howard, b. g, by Cesarion Line of Life; bay coll, by Peep oDay Dividend. McLemore, W. Hay, br. c, by Leonid Dolly llaynian. Newman. J. F. and Son Bens Brother, b. c, by The Irishman Bessie Bisland; Doctor Gatlin, ch. c. by Abe Frank Hindoo Queen. OConnell. E. J. General Villa, ch. c, by Marathon Lucille. - -Print-ess Parke. O. G. Chestnut colt, by Meelick Pearl Barnes. Ripley, It. Teulane, b. g. by Atkins Princess Tulane. Trammel I and Gray AVahaloty, br. c, by Withers - Elsie Howard: Art Fornhani, b. c, by Abe Frank Chian Belle: Favorite Article, b. c, by Abe Frank Whisper Low. Weir, F. 1. Moi, b. e. by Mexican Eastern Shore; Tower, b. g. bv " Ogden or Kiug Hanover Lambent; Typo. b. e. In- Siirl"ton Typical; Breezer. b. c, by St. Savin Belle Swift. Mexican Stakes Selling, 500 Added. For two-vear-olds; 0 to accompany the nomination; .", additional to start: 00 added, of which 25 to second and 5 to third. The winner to be sold bv auction for ,500; if fcr less, 1 pound allowed for each 00 to ,000, then 2 pounds for each 00 less to 00. Winners of a stakes not to he entered for less than ,500. Starters, witli the k selling price, to bo named through the entry box at the usual hour of closing, the day preceding the race, and those so named will be liable for the starting fee. Half mile. To be run Sunday, February 22. Blackford, G. L. Silver Blossom, ch. f, by Meelick Dona Hamilton: Dengro. ch. e. hy Meelick Guy and Festive; Vampire, ch. c, by Meelick Paschal: Meelicka, ch. c. by Meelick Glassweed. Butler. James Apple, ch. g, by Hippodrome Forbidden Fruit: Mind the Paint, ch. f. by Superman Geisha: Skip, b. f. by Delhi Skim; Ambrosial, b. f, by Voter Ambroslne. Clancy. W. C Black Welles, blk. f, by Dick-Welles Marioni. Clark. I. E. Mamie V.. ch. f. by Luck and Charity Miss Panmure; Charity Ward, b. f, by Luck riid Charity Ollie Ward: Lukemae. b. g. bv Luke Ward Jessie Mae; Easter Boy. eh. g. bv Luke Ward Panlita. Clayton. .1. D. Lady Capricious, b. f, by Marta Santa Roberta Lee. Dupee and Bender June Bride, ch. f, by Salvation Colonist: Milton Barber, ch. c. by Salvation Cliico; chestnut colt, by Salvation Illusion. Farmer, Mrs. M. R. Cugrail, ch. f, bv Cunard Grail. Ferris, J. C. Linibus, b. c, by Sir Huon Onadere. Field Bros. Virginia Field, ch. f, by Ormondale Rose Pompom. Fitzgerald, E. L. Brown colt, by St. Savin Bobbinet. Fizer. W. II.- Bay colt, by Pink Coat Xell Olin. Furgersoii. J. J. .Marion Rose II., ch. f, by Bear-catcher Marion Rose. Iliglmote. John B. A. Jones, b. g, bv Rues Zella Knight. Livingston, Jefferson Ed Howard, b. g, bv Cesariou Line of Life; Blue Racer, b. f. bv Blues-Reseda; bay colt, by Peep oDay Dividend. McDaniel, II. Ida Cuinmiugs, ch. f, by Marta Santa Francisca. Newman, .1. F. and Son Doctor Gatlin, ch. c, by-Abe Frank Hindoo Queen: Rebecca, b. f. bv Abe Frank Add Kan; Joselina Zarate, ch. f, by Abe Frank Minyon. OConnell, E. J. Ana Rose, ch. f, by Marta Santa Vanessa: General Villa, ch. c, by Marathon Princess Lucille. Parke. O. G. Chestnut colt by Meelick Pearl Barnes. Ripley, R. Teulane, b. g, by Atkins Princess Tulane. Salt, E. J. Lady Hauimil, b. f, by Galveston Winnetka. Spence. K.-i-Comniauretta. blk. f, by The Commoner Annie Lauretta. Timberlake, C. Asa Herndon, ch. g. by Blues Miss Van Winkle. Tramniell and Gray AVahaloty, br. c, by Withers Elsie Howard; Art Fornhani, b. c. bv Abe Frank Chian Belle; Glen Del, ch. f. by Withers Nina Owens; Favorite Article, b. c, by Abe Frank Whisper Low. Van Gorden, G. Lois V., ch. f, bv Reformation Motto. Veiller, S. Flossie, ch. f. by Boanerges Amelia Gerst: Eflie May. b. f, by Marta Santa Damo. Weir. F. D. Daisy Stevens, br. f, br Stalwart Ariadne; Yale, ch. g. by Yankee Hazing; Busy Edith, b. f. by Yankee Busy Maid: Tower, b. g, by Ogden or King Hanover Lambent. Supremo Stakes, 00 Added. For two-year-olds; 0 to accomoanv the nomination: 5 additional to start; 00 added, of which 25 to second- and 5 to third. Winners of a stakes 5 pounds extra; non-winners of three races allowed " ikjuihIs; two races, 5 pounds; maidens, 10 pounds. Half mile. To be run Sunday, March 15. Blackford, G. L. Silver Blossom, ch. f. by Meelick Dona Hamilton: Dengro, ch. c, bv Meelick Gav and Festive: Vampire, ch. c, by Meelick Paschal; Meelinkie. b. c, by Meelick Ladv Winkle. Butler, James Supremacy, br. f. by ITltlmus Chancerv; Apple, ch. g, by Hippodrome Forbidden Fruit; Last Coin, b. c, by Ultimus Half Crown; Climber, br. f, by Voter Stepping Stone. Clancy. W. C. -Black Welles, blk. f, by Dick Welles Marioni. Clark. I. E. Mamie V., ch. f. bv Luck and Charity Ilss Panmure; Charity Ward, b. f. bv Luck and Charity Ollie Ward: Lukemae. b. g, by Luke Ward Jessie Mae; Easter Bov, ch. g, bv Luke Ward Panlita. Dupee and Bender Milton Barber, ch. c. by Salvation Chico; June Bride, ch. f, by Salvation Co-lonia; chestnut colt, by Salvation Illusion. Farmer, Mrs. M. It. Cugrail, ch. f. by Cunard Grail; Joe Roessler, ch. c, by Marathon Flash of Lightning. Ferris, J. C Viander, eh. c, by Sir Huon Glo-vina. Fitzgerald. E. L. Dr. Cann. blk. c. by Cesariou Ruth Parrish: brown colt, bv St. Savin Bobbinet. Fizer. AV. II. Bav colt, bv Pink Coat Nell Olin. Fnrgerson, J. J. Marion Rose II., ch. f, hy Bear-catcher Alarion Rose. Ilambrick, B. H.Sudie AVood. br. f, by Atkins-Hands Around; Jessie Ilambrick, ch. f. by Atkins Dora AVood. Highnote. John B. A. Jones, b. g. by Blues Zella Knight. Livingston, Jefferson Tod Cook. ch. e, by Peter Quince Anna Loretta Daly: Marie OBrien, b. f, by Cesariou Sneerwell; Blue Racer, b. f, by Blues Reseda: Sanderling, blk. f, by Rock Sand Selina T; bav colt, bv Star Shoot Ethel Lee. McLemore, AV. Hay, br. c, by Leonid Dolly nay-man. Newman, J. F. and Son Don Cortez, br. c, by St. Savin Alma Gardia: Bens Brother, b. c, by The Irishman Bessie Bisland. OConnell. E. J. Anna Rose, ch. f. by Marta Santa Aranessa: General Ailla, ch. c, by Marathon Princess Lucille. Parke, O. G. Chestnut colt, by Meclick Pearl Barnes. Ripley, It. Teulane, b. g, by Atkins Princess Tulane. Salt. E. J. Lady Benzol, b. f, by Galveston Clare Duncan. Spenee. K. Coinuiauretta, blk. f, by The Commoner Annie Lauretta. Tramniell and Gray Wahaloty, br. c, by Withers Elsie Howard: Art Fornham. b. c, by Abe Frank Chian Belle: Favorite Article, h. c, by Abe Frank Whisper Low; Glen Dell, ch. f, by Withers Nina Owens. Aan Gorden, G. Jack Hit tier, ch. g, by General Roberts Rose Cherry. " AVeir. F.- I. Mex, b. c. by Mexican Eastern Shore; Tower, b. g, bv Ogden or King nanover Lambent; Tyne, b. c. by Singleton Tyjdcal: Miss Fielder, ch. "f, by Prince of Molbourne-Dainty.