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STAKE IS HOTLY CONTESTED SIR EDGAR WINS JUVENILE EVENT AT PALMETTO PARK BY NARROW MARGIN. R. F. Carman Complains to the Stewards of Manner in Which One of His Horses Was Recently Ridden by Jcekey Byrne. 1mrli-sli.ii, S. .. January 2S. The Aik.-n Stakes, v. 1110 ."SI. "id. for two-year-elds, three and :i lial! uirloiigs, which featured iliis afternoons ran! at P-iln-i-to Park, developed into a rattling contest, uiiii the iml I J ii Sir Kdgnr winding tip a ln-ail in advance if Idiola. and the latlo.- a nose in f.-oni i Electrician. Tin- placed lrii particinatcd in an i -plioiially hard slivt-h drive and practically ran i evi-n lernis throughout tin last furlong. Sir Edgar was the favorite and jockey Picketts superior lhishiiig aldlity proved a big factor in the victory. .Joi-lii .v .1. Mol aggart. who has been riding indii"-f-rii:tl.v during the past week. t!:U a brace this ,: ft i moon ;ind piloted the winners of three races. -i Il.nsii. which wen the handicap at live and a milf furlong from ;i omek hand. lie showed rare ;I, .1? and drove his moon; through a small opening .i liii- slivtch turn. s.-i much ground and ultimately -ii;iliIiiiic him to win. faugi: Hill and Wil-hite. Iwitli inh-ndcil as "go,i things." ran disappointingly. Imi Wilhilc might liave been closer up wilh more energetic handling. Tw other riders whose efforts came in for criticism were .Martin and Skirvin. who rode Deduction and .lacoh Ilium, in the third race, which was won liv Kve Straw, the f.!o;!ti. following Water Lads sudden improvement in winning tin- opening dash. It. V. Carman coniplaincd t i lie stewards in regard to the had ride the horse i;id received in a lornier start when ridden by jncki v Byrne. The stewanis intend to prohe into ill ittcr. Owner Carman neglected to hack Wain I. ad this ariernoon. In:t snnportod him liher-al.v in his preceding start. .Ioek y l.iiidsev is the latest come hack" and hi.; V ap;-iraiKe In the saddle on Jczail. liis lirst mount h.r-. the signal for applause. He linished third a lng odds and later piloted Master Jim ;o a n si victory In the closing dash. Jockey War:?, on Itillie linker, which linished second in" this facte, bought he had won and the making of some impertinent remark ahout the placing brought him a h n days suspension from the stewards. At a conference last night between the track tnan-:ig s and layers, it was agreed hy the latter t- prorate the ring at ,000 daily. Fourteen layers were ii line this afternoon and the cost of operation for ui-li was ;.5I more than formerly. The ring will continue open and reputalile layers will he welcome to draw in at any time. Iln weather was again ideal and a large crowd witn sscd the sport. The success of most of the icst hacked horses was attended hy hig losses to the layers. . A. Iiiaut-hi today sold Yellow Flower, hy Nas-iimiiini Pink Rose, to X. 15. Davis. May Shaw asay also he sold to the same- owner. Donald Macdonald and Dartworth. in the J. L. Hi Hand string, will gel a respite from racing and ay not start again during this meeting. his mornings work-outs at Palmetto Park in-ih.l.-d the following: Celesta -Half mile in 5lK-.. Charlestoiiian Three-quarters in l:lfi2f Coreopsis Quaxtor mile in -Hi-.. Czar Michael Thrce-iuartors in 1:JS. Elsie Horiidon Throe-quarters in l:!.. Fathom -Half mile in 51-. Frog Three-quarters in 1:20. Grosvrnor Three-quarters in l:li. Htuotic Three-quarters in 1 :lSi. Indolence Seven-eighths in 1 : lr.. Joe Stein Three-quarters in l:lS:jf.. Lord Wells Throe-quarters in 1:1!!. Palanquin Three-quarters in 1 : ISf.. Pluvious Three-quarters in 1 :-l"7f.. Raleigh P. I. Three-quarters in 1:21. Uighteasy Quarter mile in Hi";;,. Saeklcti;n Throe-quarters in IMS. White Wool Throe-quarters in 1:10.