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POSTBOY NOT IN THE GRAND NATIONAL. Entries to the Liverpool Craud National Steeleehase and also to a manlier of other less valuable, lint still important, jumping races, were made public 1-riday. January Hi. On this side it was expected that A. S. Cochrans crack Irish steeplechaser, Io tboy, would ligure in tlie nominations, but his name docs not appear in any list, except that of the Iaiieashire .Steeplechase at .Manchester. Whether this means that Postboy is to be brought back for more siasaniiig racing in this conn try or not. it certainly shows that it was deemed the part of wisdom to wait for a year longer before trying for tile diflie.tlt honors of the Crand National with him The value of thf race has been raised to 0,000 this year, but the entries were one less than in 11 lit. numbering G2 now as against ti.! then. Concerning this years nominations "Augur" saiil in Ioudon Sporting Life of January 10: "A cause for great satisfaction is the appearance of Ills .Majestys Twelfth Lancer, and it is sincerely to be hoped that the horse will be well enough on the day to take part in the contest. There is a probability. I understand, that both the king and jueen will be present at the meeting as the guests of Lord Derby, ami it would be a tine thing for everyone concerned, and for the sport generally, were tlie royal colors to bo carried to success. It will lc recalled that King EM ward, when Prince of Wales, won the race in 1000 witli Ambush II. Twelfth Lancer is tit Iioyston under the charge of .Mr. P. Whitaker, who supports the royal condidate with Axle Pin and Carrlgrue. tlie property of Lord Derby: Lord Rivers, whicli belongs to Iiaron do Forest: treat Cross, owned by .Major Cliff; Ilugo-ntart, the property of .Mr. II. La Montague, and Kory OMore. his own horse. It will lie seen from these that the Koyston contingent are a formidable lot. and one or more of them will be well fancied before the day. "Perhaps the only prominent steeplechaser to have been omitted from the entry is Carsey, whicli is an old performer over the country, and was, moreover, dreadfully unlucky last year, for when upsides with Covertcoat two fences from home lie- unseated his jockey. Singularly enough Sir Charles Assheton Smith has only entered the lirst and second of last April viz.. Covertcoat and Irish Mall, others from Sores stable being Lord Seftons Shatin na Sea it b and Mr. P. Nelkes Cortigans Pride. On their public performances, however, the two last named do not appear to be Liverpool candidates. Irish Mail lias, of course, been practically a certain entrv and has. perhaps, been the most popular fancy in the little doubles. It is quite likely that Sir harles will start both horses in tlie race, which lie is very keen on winning. Should he do so tills year he would be putting up a record, as no owner has vet succeeded ill winning the race three years in succession. "Altogether fourteen of the twenty-two starters last April have again been nominated, these lK?ing Ulow Iipe, Fetlars Pride, Trianon III.. Fearless VII., Dvsart, IUoodstone, Thowl Pin, Recent. Wavelet, r.allvhackle. .Merry Land. Axle Pin. and Sir Asslieton-Sniiths pair: and of all these only the two placed completed tlie course without mishap. kC, over this course that lie is quite likely to do so again and for that reason many people will be inclined to examine tlie new blood in tlie search for a likely sort. "Of the horses nominated by sportsmen across the Channel, the best is likely to be Lutteur III., the property of M. J. Ilennesny. Tills horse, it will lie remembered, won the "National" as a tlve-year-obl. in 1!KK, giving a display of jumping which created a great and lasting impression on those who saw his performance. Since then, he has, I believe, been a bit unsound: but. as I was aide to state a fortnight ago, he is now back in his best form again, and from tlie hint which had been conveyed to me, 1 suggested that he was a more than likely entry. "An interesting entry is that of Kransfugl, which won the National Hunt Steeplechase at Cheltenham in March last, since when he lias not been seen in public. He is, I hear, being specially prepared for the National this year; but it is against him that winners of the big N. II. race seldom perform well at Aintree. Wavelet, which started favorite at Cheltenham, competed in last years Aintree event, but got no further than the fence before Bechers Brook. He has, however, been entered again, so is quite likely to be given another chance. "Ballymadun was purchased recently by Mr. R. Wyndani-Quin. an enthusiastic amateur rider, witli a "view to winning one of tlie races nt the abandoned Manchester January Meeting, and there are more un-likelv things than that lie will curry his owner prominently in the nice under discussion. Ballyliackle started favorite last year, but came down before completing half the journey, though he has improved in bis fencing since then, and won the Grand Sefton last November from a typical National field. "Sir George Bullough has entered three, including his recent purchase, listen, a young horse of which much can be expected, as witness his defeat of Rorv OMoore at Birmingham tills week, when no horse could have run in more generous fashion. I may point out also that he has successfully negotiated part of tlie journey, for he linished fifth behind Ballyliackle in the Sefton. when meeting the winner at as little as niue pounds. "Frank Ilartigans lot comprise Bloodstone, Wilk-instown, and Jacobus, three seasoned jumiers, while lie also has charge of two line young animals in Finuigan and Castlewrixon Lad. Botli these will he found callable of winning races, and I have a hint to the effect that the latter is quite likely to be heard of in connection with National Hunt Steeplechase at Cheltenham. ".Mr. Huntley Walker has big local interest and probably this accounts for the entry of such as Simon Pure II.. Cannock Lad, Purilysbuni. and Maybe; for it is ditlicult to see what chance they can possess in the company they would have to meet here. There are a good many others to which the same thing applies, but I must leave tlie race itself to jMiint them out. Tlie handicapper will doubtless furnish us with a rare problem at the end of this month."