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JUAREZ ENTRIES. o 1, The figures under the heading: "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse I i at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter I where it finished. In cases where record was I made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- j I viations show track conditions, o Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, .1:Lr. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race 3-4 Mile, -year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 12990 1 :09 0115. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 13780 Russell McGill in:! 1:1::?-. 5 114X725 13709 Frank G. Hogan ...IK! 1:1! 7 114X720 1379 Great Friar 115 1:12 5 117X71.". i:!7S0 Visible 107 1:13 5 10!X7lfi i::7i4 Waldo 107 1:14V-. 7 117X710 1 15240 Valhal 10,". 1:141-, 5 100X710 137SS Leford 104 1:1:51,.-, .5 10;5x70r. 13757- Baltimore M . . .10:5 1:1.! :: 9S..700 13704 Jessup Burn 03 1:1.! S 109X700 13759 Rosenta 10:: 1:14 0 112X70! 15757 Tliaka 102 1:i::i-, :: 101 v7t;o i::72:: swift sure ios i:ir.v:-. i losxiw. L;759 Zenotek 10:5 lnav-. 4 10SX095 13500 Miss Edith 10S 3:14 4 108 x 095 l."747 Ipland King M.. 102 1:14 4 305.. 090 Second Race 1 Mile, "-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 33724 - l:3li .5 102. i::3so Sigurd io: i:::s o iosx72r. 1 :5792s First Star 105 1:38 5 115x720 13702 Cool 99 3:38 9 110X720 13780 Sharper Knight 3o7 3:3!l 4 115. .715 137S03 Mazurka 100 1:39 4 105X715 137773 Vireo 9S 1 : 10 4 10SX715 13787 Stare 112 1:40 0 110X715 12111 Orbiculatbm 5 103x710 13789 Defy 114 1:39 5 10:5x710 13758 Hester fu0 1:59 .5 100.. 705 i::7ss old Gonh 100 i:::sA ." S7xooi 13791 Evelina 100 1:40-. 5 OS X 090 13021 Pretty Dale 105 1:10 4 10:5X090 i::::s:: Fieuton n. m... 4io::..os5 1 :::.- lietente 99 1:3S 4 103X0S5 Third Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: 12990 1:0! 51 15. 13790 SOSIUS 105 1:12 10SX725 1:5705s Sir Harrv 11:5 1:12 100X713 13749s Daiston 112 1:12 112. .715 i:!705 Roy M 92 l:i:5 97.. 705 355713 Wild Horse M..105 1:1". 100. .700 13008 Princess Janice 10:5X700 33748 Auntie Curl 105 1:1.! 107X700 i:!7:54 Agnes G. M . . . 103 1 :15 9S. .075 Fourth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record: 130S7 1:03 0150. 13700 Cosgrovo 112 1:05 5 115X725 13022 Scarlet Oaks 109 1:05 3 10.:.. 720 t l.577S 1 Orange Blossom ... 90 1:05 4 102X720 13700 Furlong 107 1:05!-. 0 105X721 13700 Colquitt 90 1 :05 If. 4 102. .715 13748 Royal Dolly 108 1:05 5 112X715 Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record : 1 2990 1 :09 0 1 15. 1:5704s Roscmarv 100 1:12 4 102. .725 13717 Thistle Belle 10S 1:12 S 100x720 137H Panhachapi S9 1:13 3 91.. 720 13703 Acumen 112 1:12 7 108X720 1370P LoHv Heywood 103 1:12 7 112X715 K.Tr-1 Hazel C 105 1:12 5 90X71 . 137SS Kick 102 1:12. 3 90. .715 l.579l Oiiniar Lad 110 1:13 5 103x715 137:il Lone .Star 105 1:12-, 5 103. .715 13778 Janus .101 1:12 4 100X710 13713 Geiiimell 107 1:12 10 lOSxVIO 13759 Miss Clark 107 1:13 4 9S. .705 13737 Zulu 112 1:12 7 108x70.. 13747 Parneil Girl 110 1:13 0 101X700 13203 Stanleys 112 1:12 0 103. .700 Sixth Race 1 Mile. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 13724 1 :30 3 102. 13714 Mary Emily 97 1:38 5 9SX723 l..TOS Kelsetta 100 1:37 0 110X720 1373S Sea Cliff 100 3:37 S 105X720 1370S Little Marehmoiit .110 1:3S 7 105X720 137021s Cloud Chief 100 1:39 5 105x715 13702 Ilnsson 105 1 :3S 4 110X715 13708 l.ncle Ben 105 1:3S 0 110X715 13702 Cisko 100 1:38 0 103X715 13770 McAlan 112 1:40 5 105x710 13777 Ilannis 112 1:39 9 100X705 13735 Van Horn t 112 1:39 5 105. .700