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JAMESTOWN STALLS FILLING FIRST OF THREE BIG SHIPMENTS FROM CHARLESTON DUE TO ARRIVE TODAY. James Rowe Well Satisfied with Condition of String: Albert Simons Has in Hand for Harry Tayno Whitney Gossip from Norfolk Track. Norfolk, Va., March 25. ".ft ready week" at the picturesque seaside course of the Jamestown Jockey "lull. whoso fifteen-days trin meeting begins April 1, 1ms been marked liy more activity on tin; part of tlto local colony of horsemen, and by more extensive improvements to the plant in I he name space of time, than at any time since Manager Bob Levy inaugurated the sport of racing hero under its presen auspices. Arrivals from Pal-metlo Iark. where the Charleston meeting is in its last week, continue almost daily and these, coupled with t lie Benniug and Juarez shipments already on the way, constitute a quota of owners, trainers, riders and horses from which It would he inil; possible to recruit daily programs in itself. Trainer .lames Kowe, by many regarded as without a peer, has bren here for the past live days inspecting the big band of youngsters and imported horses owned by Harry Payne Whitney which Albert Simons has in forward condition for Hie Jamestown races. He expresses himself as highly satisfied with the way they have wintered, and with their promise, of Uu older horses. Nightstick, ii looks and action, is easily the most impressive. Ilig anil of astounding muscular development, this Whitney crack lias wintered well, and has responded to his spring training in promising fashion. The Whitney two-year-olds, including sons and daugh-ters of ltroomstick. Saudriiigham, Burgomaster and Hamburg - all Brookdale-brod are an muisnally tine lot, not forgetting that Hits niasler of Brookclale always is represented hero by a smart band of youngsters. They are all in forward condition, and a sightly lot as, set by set, they are sent to their morning tasks on Jamestowns sandy course. Owner William .Martin, who annually makes his owning move at the Jamestown track, has three, line two-year-olds this year which the horsemen admire. They are not yet quite ready, but will be" seen In acllon before the end of the .lamestown meeting. The trio are typical of their sires, and wore acquired from .Mrs. L. A. Livingston as wvan-lin-s. They arc-: Tiepin, ch. g, by Armeath II. To I San: Fly Home. ch. g, by Armeath II. La France, and Iied Piper, blk. g. by I.ocoha tehee Ihvllis A. All were gelded this year and on looks should easily hold their own during the campaign which Martin plans this year in Maryland and later on in Canada. Ills older horses are ready for the races. Mediator and The Kump being particularly tit and sightly. Seven carloads of horses, including the stables oT Kil ward McBrido ami frank .1. J refer, will reach the .lamestown course tomorrow morning from Palmetto lark, and will comprise the first of three special shipments over the Atlantic Coast Line. The second special will arrive on Saturday morning of this week, and the rear-guard will reach the Jamestown course on tin following day. All these specials will run on passenger schedule, with only necessary slops. The two special passenger trains for race followers, as well as the regular northbound trains, will be crowded with followers of the sport, who will welcome the resumption of activity farther north after the long winter season at Charleston. At least half a dozen layers of prominence, who have been olT the firing line during the winter, are here awaiting Jamestowns opening, and Charles Fink, the new director of advance information, reports that inquiries warrant the assertion that Ihis department will be the scene of greater activity than ever before here. Virginians, who are loyal to racing, are hungry for the sport, and .Manager Levys announcement that the opening day, Wednesday. April 1. will be ladies day, when all ladies will be admitted free and presented with handsome souvenirs, has aroused more than usual interest. Ihe ollicials this year, with the exception above noted, are the same as last fall. Mars Cassidy olliciating at the barrier in Ibespring. as heretofore. Mr. Cassidy wired from El I.iso that his assistants with the barriers are already on the way to the course, and they will be ready to school the two-year-olds before the end of the week. The youngsters this winter are a well-balanced lot, as line spring weather, which has been the rule rather than the exception, lias allowed track superintendent George Miller ample opiortunity to put the youngsters through their paces. Among the Charleston delegation which already Irtis reached the course are owners Al Austin, with Ipdoloneo, Coininonada and Still Day: O. Baglev, S. K. Howser, with Orperth and Corncrackcr; J. L. Jones, Iieverwyek Stable, and others. The physical condition of the Jamestown plant is belter than ever before since its construction. Superintendent Miller and his assistants have been busy for the last, month on the general refurbishing of the plant and as a result the public will find many conveniences which have been lacking heretofore. Seven carloads of cinders have been used to grade the boulevard-like approach to the course: a new door has been built in the ring; paint and whitewashing gangs have been put to work, and Other details improved, which lend to the course an unusually attractive appearance. The harrows, rollers and drags have been used on the sandy going, and, having dried out well since the recent storm, gives every indication of being fast for the opening day.