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- 1 a 1 s a t e a 1 e ! t EYES ON DERBY CANDIDATES EI.IGIBLES FOR BIG CHURCHILL DOWNS EVENT K0W CENTER OF INTEREST. Work of Prominent Candidates for Important Three-Year-Old Race Eagerly Watched at Louisville Tracks. Louisville. Ky.. March 31. — Much. Derby gossip is now- floating around the local courses, as the horsemen are discussing warmly the relative merits of the •-.1 cat three-year-olds engaged this season in the Kentucky Derby, 10,000 added, to be run at Chin chill Downa Saturday. May 9. Bvery morning Old Rosebud, Ralph and Hodge are to be seen at enetfclse and these three cracks are apparently training su pettily for the big Derby rac e. Old Rosebud has surely opset the predictions of some of the wise horsemen by growing enormously during the past win l.-r. He is really a big horse n..w, not only in height but in every way. He has thickened and broadened out as much proportionately as he baa grown in height He could not be in better cou-uilioii to stand preparation for such a race a? the Kentucky Derby promises to be this season. He ,.-, now being exercised by his old jockey, J. MeCabe. who will ride him in hi.-, Kentucky Derby engagement, as well as in other Important races ou the Kentucky circuit tracks this spring. B] the last ,-i till week truck conditions at Churchill Downs and Douglas Park will Ik so ideal that Old Boaebud and Ralph will undoubtedly begin taking work of asore significance. Of course. Hodge i- already seasoned and it is probable that trainer Spence will not think of setting him down at anything like racing spied tint it April is well ad-vaneed. Reports from I.i xingtoa tell of bow well Bradleys bob 1. Black Tone] and Boots and Saddle ar,- train lug at Idle Hour Farm. All are eligible to the Kentucky Derby and are well fancied by many for the big race. Trainer CHS HauUBOU has had au excellent track thi- spring at the Bradley Farm to exerciae his string ever and as a consequence .ill ,,f Mr. Bradleys horses are In superb condition. Whichever three year old in bis string trains best for his Derby engagement will carry the Bradley colors in the big race. At present his pick, as well as trainer HammonS, is Bradleys Choice. Like Hodge and Old Rosebud, be is a gelding. R. F. Caiman has applied for stall room at Churchill Downs for twenty-four horses, and among the number is the Derby candidate. Surprising. Mr. Carman first wrote to the Douglas Park management for quarters for bis string, but he has not since be--u beard from by the superintendent of that course in.e the latter informed him that he could not bare his sM barn there this spring. He has since written lo Secretary Lyman 11. Davis at Churchill Downs a-king tor Stable quarters and it looks as if he anticipates quartering at that course instead of going to Douglas Park for a lime. other applications for stable room from Charleston catie from Raleigh Colston, with 17 horses. J. Paul, S horses; Archie Zitiinier. 4 horses, including that noted sprinter. Caugh Hill; W. Woodard, 3 horses: .1. 1". Strode. S horses: M. A. Colton. 3 horses, and the strings of W. J. Spiers, Lew Marion. al Woodman and Theodore Abadie. J. W. I idler, the r,au who headed the list of money winning owners at Juarez has reconsidered hi- determination not to ship any horses to Kentucky this sprinj; and has wired to Douglas Park for stall ling accommodations for 11 horses. Mr. poller raced a stable of IS bor-e- al Juarez, this season mid ■even of these bare been shipped to his farm to rest until next winter, while the remainder will be ben snort ly. Among Ihe cracks he will bring lo Ken-lucky is the ■•roinisitig two-year-old Tokay, r gardeU b] good judges as one of the best Juvenile develop iiieiit- of the recent Juarez meeting. Mr. Fuller baa not rac-d in Kentucky since the fall of 1912. having1 campaigned no horses except in Texas and at .luarez last year. XI Ider stan of his siring include the two "useful mires. Dorothy Dean and Black-By ed Susan and the good geldings Colquitt. Injury and Colonel Marcbmout. Smith and Far; ar have arrived from the Juarez track with three bones and the trio are now quar tered at Douglas Park. They embrace the thr.-e-1 year-old An K,,-k. and the two older burses, Wea anoke and New Haven. The Utter is a speedy spun lor when at his best and baa won many races in tbe west sime he left tbe stable or William Cerst, of Nashville. Ihe twenty-three horses comprising the -tables ol John W. Schorr, now quartered at Douglaa Park, are all training well and liis two year olds appear lo be in superb condition, to begin hard training lor ih.-ir engagements this spring Mr. Schorr has a couple of promising Breeders Futurity candidates, ami probably will be represented in that rich race a 1 Lexington. The older hoiscs in the Schorr stable. Including Star Charter. Bdda, Proglega and Leoehares. are all iu splendid condition and bath star Charter and Fro-legs promise to stand training and racing this sea son Thev have both been entered bv their owner for the Kentucky Handicap SifUHXl added, at Doug las Park, and the Clark Handicap, ai Churchill llowus, and will be pointed especially for these tw big races. Star Charier has not carried color- since be started in the lour mile Kentucky Endurance Stakes at Churchill Downs in the fall of 1012. He went wrong shortly after that race and was out of training during most of the season of IMS. Proglega has not raced since last spring ben. P. T. Chinn sold virtually all the horses lie took to the Juarez track last winter: what few lulu ought back to Kentucky. Including tic three yum old flllv, Gipsy Love, bave been shipped to Lexington. It Ll understood that Chinn contemplates going to France about the middle of this month, and that he lias Interested some turfman in fur nishing the capital to Import from that country and England some foreign bred yearlings which will be sold here later on a I public auction. The scarcity of horses of Ibis age in America makes such a venture a promising proposition in view of the r -vlva] of racing in this country during the last year and the prospects for further gains by the sport in tit,- years to come. According to information gathered recently, the crop of yearlings in Ameai- a this se.i-on will be lighter than ever before. W. C. Clancys good gelding Coagrove. which contracted pneumonia en route from .luarez. is improving. Cousin Puss, which was not takeu to Lexington with D. E. Stewarts other herses because of uer illness, but was sent to Dr. Karthills infirmary, will recover, it is believed. All of the other horses brought lare from Juarez are iu good condition. P. J. Miles has arrived for the Kentucky racing season, having come from Juarez via Chicago. He has Cordie F.. Falcada and Woof at the Downs and will bring uve more horses here this week front, Lexington. They were turned out there last fall. Rudolf o. the winner of the Kentucky Handicap last year, Is now quartered at Churchill Downs in charge of trainer W. F. Brooks. He is n stir.- starter in the big race if lie stands training again this spring. .1. C. Ferris, who developed -itch fatuous stars as Olambala, Prince Ahmed and Countless, will come lure at the con, lu-ion of tile Tul-a. Okla.. meetlaa, winch opens on April 11. The Texas rider. George Mob BWOrth, is coming With the Ferris stable. M. J. Winn, manager of the New l.oui-illc J,„kev Continued on second page. EYES ON DERBY CANDIDATES. Honlinued from first page. Club, lias arrived home from New York, and with 0. c Grainger, president of the ciub. and his as sistant, II. r. Brelvogel, spent part of yesterday at the course. Mr. Brefvogel left today for a visit to his honie iii Detroit and will return lure about the middle of April. Mr. Winn will he at home mueii ot the time until the coming spring meeting at the Downs is over. He says that while in the east he had the assurance from maay of the most prominent turfmen of New York that they would be In Louis villo this spring to see the Kentucky Derby run on May it. U. M. Ilendries Kentucky Handicap candidal! Great Britain i- expected to arrive shortly from winter quarters in Tennessee. One of the largest stables of horses at Louisville hi in charge of Jsases Brermnn at Churchill Downs He has twenty tive in his string, made up of three ag d campaigners, one four year old. twelve three-year-olds and nine two-year-aids, as follows: T. .VI. Green, hr. g. ft, by G. W. Johnson Bvct glcen. Wander, eh. g. S. by Peep oDaj — Slrayaway. Beau Chilton, b. g. 7. by Chilton— Belle Aclon. Louise Paul, hr. I. I, by Kilkciran — The Crisis. Ioronlo. hr. g, :". by Nasturtium — Affect. Slnulco, br. e, ■!. by Samson— Kate Pellet ier. Long-Wood, b. u. :.. by Stalwart — Young Thistle. leiiei. b. c. ■;. by KQkerran — Raining Dew. First Degree, br. g. :;. by Kilkerran— -Talpa. rSxpectatkm, b. g. o. by Kilkerran — Tapiola. Woodburn, b. g, •"•. by Wooistborpe -Quagmire. Miss Charcot b. f. ■!. by Charcot— Tardy. Lady Charcot, br f. 2. by Charcot- Wild Thistle. March, eh: f, ::. by Samson— Forelock. Flaming Flamingo, b. f. :;. by Cesarion — I.ovett. Bunty. i h. :.. by Cesarton — Bezhjue. FaUgb Hunter, cfa. e, 2. by Goldcrest— Mary Agnes Col. Tom Greene, ch. c, 2. bv Caaard — Bundello. Bamboo, ch. g. 2, by Box— Dinah Shad Water Proof, ch. g. 2 by Cunard — Tinker. Africa Beau, hlk. c, 2. by Boanerges— Africa. Stoningtou, b. g, 2, by Toddington— Stone Nellie. Bay Buy, 2, by Transvaal Katherlne Moore. Bay lilly. 2 by Peter Quince — Peninah. Bay gelding. 2. by The Scribe —Divide.