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STATEMENT oi i lie uwaerahip. Management. Circulation, etc, of Daily Racing Form, published o times ■ week lit be ij.-o. ill. m. is. required hy the Act of August 24, Note. Tliis atatesaeal is to be Bade la duplicate, Ih i1i copies to I"- delivered by the publisher to the poatoaaater, who will Bead one copy to the Third Assistant Postmaster Genera] Division of Classlfl cation, Washington, D. .. and retain the other in the tiles of the pot ollicc. Editor Frank 11 BruneO, BVaaatoa ill Managing Editor, J. E. Jeffrey, Chicago, 111. Business Manager, Jennie B. Brunei!, tVraanton, in. Publisher, Dally Racing rorin Publishing Co.. •ill Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111. Ouneis: If a corporation, give names and addresses of stockholders holding; 1 par-cent, or more of total aiuoiiiit of Stock. Prank II. Brunei I, Kvanston. 111. J. r. Brunell. Kvanston. III. Maiion B. Wilson, Kcnilworth. III. Known bondholders, mortgagees ami other security hohlers. holding i per-cent. or more of total amount f bonds mortgages, or other securities. None, Average number of copies of each issue of this publieaUou sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the -i months preceding the date of this statement, this informal km is required from daily newspapers only, 1-. 177. Jennie B. Bnmeil, business manager. swein to and subscribed before sac this 27th dav of March, Milt. V. H. W. Harding. Notary Iublic. My commissi, .n expires February 7. 1017.