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HAVRE DE GRACE PROGRAM ANNOUNCED. The program book for the Havre fie Grace meeting has b-en Issued by Raring Secretary Fred Bi h berger. it provides for the running of six races daily duriug the meeting at Ihis Maryland track, beginning April IS and ending May .".. with MOO is the minimum purse. The dales for tlw» run ttiag of the twelve stakes to be decided during the nil etiiig are as follows: Harford Handicap, 11,606 added, for three year-olds and over, tivo and a half furlongs. April 1 8. I.-iin Silling sinkes. value ,000, for three-year- olds and over, five and a half furlongs, pril JO. Germantown Selling Stakes, value . hni, for two year-cads, half a mile. April 21. Wilmington Slakis. ,000 added, lor three vear olds, live and a ball furlongs. April 27. Lassie Stakes. tl.oOO added, lor two year old Allies, half a mile. April 2.!. Kelair Handicap, . *M added, for three v ear-olds ■ nil over, three quarters ol a mile April "." . Cluster Selling Slakes, value . HM . for three year-oMs and over, tkaee uaarten of a mile. April Aberdeen Stake-. . iisj added, for two-year-old:-, an, | a hill furlongs, April JV Newark Selling Stakes, value ,000, Ior three year-olds and over. April :!b Philadelphia Handicap. ,500 added, for ibrec rear-olds and over, three-quarters "f a mile. Mac -. Ierrvville Selling Stakes, value ,000, lor two vear olds, tour and a half turlottgs. May 4. Susquehanna Handicap, ,000 added, for three-year-olds and over, mile and seventy yards. May B. The officials for the meeting, which will tie conducted under the rules and auspices of the Jockey Club, are as follows: Judges C. H. Pettiaglll, H. V. Human. Starter James Milton.* Racing Secretary- Fred Rehberger. llaiiillcapper W. S. Vo-burgh. Clerk of tin Scale.- -II. I . Roman. Paddock and Patrol Judge — W. II. ochaut. Timer- w. H. Barretts. The raemg at this track vvlll begia at .! i M h day eastern time. Kntru- for the opening Orys racing will close at tbe Havre de Grace cour0o .n 11 a. m.. April 17.