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MARYLAND ANTI-RACING BILLS FAIL. Legislature Adjourns Without Action Except to Provide for Commission to Report Two Years Hence, naif I nam I Md.. April 7.โ Despite the strenuous efforts of ihe foes of racing lo have the Maryland tracks โ Pinilico, Havre de Grace and Laurel โ closed or restricted, racing la safe in Maryland for at Kast two mare years. The Maryland Legislature adjourned sine di" "this morning wilh tbe Hall and Williams anli racing bills and their amendments still sleeping in committees, without having passed a single bill lou.-hng on the racing situation. In the last lew minutes of tbe session the antl racing people mad.- a linal effort t.ยป have a. lion taken. The only n-siili wa- a resolulion. Offered b.v Senator Archer ami passed, providing that a com mission be apppointed b.v the governor to study Ihe racing question with a view to learning tie* income of Ihe race tracks and to report lo the Legislature whi.h will meet two years heme. Senator Archers resolution is regarded as tbe end of tbe race track opposition of any strength, ami followers of tbe spoil are jubilant. The resolution, which probabl.v will be acted on by Governor Colds borosttdh, provides power to the commission to compel ihe attendance of witnesses and the production of books ami papers showing Ibe income of ihe Hacks, ihe amount of money received in bets, and i eam mi witnesses under oath. The commission, if ap pointed, will studv conditions during the next two vears and recommend to Hie next legislature such legislation as is deemed proper. The coinniissiouer-musl servo without pay. Failure lo legislate against race Irack gambling is attributed in tbe resolution "In a meat measure to Ink oi reliable Information upon which such b-gis I at loo might be based wiih reasonable assurance that it would prove more effective than the laws new in force." __