General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1914-04-12


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY J Mrs. William II. Tall lias become identified with : 11 aatl-sasTrage society at New Daren. Archbishop Mueller of Cinch—at] is urging Catho women In take m iiyii stand against woman -n ft rage, r .l:iiin-s Go nil m l.iniwii i- v., in i i -ii getter that it h;i been amazed to remove him 1n.m Cairn on ► i srseay to the Rh ten. An oil horning ship which haa Jaal arrived at - Tort t ii .in i Peruvian port, n— de ■ record of l »,S81 niilfs without a atop. Tin- Chasdtaa Pacific Railroads milium dollar sam ee hotel Algonquin at si. Andrews. B. was destroyed hj lin- ysterday. i in- Wfiiii-kimyiin bill, passed iiv congress, which — x 4~- the states coatrol over Honor shipments, was upheld in |hc Kaaaaa Supreme coart yesterday. Mayor Harrison of Chicago, in an interview at Albuquerque, N. M.. is quoted a strongly la ac-cord with President Wlnoas policy mi Panama canal tolls. The new treaty aetweea Oataaahta ami the Darted States will provide for the tree aaa of the Panama ■•anal by Colombian warships ami sapply ships for lac army anil na . M ■ conference of westers [—tin— s a reaara- ijnn was pa— ed asking Coagresa to provide for two additional reserve banks, oae in the Reeky Mona I tain region ami the other in the Paette a— thnjist. The arrest of a detach— taj at — ea from a United States war vessel i.y a colonel of the Mexican Federal army at Ta— pice lias hrsaghl forth a quick state— rut • • apology and explanation from President Haerta. The withdrawal of Seaater Thtaaan E. Burton from the race for re-election in Ohio has apparently lef« former Senator J. 15. Foraker the most promf-ii. I in aoaaiaatloa. If not tin- leading candidate for tin- Republican The police of ail the large dries of the leanlij were asked yesterday to help rid New York of pick pockets. The Now York aathoritiea seek photo graphs, finger prints ami blstoriea of all the pickpockets on record in the United States. 1 i ii diseaased question in I -on. ion. Bag., is whether nr not Chancellor i.i-.v.i George, with a u ■..■-, surpias of about ,759,999, will make aaj redaction ii. taxation. The prevalent raa—ff is that In- will reduce tho duties on tea and sugar. Dr. Mar Walker ban appealed io tin- senate to |.i-m-iii Hi.- advocates of equal suffrage from parading in Washington May !i. In sapporl of her srga-meni sin saggesta thai tin- demonstration will attract undesirable- to Washington. Mrs. Mai..- si. mi. who reeeatiy brought suit for divorce against Uenrj Siege! of New York, has brought additional suits agaiaal him and others to wover her rights in real and personal property mat -in- declares sin- waa farced Into sigalag away". one of lae — t thrilling exhibition- ever givea in England was m-i-m ai Bournemouth yesterday afhpraooa when Aviator Gastave llainel while at a height ..I L.txKi feet, looped the leap tweaty-oue i-iiiisei-uiive times. Further progress toward convalescence was aa nounced in the sargeons bulletin regarding baa con- • lilion of king iustave of Sweden, issued from the Sophia hospital at Stockholm, where his majesty was operated on tor ulceratloa of the -ton Ii on Thursday. A special sesai— of the Sew York legislature, to coaveae mi May 4. will he called soon by Governor Glynn, lin- special session was necessitated by the failure of ih.- legislature to pa-- the annual appro- priat lull- ai be regular ----ion which recently .-djoui mil. R a deciaioa of the California Supreme Court. Abraham Raef. farmer political ho— of San Francisco, who is serving fourteen years in the state penitentiary at Sail Queatin, under convict bin of haviag accepted bribes, becomes eligible for immediate parole. The University of Washington crew defeated the L.-lainl Stanford Jr. and University of California crews in their annual contest for tin- mtercoUegiate i-hamplonship of the Pacific coast on the Oakland estuurj yesterday. An agent of the American e— hasgy. reporting from s.iltilio. says that General Velasco, who commanded ih.- federal forces at Torreoa during the attaek by ilia, has succeeded in uniting with Generals Mass and ! •• Moiier .-mil that the combined forces are BOW with that of Villa. V-La-i-.l Secretary Bryaa and Mrs. Bryan are planning to eve Washington next Tuesday for an indefinite stay at their winter place in Miami, Fla. Mr. Bryan has pal in iwo days of hard work at the state department since his recent illness, but he is still weak .mil has been advised to go south for a complete - tost. Radians a- ■ cancer care i- ■ failure, aceordiag to Dr. Billiard St.irmann. a famous Vienna phy--i.-ian. wh«. addressed the American Sargical [aati- tut,- at New York yesterday. "Radians ha- only a local .fli-.-t and .an never take tin- place of a thatajrh Sparatisa in the treatment of eaneer." declared he. ih,- -t-.-onii aaaiversary of the loss of the Titanic next Wednesday has beea tixed for the formal opening of a cloister, bail! at Godalmlng, Knglaud. in memory of Jack Phillips, the heroic wirele— operator who weni down with the steamer. Phillips wa- a native of Godalmlng. The cloister .-lands near the parish church and cost tl,5«. Two masked nn-n held up a fast noi iIiIkiuihI pna- seager train on the Illinois Ceatral Railroad at Tangipahoa, i.a. A negro per let was killed while .h-fi-nding iin- pa— eagers and om- paaseaget was sroaaded The baadfts escaped. A imss,. with lil.iodhounils tiM.k nil the trail. I he La— lea Dally Citiaea asserts that negotia-li.ins are proceeding at St. Petersborg, ou liritish initiative, to convert the entente between I-rance. nil— ia and Hi eat Britain into a triple alliance. The object in view i- that later Cerinany would lie forced to join, and the quadruple alliance thus formed would lead to an agreement for the limita thai of a.inainents. Washington, I». .. April 11. — Fear that the ■•pink boll worm." a dangerous cotton pest, may be Intro jluceil into the United States through the accidental pr--cii.-e ••! seed ill lint cotton received by spinners raaaed the federal horticultural lioard today to warn Hilton mill-, especially those in the smith, to destroy l»j burning all seed that may be found in bales of imported Egyptian cotton. It is reported thai Secretary of the Interior Praaklic K. Lane soon will quit the cabinet, be-raaae of hi- inability t.. reconsile hi- view- on certain important public questions with those of Presl • lint The pill. lie qaeatioa on which the president :m I Seclclai.v l.aiie an- separated the v Ideal ia thai of the exemption of American coastwise shipping from the payment of Pa asms canal lolls. Dearer, CaL, April 11. Assistant Secretary A. A. Jones of the Interior Department has tendered to the irrigation conference the nropaal of the depart- v iie-iil ol tin- Depart—eat of the Interior for tinau ciag of Carey act projects. It provides for govera- nii-nl loans to settlers ill low interest bonds, s. -cured i.. lien- on the irrigated land, and with tin- Interest guaranteed bj the re.-lamaiion fund, now amounting In 00,000,000. The Preach army has admitted to its ranks a yoatk named lietraiice who, although of the mil i-tarj age, tweaty, weighs onlj fnrtj-two pounds and i- ..niy three feet three and one-qnarter inches tall. Ih.- medical board foand him physically tit in every Way. Ii i- understood he will be assigned to lull.-, which will inn oblige him to earrj the marching outiit of the Preach ulrthrr Tb ittit is oae :inl lime- the midgets weight. Tallahassee, Pla.. April n. --i-or the fcat timo in rim iila- history a white woman was sentenced to be banged or ftrat-degree uaurdei. A wa— aa named Johnson age. I •;"•. wa- foand guilty in Calhoun County of kiliing John W. Hittington. 7". a farmer, loin year- ago. Al the til— I trial the woman was 1 i ■ i ii t guiiiy. but the jury reeoinineinleil mercy, which no am life imprisonment. Tie- case eras ap pealed and the verdict -t aside. After long demy Hie ea-.- again WM tried. Republican sapporl in tin- Senate for President Wilsoas demand for the repeal of the Paaams tolls exeinpiioii clause i- dtslatregating. Tarn weeks ago Senator Lodge of Massachusetts made a poll for tin- pre-iiii-nt. Knowing twenty two Republicans ■ i i.i vor ..f tile repeal. Now but twelve of the— ai-.- I. It according to report, and four of these are doubtful. As a result, tin- presidents supporters Hi the Senate an- arorryiag. becaane thin- ha- beea a si-liar breakiag up of the Deatoeratic strength. Maiiao-. Rraail, April II. -Oae of the ran- animals gjj ,, I, in. Roosevelt expedition will bring here Wn the arrival of tie travelers, on or about April 87, i- « enraro, which th col I -hot reeeatiy. The animal i- :-. burrowing rodeal which lives under graaad. it- aclentlfic name i- spalacopns poeppigi. Ii i- rare oven ill South America. The collection ..! spec! ns gathered in Ha- trip mounts to 1.500. Ii includes -•■» val hundred mammals and 1. i00 birds. New York, April 11 That the human heart uiay he patched up with the same ease that a plumber repairs s broken water pip-- was declared by Dr. Alexis Carrel. Nobel prize winner, before eminent surgeons attending the meeting of the American -ngicai Association at the Hotel Aotor. I r Carrel gave the visiting -urgem- a slunk when he do-i rit.i-d B remarkable series of experiiuen i - in which he hail eaaaad a complete cessation of heart activities for two ami one half minutes. These ex peri— eata were performed upon animals. -aid Dr. Carrel, "but similar oparatha— could be iierformed upon human organism with an equal chance of success." The method of procedure, the doctor explained, is to clamp the pedicles or veins entering the heart with soft jawed forceps. It is unnecessary P. remove the organ from the peri cardinal .r sack covering. An incision of four centimeters is then made through the heart covering and after tin organ is thoroughly cleanncrt or poisonous sub-Btances the hole is patched up with a piece of blood rea—l taken from storage. Then catgut is used to sew up tin- wound. N.-w York. April 11. Counsel for the four gunmen doomed ;o dm ai sing sing prison Monday for the murder ol Herman Rosenthal made a final plea for their client- before Supreme Coart Justice Joha W . i.oti today. The Justice, who presided at the trial, agreed last night to this eleM-nth hour procedure on the representation of counsel that new evidence had been discovered tending to -how that the aria-oners were not the real murderers. District Attorney Whitman, rushing here from Chicago, appeared to appear the motion for a aew trial. Colorado Springs. Colo.. April 11. — Insisting that they will commandeer the first Bock Island freight train leaving here for the east. KiJ members of the army of the unemployed are camped two miles north of the city. According io the leader of Hie baud, the army will travel on no other lines but the Bock Island, ha ing been angered because of the companys refusal to provide accoaamodations. They have "in timated that if a freight tram does not pass through today they will board a paaaeager train. Special others .ire on hand to prevent disorder. Madrid. Spain. April 11. --The Spanish foreign minister today asked Col. Joseph K. Willard. United States ambassador to Spain, to request the government at Washington to intervene in favor of the 1,000 spani-h subjects expelled from Tar reoii. AccOTdiag to Ogfclal news received by the Spanish cabinet from Mexico, the expelled Spaniards ai-.- in a critical situalion and the government decided to approach tin- United stales govern— eat in their behalf Independeotb of the measures Spain is taking to bring her subjects hack to their own country. Washington. 1 . V. April 11,— Malarial fevers prevailed to a nanch le— extent in the south during 1913 than in the preyious year, ace irdiug to the pub-lie h.-alth service in a report today on its investigation of the prevalence and geographical distribution ..I the disease. The proporth— is said to have been one to three. The states include Alabama. Arkansas. Mississippi, tleorgia. South Carolina. Florida and North Carolina. Tin- report points out that of the 91,01 eases of malarial fever reported L.T.:i;i4 cases 30.08 per cent. i. nearly one third, were said to have occiirreil in children under fifteen years of age. Governor Gtyna of New* York, has decided that il would he bad form !■ have a punchbowl in the silver service to be presented by Hie state to the battleship New York, since Secretary of the Navy Daniels ha- tabooed alcoholic drinks ou all United Stales warships and a I navel stations. The bill appropriating 110,990 lor the service is in the hands of the governor, and In- is expected to sign it. Tin- Governor, llinliaam flom a— Wagaer ami Speaker Sweet are appointed to select the service, bin the Daniels order has put the overnor in a quandary a- Io what should take the place of the punchbowl. Washington. D. C. April 11.— The diplomatic and consular appropriation bill was reported to the house today from the committee on foreign affairs. Besides the authorised pin chase of embassy buildings at Mexico City. Berne and Tokyo, the measure Increases the state depart— eat contingent fund by 3,000. so as to increase the rental allowance for tin- embassies at London, Paris. Berlin and St. Pei-ersbnrg to 5,000. and at Rome. Madrid and Vienna to ».ntM . The bill carries 0,090 for the international caagre— oa alcoholism at Washington next year, and authorizes the president to invite foreign countries to send delegates. The first effort to segregate whites and negroes in North Carolina was unanimously overthrown by a decision Ol the Supreme Coart, wln-n the town of Winston Sale— lost its case, against William Darnell, a negro, who occupied a house in a neighborhood of mostly white residcnls. Chief Justice Clark, writing the opinion, declared that the aldermen had no right to pass such an ordinance. Hani ell won mi the ground that the ordinance forbids property owner- to rent or lease buildings to whoever they please and sanclion- taking property without dm- legal process. Judge Clark hold- lhat such a principle might result in such restriction- as would drive out Republicans, Roman Catholics or Jew-. The French cabinet has asked parliament to vote the eqivalent of 4,090 to entertain the kings of Kuglnnil and Denmark when they visit Paris for a couple of days this —oath. Three quarters of this sum is io lie speat by the foreign ohace iii decorations, illuminations, presents to the sovereigns, receptions, official dinners and special trains. The perform aare at the Opera will lake ,000, the carriage hire 00, the Upa to servants 90, tin- military review 1,099 and tin- extra expenses of the police and secret service 17.190 The royalties will tie bulged at the foreign office and their apartments will lie furnished with pieces from the museum a and hung with antique GobeHn tapestries and old masters. A lively competition has been going on between Japanese Stean—hip companies, which hope to get a Japanese government subsidy for a steamship line through the Ianama canal to the eastern coast of the United States, with its terminus at Boston. At tin- present it looks as if the Nippon Yuseii Kaisha would be elected and that the coatnaay will be accorded a subsidy of ,000,900. The other competitora wen- the Tayo Kiaea Kaisha and the Osaka Shosen Kaisha. The Toyo Kisen will continue its service to San Francisco, but it is probable that the Nippon Yaaea will drseaar— ae its service to Seattle and turn it over to the Osaka company. which is building extra steamers to be used on the northern route, which it henceforth will monopolize.

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Local Identifier: drf1914041201_3_1
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