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IMPORTANT ARRIVALS AT WOODBINE. Toronto. Out.. April SB. — The horses in .training at Woodbine received some important additions when the stables owned by Hon. J. S. Hendrie. of Hamilton, and Barry Hiddings. of Cedar firove Farm. Oakville. took up their quarters at the track. The new-comers are of particular interest inasmuch as they include the public favorite and the second choice for the Kings Plate, Mr. inklings Beehive and CM. Hendries Slipper Day. Both lots have wintered well, and are ready for strong track work. Col. Hendrie has seven-two year olds from which to work out material for next years Plate, as well as for the races for Canadian bred youngsters that are now so popular since I In- winning of them does not disqualify for the succeeding Plate. Mr. Uiddings brought down only three youngsters, one of them by the Hendrie stallion Martnnas. Col. Hendrie also went outside the Valley Farm lor new Id 1 in the case of one of bis. Red Fire being a son of Messrs. Dviuents imported horse. Red Fox IT. His dam is Siiimomse. which Col. Hen-due led into the winners paddock alter tin- Plate of 1808. The horses in the Hendrie siring of which Id. Wbyte is trainer, are: Kocksprlng, eh. g. 5. by Martiinas— Springwells. Tankard, eh. g, 4. by Bingoma-ter Tanya. Martena, b. f. 3. by Martimas — Ilacena. Privet Ietal, b. c, 3, by Araaeatfa 11. — Pagoda. slipper Day, hi. i. ::. by Martimas— Bine Grouse. David Ciliies, b. g, 2. hy David Harrick -Pla-eona. Fergus, eh. g, 2. by I r. Boots — Flexible. John Peel, eh. g. 2. by Martians The UataV Last Spark, eh. C, -. by Martiinas —Pitcher. Odds On br. f. _. by Marliinas Otsiketa. lied lire, b. e, 2, by Bed Fox II. Splutter, eh. c, 2. by Martimas — Spla-h. The Wildings lot, in charge of H. Giddings, Jr., is made up as follows: St. Bass. b. Ii. 0. by Basse! law Ladv Betz. Ondramon, eh. g. 5, by Fan lAiugin My Honey. Hearts of oak. b. c, 4. by Bassetlaw — Lady Light-foot. Ondramida. ch. f. 4. b] Baaeetlaw — My Hom-v. Sarolfa. br. t, 4. by Bassetlaw Jai Alai. Veens Pranks, br. f. 4. by Bassetlaw - Lady Betz. Alat Bass. b. c. .!. by Bassetlaw Jai Alai. Beehive k. ■. .:. bj Baaeetlaw My Honey. Harry Bassett II., b. C, 2, by Bassetlaw- Mv Honey. Martalina, eh. f. 2 by Martimas — Mv Maryland Otero, b. f. 2. by Bassetlaw Cuba Free.