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CAPTAIN CASSATT OFFERS HIS SERVICES. Philadelphia. Pa., April 25.— Capt. Edward B. Cassatt, sou of the formi r president of the Pennsylvania Railroad, torineilv an officer in the regular •inii ami now prominent in racing and horse show circles, has llunteered his services to the governing nl in connection with the Mexican crisis. He was told ihat Ilis proffer would be accepted the moment it was decided to tall out volunteer troops for services in Mexico. It is more than probable that in the ev.-iil of volunteers tieing called out Captain Cassatt will be offered the command of the Pennsylvania Rough Riders, now being organized In this city. As originally planned, it was to include I Diversity of Pennsylvania students only, but the scope of the movement has been widened to include policemen who formerly served in Hie regular United Statis cavalry and in fact all men between 18 and 25 who know bow to ride.