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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. F. M-. Branlfonl. Oat It was UM1 to 14 a?: nisi Maiden Erlegh for the- City and Suburban Handicap, which he won quite easily. Broadwood ran in the oieai Metropolitan Handicap aad finished seventh. Arthur B., Chicago. Montreal Drtvktg Ilub. Max *_ 2 to May 29, I".. P. Stevens, seerelary. 112 St. Icnics St.. Montreal: Kinj; Fdward Park Jockey Thili. July 11 to July is. secretary. M Si. James St.. Montreal: Metropolitan Kacfctg AssiK-iation. AnLiist 1 to Aagaat R, Joseph Moat, secretary. MS knit; St.. West. Toronto. Oat.: Toronto Driving * Dili. August S2 to August 29, w. It. orvell, rac lug secretary, HlUctCSt Park, Toronto, Uut.