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QUESTION OF POLITICS RAISED. Lexington, Ky.. May .". The Lexington Leader republican this afternoon published a call for a mass meeting of horsemen. Thursday forenoon, to protest against the appointment of Slessrs. W. II. Haldeman and Al lie W. Young cm the state racing Commission. It is claimed that neither of these in, n an- breeders of the t hoioiighbred horse ami that he law. which requires that there be three breeders on the commission, has not been compiled with by Covernor McCreary. The commission, as at present composed, is entirely democratic Be publicans ate making capital oiit of the fact that they will ban no representation aa it. If the mass inciting amounts to anything, it will bode no good for racing, which has hitherto been free from the colli aiuiuntioii of politics in this state.