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- s • • . " ■ ,. . - , I v it f is s i e aa s to ,, ir ■ r ,1 1 1 i be „. e BALTIMORE RACING COMMISSION RESIGNS. Keen mtereal is being taken in the appointment which Gorernor Goldsboroagb is expected to make shortly t.. tin- Baltimore County Racing Comims sion. fur apon the men to be named will depend, it is claimed, the tale ol the four half-mile trails in the county. Some time ago Keilniotul C. Stewart and lieler ick Von Kapf. two of the thn-e Commissioners who ; have been in ollice. resigned ami a lew days ago the third one. Spalding Lowe Jenkins, followed suit. In handing in their resignations, none of the Com luissiouers iudicntcil that one of the chief causes was their indisposition to be worried with the contention over the application of the pari-maturl 1 system to the small half -mile tracks, but the gen oral understanding is thai such was the case. Soon after they assumed ollice the racing cotu-niissiou ordered the pari inuluel system for all 1 tracks in the county. Pimlico had tried tin- sys tem and was satiated, but it seems that i: was 1 found pretty hard upon the smaller courses. Tim oiiiuin conformed to the rule last year and is said 1 to have losl about Sti.otKC Electric lark is said t have had an uiisatisfaciory experience, and Proapecl lark and Gentlemens Driving Park made no a: tempt to operate under the new system and has ajaal 1 racing, practically. The effect of the commissions order upon the • ball mile tracks is said to have created a strong demand for a modification bv which these tracks will In- exempted. And the fact that Tim..niuiii 1 :i beloved Institution in Baltimore county w hi It has " the backing of the most influential men, is in the ■ name boat with the other half-mile tracks makes the demand bard to withstand. Some of those in terested In Tiiuimium say that the county fair held 1 there will have to eliminate racing from ils program ii the pari tnutuel order stands as to it. and thej are far from being vvilling to have the elimination. Mr. Stewart is understood lo Ik- so strongly fa or.ilih- to the pari inuluel system that In- was linvvill bag to change his previous action and. naturally. wan embarrassed bv the insistence for uiodincation: Mr. Von Kapf is reported to have taken the |M.siti-.n that In- cared little about racing, one wa] or another. and mw no reason why he should have to be con cerned, ami ir Jenkins, it is presumed, felt thai 1 us the other two Commissioners had resigned ii was :is well lo make :l clenli sweep. Whether the resignations of the tin -omnils sinners will hep the situation of the small track: remains to be seen. Governor Goldsborougb Indi ciited. at the ti the Havre de Grace Hack sit nation was agitated, that In- strongly favored the • pari in u I ii -1 aystem, and. in addition, lie has given 1 numerous evidences .-I Lis sympathy with what is known as the " ral element." If he aamrn -. board in sympathy witb tin- action of those "h" have resigned, it would seem thai the i-ite of si ii not all, of tin- h iif mile tracks s will be sealed certainly for a couple of rears If. mi the other hand, he nanus commissioners who will reverse the actio* of their predecessors, it i-,s probable thai he will come in for .-i good deal I ,,|- criticism in quarters thai hitherto bare bee* n friendly ta him. .Either way he his a Rttaatioa on ,, his bands thai is almost as embarrassing to him I, .,v ii j. lerioua in the small tracks. He tia Intl mated that he "HI ad within a short time. — Bait! more Siru.