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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. General Villa, leading his arniv on SalttDo, is ceahdeal of ultimate victory. The Mucrta peace eavaya landed at Key West, Fla.. and are on their way to Niagara Falls. Nearly 2. 2nd Wf BBSS ui tie- Panama canal died trom accidents and fevers between Mav 1. 1904, and March ::i, MM. Arson squads of militant suffragette* destroyed the COatly grandstands at the County Cricket grounds in Birmingham and Leadoa. Credible private advices from Mexico City report that the federal.-, at eighteen niili-s south of the cap tai. were attacked yesterday by the Zapatista*. New York city spent ,440,000 to remove last winters taow. Two hundred thousand dollars was saved by dumping the snow into sewers wherever passible. The Scotch customs authorilies have atllSfd 566 sword bayonets eoaatgntd to leaders of the Lister volunteers in Ireland. They were designed for use by the armed anti-home rule forces. Senator Bradley ,.f Kentuekv. republican, an Bounced that ill health and inability to bear the hardships of a campaign com] lied him to announce that he will not be a candidate for re election. Secretary Byraa informed the Huerta government yesterday that the state department considered the action of the Mexican federal authorities in withholding information concerning tin* whereabouts of Private Samuel Parks a hostile act. ireat Northern passenger train No. L the Oriental limited, rasa Chicago, was held up by two masked men near Ref,n|. Mont. The combination mail aud baggage ear was detached from the train, run tour miles west to Rondo, and plundered. Owing to the state of Col. Theodore Roosevelfs health, members of his family bare requested that no publie reception, similar to the greeting extended to him n his return from his African trio, he ar ranged on his arrival from Brazil next weak. Oeuiiine alarm now pervades administration circles over the. fate of John R. Sillinian. American vice-consul at Saltillo. Despite promises made by IIu-ert:i t this government through the Brazilian embassy, m, news of the consul have been received. Otto Praeger. postmaster of Washington, has is sued a circular to tile housewives of the national capital giving them the names of nearby farmers who would send their produce direct by parcel peat. If the plan is effective in Washington it will he tried out in other cities. The insurgent and federal forces, which have been battling incessantl v for a fortnight over the possession of afasatlan, rested yesterday. Genera! Obregon. commanding the constitutionalists, has made ,,o final move to follow up the advantage gained in the last twe weeks of siege. Admiral Badger ••ported that the Mexican gun Mats ZaiMgosa and Bravo, and the tug Tampico. which left Tampico. followed by an American gun boa i and two destroyers, were expected to reach Puerto Mexico today. Be reported the gunboat «ra Cruz abandoned in the Panuco giver. F. I . Monk, former minister of public works in the dominion cabinet, died ai Montreal yesterday. He had been suffering for some time from harden lag of the arteries. Mr. Monk had been for thirty years prominent in the political history of Canada He was one of the leaders of |u. Mnntr~al bar. Yesterdays baseball results —Nat ional League: Brooklyn 12. Chicago 5: New York 5. Pittsburgh .:: Cincinnati 4. Boston 2. American League Washington 6, Chicago :;: Philadelphia 0. Cleveland ■■: St. Louis 9, Boston .": Detroit 4. New York 2. Federal League: Chicago 7. Buffalo 0; Brooklyn 12. SI. Louis S; Kansas City 1. Pittsburgh 0 F. F. Ptahedj of New York, is astonishing Unpeople ot Santa Barbara, Cat, by moving a ftfteen-year-«M araaste grove, tree by tree, from that city to his new winter home on the summit of Etna Up tus Hill, rive miles distant. A small arniv of horticulturists is engaged. Many palms tiftv feet high Will follow. The Privy Council of Japan has ratitied the arbitration treaty with the Halted States. The treaty between the two governments expired on August 21 last. As long ago as June last the Japanese am heasador In Washington advised Secretary of State Bryan of Japans wBUngaeaa to renew the understanding, but final action was delayed. The battleship Oklahoma, building in New York and now 07.2 per cent, completed, stands at the head ol the navy dreadnoughts al present under construction, with the Nevada, ;•;.• completed, second oil the list. The destroyer Bowucs. also under em StractiOa in New York, is 05.:: per ceni completed anil probably will be the next boat of that Class to be commissioned. A courier who came through from Pass del liacho the headquarters of the Mexican araay in front ol ora Cruz. brought word that troops quartered a the Piedad barracks, Mexico City, revolted against Huerta m favor ol Villa Several ofeeera who re-fused to join the mutineers were shoi down Th, mutineers Med toward the west to join :!,«. Zapatistas in the AJusco Mountains. The opening of the negotiations of the South American mediators i„ the Mexican controversy at Niagara Falls. Oat., waa postponed today until Wednesday. May 211. the -ate department announced, lie ms. s w. re original; scheduled to begin Monday. May Is. The delay was arranged at the request of the Brazilian ambassador, M da Game, that the Mexican delegates to the conference, who .tie speeding north from K, •, West might !••! i„. hurried in their trip to Niagara Falls. A report leceatly Issued by the rstahllaaiasi nl ■I"" B 1111- de Monte Carlo, otherwise the famous 1 as no, shows art profits for the tacal rear 1913-14 ot 14,214.740. an increase ,,f 09,000 over the total ..f 1912 1::. This is the greatest lacrease ii net profits of any year in the companys exi-te The dividend was raised from st;7 a ehase to 0. I he par ralue of ., share la 910, but it is now quoted on th- Paris bourse a? ,990. The balance sheet shows that the eompanj baa ,108,550 in available assets, agaiasl .fi.s20.tN to immediaie liabilities.