untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1914-05-19


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Empire City Racing Association OFFICES: ============================= RACE COURSE: ""WiSffi""" STAKES TO BE RUN AT THE voK."a- Summer Meeting, 1914 TO CLOSE WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1914 EMPIRE CITY HANDICAP ,500 Added by the Owners fund KNICKERBOCKER HANDICAP ,000 Added FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD.- By subscription of *r. each. 00 additional to start, F°R THREE-YEAR-OLDS.— By subscription of r each, hB".0 additional to start, with ,000 added, v. illi |T.litt added by tbo Owners l-uud, of which 00 to the second and ." 0 to t.ie third. Wei.alits to I* "!"_ which $."!O0 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights to be announced three days before the race. i-uiiouiicpd ten days before the race. Winners of a stake race after the announcement of weights to cany Winners after the announcement of weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. One Mile and a Furlong. * lbs. extra. One Mile and a Furlong. _ . ___,__..,.. „-,..,-„ _ . ... _ TARRYTOWN STAKES, Selling Value ,000 vhfdc HAMi.rAP v.. . n r;nn lUNACKO il/AIXUItlr VdlUe $£,3UU FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS.— By sabacrlptlpll of 0 each. 6 additional to start. Gaaiaatacd cash FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. By subscription of each. 0 additional to start. S.6W. S? loA IbnSm toVVSom to SellinK p, ice to be State? through the lJuaianleed cash value of ,500, of which to tlie second and 50 to the third. Weights to be an- entry box by the hour of closing entries on the day preceding the race. The winner of a stake race ad tie panacea1 three days before the race. Winners after the announcement of weight* to carry 5 lbs. extra. meeting not to be entered for less than ,500. One Mile. one Mile and a sixteenth WAKEFIELD HANDIDAP ,500 Added MT. VERNON HANDICAP ,500 Added FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS.-By subscription of 5 ene*. |M0 additional to start, with ,500 added, of • which iK» to the second and 50 to the third. Weights to be announced three atom before 1 1 ■ . - , ■ ,. ■,. FOB THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD.— By subscription of 5 each. 5 additional to Start, with In wlr Winner* " K altertne after the annotmeesnaat ineoimecinenl ot of weights vetfhta to o cart] ,,rrv K 0 lbs. Urn eviri extra. Five aw and One-Halt Furlongs. v- i si.. am added, of which 5 the second and 50 to the third. Weight* to be announced three days he- Ian the race. Winners after the aiinouncenient of weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. One Mile. WHIR! STAKF V lIlIP 7 ~IW1 ELEETWINO HANDICAP ,000 Added j _ ™R TWO-YEAR-OLDS. By snWripti..ii of 5 each. 0 additional to s..,,,-,. Qaanatae. raal r.toa IS.dOO, of which 50 to tie second and 50 to tie third. Weights 7 lbs. brio* I...- scale Wii r of FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD.— Bv Bal .script ion of 0 each. 5 additional to start, with Uv,2 I:us "f " Vill! " H.400 each, or our of ,730. to carry :; His. extra: ot two of ,750, or naje of SI.Smi a-lde.l. of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. Weight! to be announced three dan be- *2.«00, • lbs. extra: of two ol ...0 i. or one of ,000. S ll.s. extra. Non-winners of ,500, or two lore the race. v"aai int after the auc.oum ement of weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. Six Furlongs. | ;l ns "f -lic- value of ,000 each, allowed 3 lbs.; of one of ,000, t lbs.: of oa • of 00. !l ll.s.: maiden-. - Ibs- Five and One-Half Furlongs! ARROW STAKES, Selling Value ,000 DEMOISELLE STAKES Value ,500 FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD.— By of 0 each, 5 additional to start. BabSCrinrJpa FOR TWO-YEAR-OLD FILLIES.-Bv Mhacrtptioa of 0 each 5 llllHiiail to atari tloiul. ,i Uuaranl *d rash value .otK . of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. The winner to be sold at caah raJae ,500. of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third Winner* oftwo races of *i out auction for ,000. If for !ess. 1 lb. allowed for each 00 down to 00. SelHag price to be stated through or a race of ,500. to carry ;! lbs. extra: two races of ,500 each 7 lbs extra Non winner* of ■ n -, ,,-i f the entry bra by the hour of closing entries on the day preceding the race. The winner of a stake race at tl.000 allowed 3 lbs.: a race of 50, 5 lbs.; two races of 00 at any time or four races of inv vilue sin,.. the meting not to be entered for less than ,000. Six Furlongs, j May 1. $ lbs.; maidens alowed 14 lb-. " Five and One-Half Furlongs. MELROSE STAKES, Selling Value ,000 FRIVOLITY STAKES, Selling Value ,000 FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD.— By subscription of 0 each, 5 additional to start. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS.— -Bv subscription of 0 each. 5 additional to atari Cu-trintoed east, nh t.i.arantced rash value ,000, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. The winner to he sod ,000, of which 00 to the second and 00 to Urn third The winner to he sod by auction for .v -iio ■ I aaclloa for ,000. If for leas, 1 lb. allowed for each H down to 00. Selling price In Ik- stated If for less, l |b. allowed for each 00 down to 00. Selling price to be slated through tl ntiv box In through the entry box by the hour of closing entries on the day preceding the race. The wtaaer of a stake tie hour of closing entries on the day preceding the race. The winner of a stake race a I the meetinc not race at the meeting not to be entered for less than ,100, One Mile and a Sixteenth, to he entered for less than ,000. j.lvc nj One-Half Furlongs In addition to the above, the following OWNERS FIND STAKES, which closed December I, 1913, will be run at this meeting: STAKE G. For two-year-olds, ,500 added, Six Furlongs, will be run as THE EASTVIEW STAKES, and STAKE H. For three-year-olds, ,500 added, One and One-halt Miles, will be run as THE MIDSUMMER STAKES. THE RULES OF RACING adopted by the Jockey Club govern all races run under the auspices of the Empire City Racing Association. Entries to either or all of the races advertised in this newspaper will be lcccived only with the understanding, and on the agreement of the subscriber, that the provisions of Racing Rules 42 and 43 hereto appended form a part of and govern the contract: "RULE 42 — Every person subscribing to a sweepstakes, or entering a horse in a race to be run under these rules, accepts the decision of the Stewards on any question relating to a race, or to racinc "RULE 43 — At the discretion of the Stewards of the Jockey Club, or of the Stewards, and without notice, the entries of any person or the transfer of any entry, may be refused." ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO SECRETARY, EMPIRE CITY RACING ASSOCIATION, Broadway and 70th Street, New York COFFE E. Did you ever try Jevnes MOCHA and JAVA Coffee? If you are not already one of Jevnes Coffee Customers try a pound at once and you will never use any other. The pound. 42 cents. C. JEVNE and CO., 30 - 32 South Wabash Ave.. Chicago TELEPHONES: Automatic 62-75? Harrison 1314, 1315, 1316 All Departments. OWEN II. FAY LIVERY CO. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY AND GARAGE. 435 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. THE COLONIAL INN AT FAIRHOPE :: ALABAMA Under the management of J. C. HUNT. A beautiful winter resort, steam heated and all modern improvements. SPECIAL RATES TO WINTER TOURISTS. The Finest Resort Hotel in the World HAS BEEN BUILT AT SUNSET MOUNTAIN, ASHEVILLE; N. C. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. An 1 1 fashioned Inu. walls live feet thick, of granite boulders. WatPr from slopes of bhfbiel mountains east of the Rockies. Finest jidf links i the South. Write for rales and literature. GROVE PARK INN. Sunset Mountain :: Asheville. North Carolina ••BUD" WHITE. Telephone: Harrison 3990. F. T. WHITE BUFFET 3Q8 South Clark Street ALL SPORTING EVENTS REPORTED BY FULL TICKER SERVICE. OLD JIM GORE WHISKEY BLATZ PRIVATE STOCK. Golf Skirts MADE OF your own material WILSON, 166 N. State St., Chicago Ornstein and Schoenberg 441 Plymouth Court CHICAGO ILLINOIS HAT FRAMES FOR THE TRADE HIGH CLASS WORK A SPECIALTY. FROM a TO -m Adolph selZ GENERAL EXECUTOR OF ARTISTIC. CORRECT and MOlu.RN PRINTING. 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois TELEPHONES: Harrison 7340. Automatic 67-226. I Am The Man "ii the aroand and in onimaiiua nt 1 stall], irerei regarding a bonk- wbone iwraer* hav heen preparing tor nlhs tor an old fashioned ki!in«. Saturday, May 23, getaway day al Pialiro. I have aratcbad this bone inorninie after morning gei its -i„-.i-i! preparation l..i th- big coup. Yes. I have seen a mile reeled oil in 1:40 aritnont effort, ami I bare heard iniough to amke in" realise that this will be the STAR KILLING "" ll" tin-. I know that this horse has | .. -,-n kept Ktrietlj in tie- ilark and under cover II- lu li -eli titled au.-i.v tl mi tin- watchfnl eves l»f lie- eloekeis ami newspaper men. imr every detail la kii"vu to m.vselt. No one i.nl tin- i-etions. lie- ii-aniei- md exereiae joeaej know anything al t tins borre and when be goea t" tbo barrier Satur day. be will be as Ht an hands can make him. But jroa mustnt let the PRICE SCARE YOl. laal real eaar and await the "hart This konw is ready and mo ■ titoac has hen I . ■ r r unturned Io ni.-.ki i; the baaaer "ui of the meetiu" THE BEST MONEY RIDER al Pimlieo will have the mount. I will duplicate prerHMM Baeeeseee and Guarantee 8 to 1. So poeltiee am 1 thai hU barae will aay wall that I guarantee thai unless the odds are 8 to 1 ron owe me Dothing. In tin other hand, it tie uriro satunlay is s to 1 or better, *end me 0. Ill take the chances. You Get Horse FREE an. I pav-after it wins. Now. please Hole thai Rain or Shine, the borne will go to the post, ii- Dam will he sent to all players by Mail Friday. Viair letter, i taihiag nam-- of winner, will reaeh ...i Saturday at 12 oclock. Thai is doae to prevenl telegraphic leaks. Your name and address nuisi reach SM not later than Friday noon if you want this horse, and. remember If I have your nam.-dont write again. All honest players will uet 1 1 1 i ~ one. Address at OBCe H. DEAN 296 Lenox Avenue, Marion Building, NEW YORK CITY NATIONAL RAGING iftVitW TODAYS SPECIAL: Alabama. Mountain. Monologue, Robin. Vesterdaya wire and S|„.,-iM| i„,t|i fciiahfil see.. ml. Room 446. 321 South La Salle Street, Chicago. 111. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE, CHICAGO yesterdays Form s, i.-,i tiMish.-.| second. TUESDAYS FORM SPECIAL: October-Pear-35-52-34-30. Daily laished sec I. „„THE TURF REPORTER. Room 509 «„„ 22 Wost Quincy Street. Chicago, Illinois. 1 . -teniaes Siteelal h.si Daily scratched TUESDAYS SPECIAL: Oiamre-Friday-Can-Natc At-Eat. ... eeata ■ week is all it costs. Mailed i,i t.lam se;ll,.,i ,Uv,.ioi,.. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court, :: :: Chicago, Illinois

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1914051901/drf1914051901_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1914051901_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800