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CANADIAN SEASON TO OPEN TODAY. Splendid Card Provided hy Ontario Jockey Club for Inaugural Day at Woodbine. Toronlo. Out.. May 22.— The imtajlan of the On-taiio jockey luhs anrinf meeting at woodbine toil. .now will Inaugurate the Canadian racing season ..I 1014 and promises to be the greatest social and -jolting event of the seasou in the Dominion. Tin. luh has provided a splendid program for the occa-sini. thV added money for the seven races amounting lo *10.500. Well-halanced fields have been lamed in all hut the Kings Plate, which is conceded to Iteehive. The latter has an unls-iiton record of six victories last season and his trials this spring have been faster than those of any of the Other candidates. Gay l.urus has been engaged to ride Beehive, while Batweli, Tanlai and Goald have in mi secured to ride three of the four named by .1. I.. Seagram, president of the Ontario Jockey Club. Porcupine is not carded in the official entries, but he is likely lo start and his owner lias elitained a ;.ll on Jockey -1. Hanover in .-use he does. Light showers which ell this afternoon freshened be infield and settled the dust OB the main track. Tl ■• going should be fast lonKNTOW anil all indiea lions point to a r -cord-breaking al tendance. An Immense steel grandstand has taken the place of the antiquated structure which did service for so ii.-ni.v years at Woodbine. In its complete state the plant is now the liuest in Canada Bad lor that matter probably the lin.-si op the coattaewt. The opening I iv will tiuil a glial gathering of social celebrities from all pans of the Dominion who will be i.n hand to greet their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess l Conaanght. Karl Grey, former governor-general "I Canada, is also in the city and may attend. There is a big delegation of Kentucky horsemen her.- Ibis spring. Hie latest arrivals from Louisville i.eiag .!. W. Schorr, Howard Ools. frank I.. Ites pcaa and A. L. Klrby. Those who came from Balti more this morning included Mortimer Mahonev. .lames Arthur. .1. Goyle, .1. W. Dayton, II. o. lied w.ll. ]•:. Mcl.ri.le. Steve Lllommedieu and jockeys Guy Burns, Taplln and Knight. The eastern delegation brought the news that the body of Or. Naughton. a veterinary dentist who died a- a r.-snlt of an operation for appendicitis in one of tin- Baltimore hospitals, was shipped to his former home at Battle Creek for Interment, At a meeting of The committee of the Canadian Ii.-. ing Associations held yesterday. Hie lollovvinr applications were granted: Trainers -James Arthur. A. L. Austin. II. i. lb-dwell, IL Bowers, E. Brown, A. !,. P.ulcmft, John II. liurtuchell. Lutiicr an. George B. Cochran. I.anicv L. Cole. GeorgJ Cornell. John L. Ci.yb-. Charles A. Fair. K. Poueoa, W. 11. Prey, .1. . Gallaber. II. unas Gallagher, Lewis W. Garth, H. Giddlnga. Jr.. E. Glassco, .1. W. Graver, Colin llagin. Cliria ilauser. I-. Harrington. S. Hess. A. L. Klrby, B. T. Litllclield. Thomas Maguire, W. M. Martin, William Martin, George .Maybeiiv. Thomas Meagher. G. M. Miller, Sol Mint/.. K. W. Moore. Warren Mulligan, I-:. Murray, T. Murphy. .1. McCormack, 11. McDaniel. .lames Mc-•..i.aehb-. Harry McDonald, James Mclllmarray, Joseph .1. McKenna. J. Nichols. John Nixon, L .1. OC ell, Charles OT.earv. W. I.. Oliver, W. i Presgrave. it. Rofers, G. W. Sett. Albert Sin s. it. K. Stewart. John Stis-kler, I-:, I Trotter, J IL Walker probationary. William Walker. H. Webb, A G. Weston, Bd vThyte, Charles Wright. J. A. i.i moo, George Walker, i,. R. Tompkins. Jockeys W. Andreas, James Butwell, Guy Burns, E. Carter. Albert W. Claver, W. Preach, Phil Cold si. in. ;. iould. H.irrv Gray. A. T. Halsev. .1 4in Hanover, John T. Kermath, William Kohler. Prank Murphy, M. Nathan, W. Obert, George Rowley, i ■ j h Byan, Harry Kimpson, J. Smyth, E. Taplln, I. D. Teahan. C. Van Duseu. W. Warrington. It. Walls. Slanle.. Wils.m. The li.lh.wiug is a |is| ,f tl,.. oaViah of the Ontario Jockey Club Tor the coining spring meet i m:: -I.ioul. Col. William Headrle C.liu Caniph.ll. Bart let! M.-I.eimaii. C, -g.- M. Headrle. Judgea Francis Nelsou, 1 . King Smith. Starter A. c. Dade. Clerk of the Scales and Entry Week -Joseph Mc assistant. M. Allen. Timers Charles Boyle, J. IL Daaaa. Paddock -In Ige P. 11. Eunore. Iatrol Judge W. II. Hewitt Phvsi. ian .1. i;. Elliott, M. It. Clerk «.l the Coarse W. I. Eraser: assistant. C. IL Wigney.