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BLUE BONNETS OPENS AUSPICIOUSLY. Barnegat Scores Fluky Victory Over Sir Blaise in Days Feature at Montreal. .Montreal. Que.. May 30. — The Jacques artier Selling Stakes was featured hv tlie Montreal Jockey tiuli at the Bine Boaaeta this afternoon. It was the opening day of the spring m eting of the clnh ami the beginning of the legitimate raciug season in this province, tonuiii.ui were in .i... the occasion and :i large crowd visited the picturesque eoiirse ii:nk oi Mount BoyaL Interesting contents resulted, with several of the Bnishes close •enough to ai-.nis • great enthusiasm. II. E. Watkins tarnished tin- winner of the stake in the four-year-old Barnegat. wbieb beat Sir a nose in a jii.!- Hen the latter should hare won. Shilling, who bad the nioiuil ..n Sir Blaise, became careless after beading Barnegat, while Callahan, on the other band, rode a desperate tinish and Barnegat, responding again at the end. got up to heat Sir Blaise In the final stride*. The condensed history of the Jacques Car tier flakes is as follows: Year. Winner. A.Wt. Jockey. Val. Time. IMU7 Niblick 5 85 J. Murphy. .$ 675 1:40% 1998 Cms East :; si Francis .... 975 1 :•:•• MN9 Centre Shot ..4 106 Mentry .... 1,675 1:42% litiu Banives :: lo:: J. Burns .. 1.530 l:474-. P.H I Spellbound ■". 103 iro-s 1,595 1:39% 1912 Blackford 6 103 C. Turner .. 1,409 1:41% 1913 Flabbergast ...3 110 J. Wilson .. 1.44". 1:40% 1914 Barnegat 4 Mil J. Callahan. 1,659 1:4"-. Capt. W. 1. Presgrave saddled the lirst two i winners in Thomas Clydes Faker and C. S. Campbells I.inilcsl.i. Both won their races by a length i and both were- at short prices, taker was a 1-3 ; favorite and tiny Barns had to pat up one of his . «;■ sperate implies to beat Mrs. Campbell. The . latter bang on with fin-at persistency under punish • mem and gave the backers of the favorite a few uneasy monn in a. I lieie were no inutile] machines In operation and I twenty seven layers eat in. Wttlinm K. Bngstrom, Horace Paul, William Beverley, I. Hammerslig, Willie Applegate. •Frisco" Gardner, Johnny Lewis. Jack At u. 1 1 1 . Fred c.Kik and Peter McOrath were . :iii..iij; the namber. The stewards ordered thai the entries of Hill I Siteain and Susan B. be refused in future. Both i horses bare developed Into two of the worst post actors on the tart and they were responsible for the lill .1 minute delay :it the post in the Sixth rue. .Iiii1l:i Frank J. Brynn and Herman P. Conkllng, who came up from New York to help the club out in the absence oi the regular officials who i were detained .it Toronto, returned t" their homes ; tonight. Col. J. .1. ltiley of Montreal, reports the arrival ..I :i linn.! urn frown colt by Bean Galtaal out of the imported English mare Gard ddr, by Bend I « ir. The Dorval Jockey Club is erecting a rinhhoase :it its course, which the contractors promise to have ready in time for the opening oi the meeting, which i Immediately follows the close of that at Bine Bonnets.