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OLD ROSEBUD OUT OF TRAINING. New York. June 1. -Old Kos.bud. pride of the Western tarf, has goat wrong. There were ke.-u disappointments and great surprise al his defeal in tin- Withers Stakes al Kelmonl Dark last Satur day and not a little speculation at the way he finished with his bead haiming down. And this is the reason: yesterday Frank Weir, trainer of Old Rosebud for II. C. Applegate. found that his pride had bowed one of the tendons in his near foreleg. Everything thai was known to the "vets at Kelmont Dark and to the trainer was tried, but to no avail. Later in He- day Weir told Mr. Applegate that he was going lo throw old Roaebad ml of training temporarily Mr. App legate agreed, and Old Roaebad will be sent awa this week. Ihe opinion about the stables al Belmont Iark was that the injury might not prove serious enough to end the turf career of tin- horse that was heralded as ihe best three year-old In the west, for Hid Kosebml is a little gelding and in time, it is hoped, the injured teudou will respond to treatment.