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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The total of the dead in the strike troubles in 1,1 Colorado is put at sixty six. Defalcations in the United States during the past st year reached a total of 0.OOO.OO0. Huertas Bgenta may balk at giving C.iiT.uizas 1. nien a part in the mediation proceedings. Admiral Badger has heea ordered not to prevent ,l the landing of war munitions for Htierta at Puerto 1,1 Mexico. To forestall action by the peace mediators at " Niagara Falls in selecting a provisional government Il for Mexico. Gen. Venustiano Carranza has virtually 2 assumed tbe position of provisional president and " has begun the work of selecting his cabinet. An arson squad of militant suffragettes destroyed ■d the historic Parish Church of St. Marys. Wargravo. e. three miles from Henly on the Thames. All that remains e of the Church, which was built in t838, Is a a | ortioii of the tower and the torched stone walls. William M. It. Preach, director of the Alt In stitute. was repotted to be living yeeterdaj at St. ,l- Lukes hospital. Mr. Preach has been sinking * rapidly sine" last week, when he was operated on " for wliat was » tiered to he a tumor of the kidneys, s but which pro red to be a cancer. After a conference of leaders of tbe fight to to pass the Panama tolls exemption repeal bill. Senator or Simmons predicted that the measure would get the h vot.s of fifty two senators, a safe majority. Senator ■* Simmon-. s:ii| his line up did not include any 11J senator considered doabtful. By a rising vote of the 207 members present, the be House of Representatives placed In the ami trust si bill the trst clip committer amendment, providing ig thai no labor or tanners organization should be be held lo be ; eombination or conspiracy in restraint lit of trade. Tins amendment was urged by the he American Federation of Labor. The effect of the new tariff during the first seven en montls of it* application, on tbe customs receipts da and on the volume of imports at New York is presented • lo «■• 11 ! Dudlej Field klstone. The sum ":l of tllS.2trl.d81 »as collected in cuntoins under the "• new tartS 88.653.0tlS less than in the corresponding ■K ■even-months period under the old tariff. Kightv per cut. of the convict- and guards, ex x amincd in the New York state prison at Auburn. show symptoms of scarlet fever, according to a htatemeht bv a siiecial deputy of the state health department. The prison has been placed under strict quarantine. One of those detained is Thomas M. Osborne, cliairman of the state commission for prison reform. There is no denying tin- fact that an awkward situation has arisen in connection with the Mexican mediation situation us a result of the insistence of President Wilson on the admission of Caranza deb-gates to the conferences. The mediators take tbe position that they will MM admit the rebel delegate* without the condition precedent that Gen, Carranza order a suspension of hostilities.