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I I GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Suffragists for the first time invaded Catholie churches in London and created scenes by attempting to harangue the Congregations. In fiillillnienl or her last wish, the ashes of Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson will repsee beaMe the body of her husband on the summit of Mount Vaca. Samoa. The supreme court affirmed the decree of the Missouri Supreme Court ousting the International Harvester Company of America from Missouri and lining it 5,000 for violation of the state antitrust law. William Randolph Hearst in an interview printed in the Brooklyn Standard Union hinted that he would swing his support to Colonel Hoosevelt if the latter sought to bring together the progressive Republicans and the Progressives. The campaign of the amalgamated temperance forces of the Inited States for nationwide prohibition was launched in Chicago Sunday. Former Goernor Frank .1. Hanly of Indiana and Oliver W. Stewart initialed the light to stop the sale of liquor With three addresses. The lirst step toward recovering the MM» or more bodies in the wrecked Knipress of Ireland was taken yesterday when a diver descended from the Canadian government lighthouse tender Druid and for more than an hour explored accessible parts of the sunken i liner. The Knipress was found to be lying on her side in about 1S0 feet of water. C. K. i. Billings, owner of many famous horses, has presented Wilincring. one of the handsomest trotting slallions in the country, to the United States breeding bureau for the improvement of the breed ol" cavalry horses. Wilmeriug is now eight years old and made his race record four years ago i at Dallas, Texas, a mile in 2:12i. For beauty, size, style and blood lines lie has attracted wide ■ attention and praise in European exhibitions. The first passage through the Gatun locks of the Panama Canal by an ocean liner was successfully carried out yesterday by the Panama railroad steamship Alliance, a vessel of 4.000 tons. The trip 1 was made a test of the working of the electric : towing locomotives In handling a large vessel. The ■ operation passed off without an accident, the time required being about one hour and a half each way. . Hnerta yesterday called off the blockade of Tampico.. which had been ordered on Saturday to 1 prevent the landing of arms for the constitutionalists.