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• j I NOTES OF THE TURF. II is reported that the pro|H.s.-d meeting at .1 leyliehl. Que., Will be cancelled. c. it. Kiiisou is among the patrona of the apart at l.alouia. II is I ik.-l. thai Hie Genlleineiis Driviiitr Park track at Baltimore will change hands within ih.- lies 1 lew i!a.s. K. B. Parsons, who is tramiag lie horses Kh ,• Iriciai!. Jack Han.n.r anil llvki. lias taken joekej .1. Sweeney in charge. Capt. James Ii. Bees r Memphis is the gaeat of Col. Alex I.ab.ld at Ciuciniiali for a feNV dais of the l.alouia meetlag. .1. B. Campbell has received a letter from K. W. Maginn, who has been ill it his home in St. Louis, stating that lie- will probabij be in condition to resume his duties at l.atonia before tiie end of the present week. Former jockeys Waller Miller and Herman Raflfce wre recent visitors at Belmont Park. The former has a mens furnishing business ami the latter keeps a billiard hall in Chicago. Both were premier jockeys in their day. William Ryan of Chicago, who is enjoying the races in France. England and Germany, was among those who backed Duiliar tor the Epsom Delia. He writes that he would have had a Mg hel on the none bat far the fact thai ids gallops in preparation for the race were unsatisfactory. The Prix de Diane, a race at ten and one half fnrlongs, for three-year-old lillies. and value. 1 *| 821,400, was won al Chant Illy in France, Suinhn. h. the 30-to-l shot, Alerte VI.. owned by M. Bond erer, which beat the favorite, Kdnunnl Blancs Mousse de Sler. by tbive-uuaners of a length. Bai m Maurice ,h Bothscfaihls Diavolesaa was third.. Herman l . Duryi as Arihe ran uiiplaceil. "I dont know thai Pennant is gaiag to scare me." said John F. Schorr in talking alM.ut sending I. like |.|. nke t., Montreal to run in the Dorval Delhi next Saturday. "I know Pennant i- ■ goml burse, hut I bare .1 y.H.d hois.- also, oae thai will keep stepping all the Way, and if Pennant has any desire to unit on the way borne Lake McLuae u ill in- looking him in the eye. There Is no question Pennant was straight in bis mile and a sixteenth trip, and he will have lo go further than that in the Derby." At Piping Bock Saturday afternoon there was I constant promenade of hoThoMfn along the lawn and through the wooded paddock. There was no race in which the members of society were not in te rented and the saddling of each horse was watched carefully by ih * friends of the owner, who clustered around him to wish good luck to his eamflB. The brighl sunshiny day brought out gay colors iii ■refusion and ii may safely 1. • s.ihl that never before in this country was there an assemblage which s.. closely resembled the gatherings for which G001I w.od and have so long heeii fatuous in Bag land. — New York Sun.