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LATONIA FORM CHART. LATONIA. KY.. TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1914.— Fourteenth day. Latonia Jockey Club. Spring hfeetteg of 21 ! da s. Weather clear. Presiding Steward" Charles F. Price. Presiding Jiule. W. 11. Shellev. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Bacilli; Srerelaij . K. V. Mnitiiin. Kncing starts at 2:30 |«. in. Chicago time 2:: lt p. m.. "Indicates apprentice allowance. 1pf/fck/i FIKST KACE 3-4 Mile. 14S 7— 1:11**— 4— ltts. ;o ad-hd. 4 year dels and upward. . t*J" FJB TC Fillies anil Mans, gelling. NCI value to winner j510j siconil. :!tt: third. 4. 1 lies Horses AWtllSt U ]2 "4 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Eimiv. odds Strt 14443 "LOUISE PAUL wl its 4 fi 4i?. 4" :! 14 -V Mott K C Arnold 125-M4 I444MJ LURIA w 4 M4 M L 1i 1*1 1*1 21 D Connelly J C Hans, n t::s i i coy wa 4 144 12 ;, z* t* a o|ik P KeoKh w H Baker 1S-5 I I Hill STAR OF DANTJBKw 4 1M « :! 7* P 4] 41 B Martin J C Milam 32 enV:i.-, I JENNY QKDDKS w 5 M6 3 10 9 9 71 5* G VV Car11.1 B Beeaeea 12 Wl.Vi LA MODE W 4 110 9 9 5 :,. I" ii". W W TlorT P Haves B-5 R437*BULA WELSH W 4 MS 11 1 3* T H 7. F Teahan W H Sncarley 99 I «! ."»: LADY LONDON wi 4 M3 E 4 4| il" S- S= W Olnrt W L Lewta I 12243 ANNIE SELLERS w ti MS 7 12 12 M I ,|h A Neylon F J lons Sfi I4M4*CARPATHIA W 4 Mi 111 H H 11 In F Kobinsn Koss ,V- Looney L.t 14443 ST. AVANO WB 4 144 I 7 s" H M ll» .1 Bobbins W E Nunn Si l4VtMI*l FCHESS DAFFYwn 4 lou . S 8 w 12 jj V1 Fool Woods and Stoner t • Miiiuel geld, lime. 23. 47. 1:1235. Track fast. inutiiels paid. Louise Faul, .54 straight. ifii.ot place, .44 show; Luna, field. 5.54 plaee. ..2 show : Ooj . S4.40 sliow. Equivalent hooking odds Louise laul. 12."i to It* straight, ot to 100 plaee, 24" to 100 show; Luria. field. i.7." to 1 1 mi plaee, 2in to 1 " show ; Coy, 100 to 1 0 show. Winner It. f, by Kilkeiran — The Crisis trained by J. S. Illfll Weal to ihisI at 2:31, At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easilv: seeond and third ilriv-h»g. Lot 1st: PAUL began slowly, hut moved up steadily and, linishiii!. test, wine LFKIA down in the anal sixteenth rfter ■ hard stretch drive. LIBIA showed mueh the most early sliced and held on well tl rough the last eighth. OOY raced torwardly from the start, hut tired slightly In the stretch drive. STAR Of DVM I.E eained steadily. JENNY tiEDDES dosed a big sap. CARPATHIA was away Bestir. o. -i -weights _-Cc.v. 5 iMitinds; I.iiIm Weigh, ■".: Duchess Patiy. 2*. SECOND KACE 5-8 Mile. .H 2t.7 -V.I- 2 loo. I » added. 2 year olds. Maidens. 1fT/fcfr ej* / jH O Fillies. Special Weights. Net value to winner .$..10: second. SElli: third. 4. "index Horsi-s AWtllSt 4 -4 Str Fill Joekeys Owners Fi|uiv. Odils Strt i 14244 ONE STEP w 110 3 1 3 B :- 1* WW T* lor J N Camden Z1S-1M j 14424 GRECIAN vv 110 11 3 1- 1= 1U 2* D Connelly.! E Madden 31-5 IIMtil B. BIB AND TKEBwis 111 S 5 4 B*l Ill* O Byrne E It Bradley 11 • 14*44 INEZ w llil 1 1 5- lb ." - 4- F Baofk O .T Long 33-10 IS44S VICAR8 DGHTER w 110 9 7 7- 7 7*1 5* A Mott .1 Buth-r 7 » l»K«t SEPTEMBR MORNWB 1M M 4 2»| 2 1 P 41 G W CarllF J Kelley t3S II7." : LIMA BARL w 110 7 9 91 10 S1 7and E Martin AV H Steele t I II 44 -MATT IE c. wilt i 11 10 I 9 S1 F RobinsnK Colston 5. 14474 GONDOLINO wb 110 ti r, o- ti- 61 4*1 W Obert J R HuBhes 12 M7o: v..v/: fayton w no 2 s s- s- in lo- J Robbins P Peyton t LUCILLE B. w lit 4 10 11 11 11 11 F Teahan J Bradley 77 T.Mutu.l field. Time. 23, 48,. 1:01%. Track fast. paid. One Step. .::o straight. $.i.7tl place, andJ.00 show: Grecian. .40 place. ,*1.2 l show: Best Bill Mii.l Tacker. 440 show. Eipiivahnt booklate odda Oaa Step. 215 to 140 straight. 4S la 100 place. 50 to 100 show. Grecian. 170 I.. HKi plaee, 110 to H* show; Best Bib and Tucker. 190 to ltto show. Winner -tii. f. by oddfellow — Bcwitcher trained by J. O. Keenei. Wi M to |" st at :: us At iiost :; niinutes Start jtimhI and slow. Won 1 fi vinjr : second and third the saaie. ONE Sll.I raced torwaraljr from the start, stood a hard drive resolutely in the stretch and got up l win in the last strides. GRECIAN showed blRb speed in iiaeemakin and only tired and succumbed risk! at the end. BEST BIB AND TUCKER ran a Rood race under strong riding. INEZ acted badly at the post and fell, but showed Rood speed and finished fast. SEPTEMBER MORN tired alter go tog a half in closest pursuit. M ATITE C. was away hadlv. Scratched -14727 Mi nlo Park. 110. Tl 1 1 Kit KACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. CM.ill — 1:0..*,— :i— ! .;. Purse 1914.sh04. 2 year-olds. 1pr/rt/» Q Q gelling. Net value to winner gjjOj second. IH : third. 454 "in. m Horses AWtllSt 4 Jj "4 Str Fin Jo keys t wners Eipiiv. odds Strt 1441S:OUTLOOK w Ml 2 1 1»| 1«| 1 1- AV W TTorJ E Madden :;to-HHi I I!l7:l RESIGN W 108 10 ti 3- 2" L:I 21 AV Obert S K Hushes . 51 14444 KATHARINE G. WB Ml 4 10 M 7,: ti4 :;". F Keogh D E MalkoUaad 37 W 14424 B. FIRST w K o 5 4 4 4- M 4- G Byrne E B Biaiilcv 14 14474 DUNDREARY w 103 3 3 ti 4* 4» 5- B Ott ti J Loag 171 I ISfiG DBNGRO wis 10S ti 8 7- Ii- 7" tii D Connelly G L Blackford :i«i-5 I IX!J I V AI.LAHA WB Ml 8 5 2» 31 6* 73 F Teahan Clay Bros 14-10 I l!4X TAM 1AM w 100 1 I 5i S s- s. K Martin J Spencer SB I4244*HUGH HUNTER w M 9 7 9" 9s . • 4* A Mott J Neal 7.". BLONDE w 103 7 9 10 10 10 10 G W Car-11 0 A Bianehi titi.t lini.. 24y5, 48%, 1:01. 1:07%. Track fast. 42 mutuels paid. outliHik. 48.80 itralgkt, .ti » place, .$.".20 show: Kesi-n. 437.50 place, 414.44 show: Katharine ti.. .80 show. Bqairaleal booking o,ids outlook. 340 to 10o straight, 130 to 100 place, 00 to 104 show; Kesign, 1 775 to DM pine. 7:i0 to KK show: Katharine ti.. !Hl to 100 show. Winner— Cb. l. by Yankee- -Origin trained by W. J. Yeaag. Wiiit to post at 3:41. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third drlriag. Ol TlXHtK tnored into the lead at once and. akawtaa much speed, easily held sway for the en-tire race. KF.SKi.N was always a forward contender and held on well in the dosing drive. KATH-AKINE :. was away skarbr and came last in the stretch after closing a lii sap. B. FIKST showed speed and tired in the last sixteenth. DUNDREARY ran airly well. Y ALLAH A |tiit in the stretch. Siiatched 15IMI7 London Girl. 1IM. k r~T IontTll KACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 44144—1:42—3—44%. Pane 4704. 3-year Ipr/ •3 f £ _§ i Ids and upward. Handicap, get value to winner 4560] second. !ji|lN: third. 0. Indev Morses AWtllSt 4 L- % Str Fill Jockeys fjlwncis Eituiv. Odds S|r-t 14421~COY LAD « 4 MS 4 1 1* 1| 1" i". 1- E Martin H II Hewitt X4KM4 15008-PRINt i; HERMISwB 4 Ml S 5 5 E 5 3- 2* W Obert L Marion i3-20 lixtty ess CALLAWAYara 4 141 1 2 24 21 2- 2 3- A Neylon .1 Livinaatoa 21-10 14«77 GLASS w 4 103 I I V- V ::. 1 4- AV W TlorM Yonnc 73-20 15010 JACOB BUNN w 4 lOti : 4 3 31 V 5 5 A Mott J H McCarren 21 Time. 23%, 48%. 1:13, 1:39. 1:43%. Track fast. 42 iniitucls paid. Coy Lad. 48.04 straight. Ijii.oO place, ?2.70 show; Prince Herinis. .40 place, 42.90 niiiw: Prlacew Callaway. 42.40 show. lapiivali-nt booking odda— Coy Lad. .".in to 100 straight, 115 to 140 place. S3 to 100 show; Prince Hcrmis. I2ii t.. loo pla -e. 15 to KHt show: Princess CaUaway, 20 to loo show. M Winner Br. h. by Pe.-p oDay — Coy Maid trained by J. D. Sinithi. W Weal to post at 1:14. At lxist 7 niinutes. Start bad and slow. Won easily: sec;md and third drivini;. COY LVD had ihe beat of the start and. making the pee last, raced into a iiiir lead at once and was under nstraiat tkroagh the last half. PRINCE llEKMIS was away poorly, but closed a liiir gap in the last hail ami finished with a rash. lKINCESS CALLAWAY had no mishaps and van a ood race, hut tired in the st retell. .I.VCOI! I.INN and til. ASS were beaten alter oinif three-ipiarters. FIFTH KACE— 3-4 Mile. 14807—1:11%— 4— 10S. 0 added. :. year -ods. Colls and 1pr-r4"_Q O I " gQ Geldings. 8e 1 1 iiijr. Net value to wjinur 10j second. |134j third. 1. "l1nl"x il~rses A VVt IjSt :j % :i Sir Fill Jockeys Owners latuiv. Odds Strt lMMtBANK BILL W MI I 4 4- 40 2» 1- P Teahan E D AVoods 12-5 l4414zRAOUL WB MI 4 3 3" : 3- V AV W TlorG J Long 4M-M0 14442 1 K. KENDALL WB M7 2 1 l1 2i I3 3* A Neylon J M Goode IS 1 4919 DEPOSIT wb US I I 2» l1 lh H F KeoKh Weber t AVard 4-M 14414 TENER W M2 1 5 I1 Q i1 54 A Mott C E Arnold :;:i 1I7HI PRINCETTON W 1 4 I ti I H 7 ih G AV tarHAV II Baker Ml 1 l!l* MAJOR BELT w 107 10 7 51 7 8 7* D Conn-dly Mrs J Schreiber 1M , 14943 MANNERS W Ml 11 I i1 ■" "• :M 4* L Gaugel .1 P Smith 31 I 1104 THE GANDER w llo I 9 M I it 9- E Martin OB ott 25 14834*SIDY J1KI.I.MA.N w M 5 11 11 11 M lo4 R Davies J C Kodgers tJ " 14805 TRANS MILLER w 107 7 M 71 10 11 11 AV Obert I F Brannon t tMutUel held. tDiauoallned for foal and placed last. Time. 23%. 47«s. 1:13. Track fast. $: iniitucls paid. Kaoul. straight, . tit place. S.i.OO show: Doctor Kendall. 5.20 place, 44.40 si ow; Deposit, S..r.o show. Bqalvaleat booking odds— RaoaL 340 to HM straight, lt to KH1 place. 50 to 100 show: Doctor Kendall. , i.iii. to ino [dace. 12" to Kxt show: Deposit. 23 to 1 mi kHow. Winner B. c, bv oiseau — Cutter trained by P. Ooyac. W nt to posl at 1:54. At p"si 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third diiv in--: BANK BILL mored up resolutely in the stretch and. when going fastest, bored ovi-r agaiast KAOIL. v loch in turn lumped DEPOSIT, enabling BANK BILL to draw away fast in the last seyenty yards and ;i~ dis4ptalili I for foaling. KAOll. ran a !_ kh1 race and linished gaasely. DOCTOR KENDALL s. t ihe early pace and raced well throughout. DIIOSIT was beatea at the time of the foul and iiuit in the - ii-.i,-l, TENEit finished well. PRINCETON closed a gap. Scratched -H.Ht:: K..hoit Kay, l»7. _____ SIXTH KACE -1 1-16 Miles, t :;22 t -1 :4::%— a— 110.1 Parse 4494. 3-year-olds and ap- , 1p?SOt jy W Zi j ward. Selling. Net value to winner 541: second. .NI; third. 1. ~ nTjTx 1 Tor-" A W t I 1St . - Str Fin Ji ickeys 4wnc is Eijiiiv. Odds Strt 14732 STAR ACTRESS w 4 im~l 1 3l 21 U - 1- E Martin M A Oolton llli-loa 1 4978 ~B AC w3 9fi S I 4*| 1. 2» 2- 23 A Neylon E R Bradley 1 14424* BE wb 5 lot 4 5 2» ll .i- 3- 3= A Mott P.I Miles 12 14978 STAR O" RYAN WB4MI 2 I 5 54 5* I1 4h F KeoKh J MacManus M 147 57 L H ADA IK WB -1 T« ti ii • t;4 •;•"■ V. 5- AV W T lor Mrs V A Kirwan Ifi I 14078 iF.Ii K KEENON WB 3 M2 17 7 7 7 S ti- 1 Connellys Bedford 63-M , 1 IK4,8 MISS THORPE w r, lul 3 2 l1 l11! 7 7 F RobinsnA B Lowe 9 1 1004 TEXAS TOMM1B WB 3 lo:; I L tt at the post. L Gaus»l J Spencer 123 Tini-. 24. 48V5, 1:13-,, 1:44, 1:45=-,. Track fast. muiues paid, stat Actress, 424.30 straiskt, .40 plaee, 44.14 akow; Bac, $:i.10 plaee, .00 show: . |.. 1 lio show. K.iiiiulent I kiie. odds SUr Act re ss, 1115 to KHi straight. :i20 to 100 place, 155 to 100 show: Bac. 55 to 100 place, :i" to Mhi shew: Be. 130 to 1 mi show. Winiiei -Br. I bv Star Baby— Mirth trained bv E. T. Oaitoa. ..,,i i, -t ;,t 5:30. At posl ,i mlnntett. St:o-t bad and slow. Won easily: seeond and third drhring. STB Vf TKEss chase up from the start. red into the lead when called on and won in a canter, U.Ve i. i • lounil by uinu i-lr "ii the turns and anhshed gamely, but was easily held sale. BE ran well, but tired in Hie Btn-teh. STAB DRYAN made a «H.d effort, bat tired in the stretch. BUCK KEENON was I «;n pma-ly. MISS THORPE sei U»e early pan- and qatt badly. Scratched- -148G0aVerena, Ki2. Orerweighto Buck K n. 1 pound: Texas Toininie. 1.