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FORT ERIE NEXT ON CANADIAN CIRCUIT. Buft.iin. x. Y . Jane M. One week from today will mark the opcuing of Iori Eries Irsl meeting ..f tin- year. Bacing will continue for seven days, ami duriug that time lour of the seven rich BXturea of ih. neaaon will he decided. The first day will Bee the running •! the Fourth of July Slakes, a race al oae mile and seventy yards, for three-year iilils ami upward, and on t lie third day. July 7. the Niagara Stakes, ive furlongs, for two-year-olds, is down for decision. The Canadian Derby. one mile and a quarter, and on,, of the big races - of the circuit, will In- run on Wednesday. .Inly S. The other -take. I he Tort laic Stakes, will feature ih.- Baal days card, Saturday, July 11. This race i- at i furlongs, for three-year-olds ami upward, and is an even! that nsaallj draws a large tield. At the second B tin::. August ."i lo 12. the Domini. .11 Handicap, value . ■" . OHO: the Iroquois Hotel Makes value ,500. and Ih.- Canadian Sportsmens Handicap, also carrying a value of I1.BSS. will he 1 llll. Racing will continue at Hamilton until next Thursday, and then the scene on the Canadian cir nil will shift to |-..n Trie. Everything |H.ints to , i record -ail ing at the track serosa the river • n.t month. The have tilled with record breaking numbers, ami the .las. of racing in Canada this season i- of the highest. There wttl be plenty of stable room at Fort Trie this year, three new barns having been erected last year. A i present there an quite a number of borscs at the track, including those of trainers who dodged Hi,- Hamilton meeting in order t" rest their charges tor tin- meeting at toil Trie.