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1 GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The Japanese American controversy over the Cali f- tela land dispute bids fair lo become acute again. Many w -re killed and injured in a violent earthquake which caused widespread damage in southed n Sumatra. Some o! the constitutionalist troops will move south from Zacatecas within a few days in pursuit of Use federals. A definite movement to obtain better roads throughout Indiana was launched by Governor Balaton when he announced the appointment of a state bighwaj commission. Five cuts a mile instead of 20 cents is what the house Pas decided members of the senate should receive for their exepnses to and from Washington to attend seaaaoas of eoagress. The Austrian authorities have decided lo substitute milk lor the present army breakfast of thin ,.r black coffee, especially in the conn try dl-; int-. where milk is cheap. Tic definite aunt. ■•cement that the trans-Atlantic aeroplane America would not be shipped to Newfoundland until July 11 means that the over-sea Bight to Luii pe i-aiucd begin until July 9$ ac 24, Mat Chriatofferaoa. aviator, in a biplane Hew over the peak of Mount Whitney in CaHfornia, It. NtiS high, lie attained an altitude estimated at nearly l .otH feet an. I established, it is con tended, a new American altitude record. Shamrock IV.. Sir Thomas Uptons new challenger for tin Americas cup. had her first real olliiial trial under cup condition*. She beat the •Id Shamrock over a seventeen -mile course by four minutes, fifty-three seconds elapsed time. Twelve structural iron workers, convicted in the dyaaaaite conspiracy eases, whose applications for pardons were denied by President Wilson, returned lo tile Fniled Slates prison at Leavenworth. Kan.. to serve out sentences interrupted when they left the prison under bond. Geo. Garland X. Whistler, aged sixty-six. F. S. A., retired, is dead at Peaaacola. Fla. General Whistler invented smokeless powder and a system i I hie control for artillery coast defense by which officers in a central station can map out the exact location of approaching vessels. With assurances of co-operation from the leading dry goods firms, jobbing and Commission nouses and :he organisation of merchandise creditors and holders of the linns paper, John Clafiin began the task of reorganisation of the II. 1!. Clallin Coaa-p.iii . which went into the hands of receivers Thursday. One hundred and eighteen Mexican federal army officers of various grades were marched out of their prion enclosure at Zacatecas. under a heavy guard of constitutionalist troops, taken to the plains east i f the city for the customary executions, and then were astounded to hear frota tin- lips of jeneral Pancho Villa that their lives were spared. The old Astec law of Mexico was thereby overturned. .Nearly half of the historic city of Salem. Mass.. rich in buddings and tradition, is in utter ruin aa the result of a terrible conflagration which has coal one life, destroyed nearly the whole, manufacturing section, hundreds of houses. including4cvernl dating back to Colonial times, rendered 15.000 home less and caused damage estimated at 0,000,000. It is the vialest fire of recent years in Now England