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HILLCREST PARK FORM CHART. TORONTO, Ont., September 30, 1914. Second day. Toronto Driving Clubs Autumn Meeting of 7 days. Illllcrest Park. 12 books ou. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. Kd Cole. Starter. W. M. Mill-ray. Racing Secretary. W. R. Norvell. 17631 First Race About 5-S Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, 1914.sh0: third. 0. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 17325 J. G. AVeaverll3 In R Brooks 5 5 2 1 1340 Bombay 108 21 W Kelsay 5 5 2 17209?Teo May 117 2 II Watts 2i 2 4-5 172352PhIlopena 117 41 F Benton 4 5 2 17308 "Winn. McGeelH 52 A Walsh S 12 4 ,17308 Isabel Casse 117 3 MSimmons 3 3 1 17440 Actor 10S 73 JDeavprt 15 20 7 10094 May Bride 113 82 N Foden 12 12 4 1733G2King Cotton 115 9 C Grand 10 12 4 Time, 1:02. Track fast. Show odds John G. Weaver, 1; Bombay. 1: Tee Mav, 2-5: Philopena, 1; Winnie McGee. 2; Isabel Casse, 1-2; Actor. 3: Mar Bride. 2: King Cotton. 2. Winner J. C. Wards ch. g. 4. by Six Shooter Mareatta trained by R. Long. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. 17632 Second Race Aliout 5-S Mile. Purse 00. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10: second. 1914.sh0: third. 0. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Joekev. Op. CI. PI. 173082Pat Gannon 117 lnk -N Foden 3-2 2-3 out 17014 Sarolta 117 2U H Watts S S 3 17237 Preserver 113 3i C Grand 3 4 1 i : s 3 I s ; 1 ! " ! ; , 1 . 15520 Yanker 113 4l L Merinole 15 20 7 17308 Artesian 117 uj C White 12 12 4 13399 Montreal 117 fii J Russell 3 4 2 173083Maude Ledi 117 7- L Goines S 12 4 17249 Dorbie ICS 8 F Cox 10 12 4 17269 M. A. Mayer 113 L.rid.MGriner 12 12 4 Time, 1:01. Track fast. Show odds Put Gannon, out: Sarolta. 3-2: Preserver, 1-2: Yanker. 3; Artesian, 2: Montreal, 1; Maude Ledi. 2; Dorbie, 2; Mark A. Mayer, 2. Winner G. Foleys ch. g. 4. by Abe Frank Burnlo Bunton trained by G. Foley. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. 17633 Third Race 0 1-2 Furlongs. Turse 00. 3-year-ohls and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, 1914.sh0: third. 0. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. Pl.v 17323 Daylight 113 1" TMcCullh 1 3 oiif 172G92Col. Brown 113 2 MSimmons 3 4 Z-2W 17480 Old Jordan 108 3 W Kelsay 10 10 4 17309 3Ratigan 113 43 JDeavprt 5 5 2 17209 Casanova 113 5 C White S 12 4 17238 Chief Kee 113 G DMcCrthy 15 15 ! 17310 Phil. Connor 117 Fell. L Goines C 7 3 15594. Sunguide 113 Fell. ,W Levee 8 7 2 Time. 1:25. Track fast. Show odds Daylight, out; Col. Brown, 2-3; Old Jordan. 2; Ratlgan, 1; Casanova, 2; Chief Kee, 3; Phil Connor. 3-2; Sunguide, 1. Winner J. Eekerts b. f. 4. by Peep oDay Grace Commoner trained by J. Eckert. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. 17634 Fourth Race About 5-S Mile. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second. 1914.sh0; third, 0. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 16245 Free 112 l2 JDeaVprt 2 8-5 1-2 1G7.45 Oxer 115 23 TMcCullh 4 4 3-2 17313 Prince Chap 120 32 C Orand 3 4 3-2 17195 Gen.McGgr 117 4 Ii Brooks 10 10 4 17443 Belle Torre 115 5 M Griner 3-2 2 2-3 17309 MissE.Fenk 112 C2 W Gargan 20 20 8 17241 Banives 115 7l C "White 20 20 8 17270 Tern. Duncan 112 S N Foden 10 15 5 Time. 1:00. Track fast. Show odds Free, out: Oxer. 2-3; Prince Chap. 2-3: Gen. MacClregor, 2: Belle Terre, out; Miss Edna Fenwlck, 4: Banives, 4: Teinpy Duncan. 5-2. AVinner G. Palmers b. m, 5, hi" Withers Prue trained by J. E. Stewart. Start poor. Won easily; second and third driving. 17635 Fifth Race 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, 1914.sh0: third, 0.-Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PL 17308 Tyro 115 l3 C Grand G 8 3 17195KingRdfd 11G 2l "W Levee S-5 2 2 3 17012 Col.McDgll 10G 3l C White S 12 4 172543Cole 111 42 TCummgs G 8 3 17281 Henotic 105 5l R Acton 3-2 3-2 12 17329 Leamence 114 G2 DMcCrthy G G 2 17G10 Masalo 111 72 W Gargan 12 4 ,G 5 17275 Miss ChristiollO S L Meripolc 12 15 5 Time. 1:24, Track fast. Show odds Tyro, 3-2: King Radford, out; Col. MeDougall, 2: Cole, 3-2: Henotic, out; Leamence, 1; .Masalo, 3-5: Miss Christie, 2. Winner E. J. Doyles b. g. 4, by Singleton Tos-canna trained by E. J. Doyle. Start good. Won pulled up; second and third driving 17636 Sixth Race About 5-S Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second. 1914.sh0: third, 0. Iiul. Hoive. Wt.Fiu. Jockey. Op. ci. PI. 17613 L. dos Cnetsll7 13 C Grand 3 4 2 17323 Brlghtstone 117 T- M Griner 4 3 0-5 17275Cloak 117 33 A Walsh 3 3 1 17141GoId. Ruby 117 4i JDeavprt 2 2 2-3 17C13 Carissima 117 5 W Levee 5 5 ? 17611 Fld Flower 114 G3 C White 10 15 5 17611 Kelly 114 72 DMcCrthy 12 12 4 17270Twnty-One 117 S I, Meripole 15 20 S Time, 1:00. Track fast. Show odds Louis des Cognets, 1: Brightstone. 1-2: Cloak. 1-2; Golden Ruby, out: Carlssimn, 1; Field Flower, 2; Kelly, 2; Twenty-One. 4. Winner I. Strikers b. g. 0, by Ben Brush Cop- pelia trained by J. W. Estepe. Start good. Won handily; second and third driv- ing. 17637 Seventh Race 0 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-yearolds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, 1914.sh0: third," 0. lull. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PL 17314 Mother 113 1S N Foden 4 G 2 17613 Tempest 115 2i G Grand 2J C-5 1-2 17313 Scar. Letter 10S 3-J C Jackson S G 2 17615 Nlla 117 4t A Walsh 7 8 3 17271 Dahom. Boy 113 5U JDeavprt G S 3 i 170142Rky OBrienin C2 W Levee 8 12 4 flk 17093 Colfax ICG 72 R Acton 10 12 4 T 17375 llcClintock 113 S2 TCummgs 12 15 C 17242 Sh. Northcut 113 9 W Gargan 15 15 G 167453Queed 113 Left. MGriner 2 i 4-5 Time. 1:25. Track fast. Show odds Mother, 1; Tempest, out; Scarlet Let- tor, 1; Nila, 3-2; Dah.imey Bov. 3-2: Rockv OBrien. , 2: Colfax. 2;McClintock. 3; Shorty Nortlieut, 3; Queed, ont. Winner-T-W. Hamiltons ch. m. 5. bv Dick, Welles Miss Melton trained by W. Hamilton. Start poor. Won easily; second and third driving. 17638 Eighth Race 7-S .Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 15; second,. 0; third, $.55. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockov. Op. CI. PI. 1.7613 Brandywine 115 1 C Grand 2J :4 1 17616 Die. Jackson 112 2" L, Meripole S 10 4 17311 Curious 120 3l H Watts 3 4 2 17238 Irish Kid 112 4i M Griner 3 4 2 17016 L. o Kldy 10fi 5l JMcCrthy 10 S 3 17422 .Thorn. Hare 101 j3 R Acton 2i 2 G 5 173 14 Protagoras 112 7s C White 8 7 2J 17480 Gordon 115 8 Murray 5 5 2 Time. 1:30. Track fast. . Show odds Brandywine. 1-2: Dieie Jackson, 2; Curious, 1; Irish Kid. 1: Laird oKirkcahly. 1; Thomas Hare, 3-5; Protagoras, 1; Gordon, 1. Winner J. Wilkinsons ch. e. 4, by Stalwart Miss Canale trained by C. Ilagan. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving.