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NOTES OF THE TURF. Steeplechase jockey Qnnrriugton has loft Toronto to join the stable of M. Daly in Maryland. The British Columbia Thoroughbred Associations" meeting at Minoru Park. Vancouver, came to a close Saturday with the ninetieth day of racing. Steeplechase jockey Harry Simpson has taken over the Canadian-bred Sykcsle, and is schooling him with the iutentiou of making a steeplechaser of him for next year. The colt has shown promise in his early training and is taking kindly to jumping. Bilberry, which ran third in the Kings Plate at Woodbine in 1907, will see service as a chargir with the Canadian contingent that has gone to England. He has been shipped to Quebec from Toronto for transfer across the ocean to be used by Aemillus Jarvis, Jr., a lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Dragoons, iu whose fathers colors the horse last raced. At its New Zealand Cup Meeting in November the Canterbury Jockey Club will distribute 1914.sh7,250 .in prize-money during the four days. The Australian Jockey Club will give away 61,750 added money at its spring meeting, and will not receive any io-tum in entrance or acceptance fees, whereas the Canterbury Jockey Cinb will: hut. considering the : difference in imputation and importance between Sydney and Christchurch. the latter citys leading body makes a great showing. The chauces are that without the totalisator the Canterbury Jockey Club would not be in a jwsition to be half so liberal. Sydney Referee. In France, subsequent to the declaration of war agaiust Germany in 1S70, racing went on for nearly ly a month, but after that a great number Of French horses were hastily deported to England and other countries for fear the invaders might get them. Count de La Granges horses in training and yearlings wore sold iii London in September of that" year, thirty-nine lots realizing a total of 20.030 guineas. Glndiateur the triple-crown hcroi made top price. Mr. Blenkiron securing him for 5.S0O guineas, while Mortemer went to the bid of Mr. T. Carter at 3.CC0 guineas. Racing was resumed in France two months after the declaration of peace, the whole term" of cessation iu that country being something less than eleven months.