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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Anthony N. Brady, who. starting as a lwor boy, climbed from a humble position in the Hotel Dele van in. Albany to the top of "Wall streets financial ladder, left a gross estate of ",043;443, according to the report of Charles M. Friend, state transfer tax appraiser. With the exception of John I. Rockefellers fortune and the millions accumulated by Andrew Carnegie, the Brady estate is thought to be the largest in the country. A native of Lille. France a storm center of the present war Brady became the "mole of Wall street" by shrewd flnau clal work. He left 00,000 to charity. Prince, yon Buelow lias been appointed German ambassador to Italy. Recent dispatches from Rome indicated that Hcrr von Flotow. the Germau ambassador there, was about to retire. Prince Bern hard von .Buelow, formerly chancellor of the Ger nian Empire, who usually resides in Rome and who. through . his Italian, marriage, has great influence Iii Italian society, was mentioned as likely to take the post- in view of its Importance at- this crisis. Material increases iu passengers fares practically throughout the country except in southeastern territory will be caused by advances announced by railroads in trunk line territory .bctweeu New York city and Pittsburgh and in Central Passenger association territory, betweeii Pittsburgh and Chicago and St. Louis. Practically the basis for readjustment is 2 cents a mile, the present basi-i generally-being 2Vi- cents. Confusion over the question whether "the United States government or organizations atliliated with the Catholic church were to bring away from Vera Cruz the refugee priests and nuns there was cleared away by an order from Acting Secretary of War Breckinridge to Gen. Funston """to give transportation to all the clerical refugees who desire 1 It. The state department at Washington has received notification that Sen. Obregon had declared war on Villa. The information added that Obregon was going to Saliua Cruz. As that port is 011 . the Pacific side of the isthmus of Tehauntepec and . far- from the scene of .the threatened hostilities, officials could not , understand it. Governor Hall of Louisiana has returned to New Orleans from Springfield, 111., where he held a conference with Governor Duniie on waterways. lie was. assured that an eight-foot .channel waterway between Chicago and New Orleans would be 111 operation wrthltf two ycarsT Governor "Hall saidr Great Britain has prohibited the exportation of tea to all continental ports except those of the countries of the allies and of Spain and Portugal. This prohibition is diuS to indications that Germany is receiving large supplies of -tea through the Netherlands. Without giving any reason for their act, officials of the United States revenue cutter service boarded the fast private steam yacht Winchester, anchored off Staten island in upper New York harbor, and destroyed the yachts wireless outfit. Consul Siliimaii in a report to the state department said that the Carranza -forces had evacuated Mexico City. He did not indicate in which direction the departing troops went, but said the city was in a state of great unrest. The British admiralty has, accorded permission to Swedish transatlantic , liners to make the passage by way of the north of Scotland, thus removing the worst trouble for Swedish shipping as the result of mined waters. The bureau of standards of the New York city board of estimate, which fixes all salaries in municipal departments, has decided that ,200 a year is a living wage. The quarantine against cattle shipment from Can-add to the United States imposed because of foot and mouth disease, was lifted yesterday by the department of agriculture. New York state was visited by a heavy snowstorm.