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STAKE WINNING HORSES OF 1914. Herewith is presented another installment of the stake winning horses of 1914, publication of which was commenced in Daily Racing Form of a recent date: Little Father, ch. g, 6, by Ivan the Terrible-Nannie Hodge. StakeTrack and Date. Fin. Amt. Cherokee Selling Stakes, Churchill Downs, Oct. 14 .; 2 $ 250 Autumn Selling Stakes, Latonia, Oct. 31 1 l.GGO Total $ 1,910 Broom Flower, ch. f, 2, by Broomstick Kildeer. Eclipse Stakes, Dorval Park, Sept. 16.. 1 $ 1,010 Caroline Handicap, Havre de Grace, Nov. 20 2 200 Trenton Selling Stakes, Havre de Grace, Nov. 25 1 075 Total .$ 1.SS5 Garl, br. c, 3, by Martinet Memories. Pcnn Selling -20 Stakes, Havre de Grace, April -. . 1 $ C75 Belair Handicap, Havre de Grace, April 25 . 1 1,210 Total $ 1.SS5 Exton, b. g, 4, by Fatherless Eliza Russell. Prince of Wales Steeplechase Handicap, Montreal, June C . 1 $ 1,370 Capitol City Steeplechase Handicap, Con-naught Park, Sept. 1 3 100 Sfratbcoiia Steeplechase Handicap, Montreal, -Sept. 5 .. 3 150 Wkdbliic Autumn Steeplechase Handicap, Toronto, Sept. 19 2 250 Total $ 1.S70 Star Jasmine, br. m, 5. by Ogden Star Cat. Merchants Selling Stakes, Latcima, June 20 1 $ 1.S50 G. M. -Miller, b. h, 7, by Lissak Subdue. Charleston Hotel Handicap, Charleston, Jan. 14 3 $ 100 Robert .E. Lee Handicap, Charleston, Jan. 19 2. 300 George Washingtons "Birthday Handicap, Charleston, Feb. 2!5 2 300 Cauiden Handicap, Lexington. May 5 ... 3 345 Empire City Handicap, Empire City, July 18 2 500 Dixie Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 22 3 150 Havre de Grace Handicap, Havre de Grace, Nov. 2C 3 150 Total i,S45 Bay Brook, b. g, 5. by Bowling Brook Nil Des-perandumm. Onk Ridge Cup Steeplechase -Handicap, Piping Rook. Oct. 7 1 $ 910 Elkridge Steeplechase Handicap, Pimlico, Nov. 7 -.. 4 -.0 Green Spring Valley Steeplechase Handicap, Pimllco, Nov. 11 1 S70 Total ....5 1,830 Dalston, b. c, 3, by Sir Huon Binda. Colorado Derby, Denver, June 20 I $ 1,400 Vancouver Derby, Vancouver. Aug. 29 ... 1 420 Total $ 1,820 Double Eagle, b. c, 2, by Watercress Captivity. Annapolis Stakes. Laurel, Oct. 0 ....... 3 $ 200 Potomac Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 24 3 200 Waldeu Stakes, Pimllco, Nov. 7 1 1,420 Total .$ l,S20 Liberator, ch. g, 2, by Planudes Countess Irma. Beechmont Selling Stakes, Douglas Park, Sept. 20 1 $ i,S20 Jesse Jr., b. g, 2, by The Commoner Bessie McCarthy. Pine Forest Inn Stakes, Charleston, Feb. IS 2 $ 200 Germantown Selling Stakes, Havre do Grace, April 21 2 200 Aberdeen Stakes, Havre de Grace, April 2S 1 1,210 Perryville Selling Stakes, Havre de Grace, May 4 2 200 Total .? 1,810 Fathom, ch. c, 3, by Ethelbert Ferment. Harford Handicap, Havre de Grace, April IS 1 $ 1,800 Tarts, b. , 4, by Broomstick Queen of Hearts. Battery Park Selling Stakes, Charleston, Jan.. 7 , 2 $ 200 Citadel Handicap, Charleston, Jan. 31... 3 100 Ladies Handicap, Bclmout Park, Mav 28 .". 3 150 Harlem Selling Stakes, Belmont Park, June IS 1 075 ROckaway Selling Stakes, Aqueduct, July 1 1 075 Total $ i,S00 Hearts of Oak, br. c, 4, by Bassetlaw Lady Light-foot II. Cohnaugiit Cup Handicap, Toronto, May 2S 2 $ 500 Connadght Cup Handicap, Montreal. June 2 1 1.270 Total $ 1,770 Celesta, b. f, 4, by Sempronius Rezia. Opening. Handicap. Denver. June 13 ; I $ 700 Denver City Handicap, Denver, June 24.. 1 1,050 Total $ 1.750 The Masquerader, b. c, 2, by Ogdcn Masquerade.: Pimlico Nursery Stakes. Pimllco, May Hi. 1 $ 1,000 Juvenile Stakes, Belmout Park, May 27. 3 150. Total ? 1,750 Irish Heart, b. g, 4, by Dublin Sans Coeur. Kings Piute, .Montreal, Sept. 5........ 1 $ 1,740 lochiel, b. . g, 6, by Hastings Lady of the Valley. Robert 1-7. Lee Handicap. Charleston, Jan. 19 -. 1 T. "" President Plate Handicap, Coiinauglit Park. June IS , 3 100 Fourth of July Handicap, Fort Erie, July 4 3 100 Tola ,7i53 Penobscot, ch. g, 5, by Yankee Courtplaster. Stake, Track and Date. Fin. Amt. New York Steeplechase, Belmont Park, May 20 1 $ 1,450 Grand Natiouai Steeplechase Handicap, BelmoiU Park, June 10 2 250 Total $ 1,700 Syosset, br. g, 4, by Migraine Sister Stella. Saratoga Steeplechase Handicap, Saratoga, Aug. 15 2 $ 200 Elk Ridge Steeplechase Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 17 1 i,0S0 Chevy Chase Steeplechase Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 27 3 200 Reading Steeplechase Handicap, Havre de Grace, Nov. 21 2 200 Total $ 1,CS0 Vcgue, b. f, 2, by Peep o Day Clare Russell. Beechmont Selling Stakes, Douglas Park, Sept. 20 2 $ 350 GOlden Rod Selling Stakes, Churchill Downs, Oct. 10 1 1,200 Total $ 1,640 Ten Point, b. c, 4, by Jack Point Gold Ten, Toboggan Stakes, Belmont Park, June 11 3 $ 150 Mt. Vernon Handicap, Empire Citv, July 25 2 250 Laurel Handicap. Laurel, Oct.. 3 3 100 Fox Hill Handicap, Havre de Grace, Nov. 28 f 1 1,120 Total $ 1,020 Little Nearer, b. g, 5, by Golden Maxim Leonalla. Howard Selling Stakes, Laurel, Oct. 8.. 1 S 1,415 Cecil Selling Stakes, Havre do Grace, Nov. 19 2 200 Total $ 1,015 Montresor, ch. g, 4, by Monfort Madchen. Amsterdam Selling Stakes, Saratoga, Aug. 27 2 $ 200 Nassau Selling Stakes, Belmont Park, Sept. 10 1 GO.-. Howard Selling Stakes, Laurel, Oct. 8 . . 2 200 Prince George Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 17 2 250 Rennert Handicap. Pimlico, Nov. 5 . . 2 100 Chesterbrook Handicap, Havre de Grace, Nov. 14 2 200 Total .. $ 1,615 Lady Curzon, b. f, 2, by Plaudit Belle of Mayfair. Coronation Stakes, Toronto, May 27... 2. $ 400 Grey Stakes, Toronto, Sept. 20 1 1,195 Total $ 1,595 Carbide, br. c, 2, by Celt Lady Goda. Stake, Track and Date. Fin. Amt. Ottawa Lumbermans Stakes, Cohnaugiit Park, June 23 1 $ 1,320 Nursery Plate Stakes, Hamilton, July 28. 2 250 Total $ 1,570 Crystal, b, f, 2, by The Commoner Miss Alice. Victoria Stakes, Toronto, May 30 3 $ 150 Spring Brewery Stakes. Hamilton, July 2. 2 250 Niagara Stakes, Fort Erie, July 7 1 1,155 Total $ 1,555 Footlights, ch. g, 6, by Hastings Flittermouse. International Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont Park, May 30 2 $ 250 Broad Hollow Plate Handiean. Piping Rock, June 3 3 50 Chamblet Memorial Steeplechase, Brook-line, June 13 2 300 Country Club Grand Annual Steeplechase, Brookline, June 20 2 200 Corinthian Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont Park, Sept. 10 3 100 Brook Cup Steeplechase Handicap, Belmont Park, "Sept. 19 2 350 Torikaway Steeplechase Handicap. Belmont Park Terminal, Sept. 26 2 200, Oak Ridge Cup Steeplechase Handicap, Piping Rock, Oct. 7 3 100 Total .if 1,550 Handsallround, br. f, 4, by Ellisdalo Debater. Woodbine Steeplechase, Toronto, May 26. 1 5 L200 Street Railway Steeplechase Handicap, Toronto, May 30 2 350 Total $ 1.550 Commonada, ch, c, 2, by The Commoner Nevada. Kindergarten Selling Stakes, Montreal, June 3 1 $ 1,535 Shannon River, blk. g, 6, by Black Dick Tentore. Shillelah. Selling Steeplechase, Saratoga, Aug. 1 2 $ 200 Hendrio Steeplechase Handicap, Toronto, Sept. 2G 2 500 Elk Ridge Steeplechase Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 17 ,. 2 200 Chevy Chase Steeplechase Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 27 2 300 Etkridge Steeplechase Handicap. Pimlico, Nov. 7 2 200 Green Spring Valley Steeplechase Handicap, Pimlico, Nov. 11 .3 100 Total ? 1,500 Stir Up, b. c, 2, by Ildrim Skirts. Juvenile Stakes, Dorval Park, June 9 1 S 1,490 Harry Junior, br. c, 2, by Ogdcn Partridge. Futurity Stakes, Saratoga, Aug. 29 3 $ 1.4S3 Banquet, ch. c, 2, by Chilton Fcsta . Clabaugh Memorial Cup, Pimllco, May 9 1 $ 1,450 Good Day, b. c, 4, by Peep oDay Aimce Goodwin. Stamina Stakes, Dorval Park, Sept. 21.. 1 $ 1,440 Ella Bryson, ch. m, 6, by Juvenal -Graziosa. Canvas Back Selling Handicap, Laurel, Oct. 15 1 $ 1,425 Paris, br. c, 2, by Ogden Golden Drop. Saratoga Special, Saratoga. Aug. S 3 Matron Stakes colts and geldings, Belmont Park. Sept. 7 2 $ 200 Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Sept. 12 1 1,205 Total 3 1,405 Bryndown, br. f, 4, by Bryn Mawr Thistledown. Crickmore Memorial Steeplechase,. Pimlico, May 16 4 $ 50 Prince of Wales Steeplechase Handicap, Montreal, June 0 2 300 Chamblet Memorial Steeplechase, Brook-line, June 13 3 200 Country Club Grand Annual Steeplechase, Brookline, June 20 1 S50 Total ,..$ 1,400 Pixy, b. f, 2, by Peter Pan LAlouotto. Clover Stakes, Aqueduct, Junu 29 2 $ 200 Astoria Diniier Stakes, Aqueduct, July G. 1 1,200 Total $ 1.400 Shyness, ch. f, 2, by His Majesty Mrs. K. St. Lawrence Stakes, Dorval Park, June 12 1 $ 1,275 Hochelaga Handicap, Monjtreal, Sept. 10 . . 3 125 Total $ 1,400 Polly H., b. f, 3, by Heno Polly. Palmetto Derby, Charleston, Feb. 28.-... 4 $ 125 Chateau Laurier Hotel Handicap, Con-naught Park, Aug. 29 1 920 Earl Grev Cup Handicap. Montreal, Sept. 7 3 150 Anne Arundel Selling Stakes, Laurel, Oct. 20 2 200: Total ? 1,395! Sleeth. b. h, 5, by Deutschland Mcrida, Camden Handicap, Lexington, May 5... 1 .$ 2,323. Cloud, br. g, 6, by Albert Scotch Lassie. Broad Hollow Plato Handicap. Piping Rock, June 3 1 $ 060. Suffolk Plate, Piping Rock. June G ..... 2 lOOi Piping Rock National Plate Handicap, Piping Rock, June G 1 370 Braes Cup Handicap, Piping Rock. Oct. 7 1 255 Total $ 1.3S3 Gun Cotton, b. m, 9, by St. Maxim Cotton Queen, Strnthconu Steeplechase Handicap. Montreal. Sept. 5 1 .$ 1,075 Ileudrie Memorial Steeplechase Handicap. Montreal, Sept. 12 3 150 Woodbine Autumn Steeplechase Handicap, Toronto, Sept. 19 3 150 Total ;,373