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EUROPEAN WAR DEVELOPMENTS. Western Galicia was declared to be clear of Russians in an oilicial statement issued at Vienna. In the battle of Linianowa the Austro-Huiigarian army is declared to have completely routed the Russians and to have taken 20,000 prisoners and great quantities of war material, while the Russian losses were enormous. The total numlior of Russians captured in Galicia in the last few" days is reported to be 33,000. The following official communication was issued earlier: "Our forces which advanced beyond the line from Krnsno to Zakliczyn again met with stubborn resistance yesterday. Violent lighting is also proceeding on the lower Dunajee river in Galicia. The Russian rear guards, who had made a dogged stand on the western hank of the river were almost completely routed. In South Poland fighting continued, the enemy being routed. Our cavalry, which on Thursday evening entered Jendrzejow, has reached the river Nida. Further north tile Austro-Gernian allie? have crossed the river Pilica. From the Carpathians there is no news except of minor engagements with results favorable to our troops. From Przomysl our troops made a j-ortie without meeting serious resistance and cap-lured several hundred prisoners." German claims of victory over the Russian armies stand officially denied at "Petrograd. while the triumph of the forces of the czar which opposed the advance of the Germans in northern Poland is declared to be rapiUly growing in importance. The Germans are said to be in full retreat on the East Prussian frontier from Ciechanof. which is twenty I miles southeast of Mlawa. 011 the main railroad to AVarsaw, along the line on which the Germans attempted to advance. Desperate rear guard actions are said to be in progress as the Russiaus press closely on the retreating army. Many prisoners are being taken by the Russians as the Germans, exhausted anil suffering from exposure in the severe weather which has prevailed, dron to the rear and voluntarily surrender. Between Nieuport and Middelkerke the German positions were heavily shelled by the British warships between Friday midnight and 7 oclock Saturday morning. During the earlier stage of the action the German lire was heavy, but apparently t lie guns were destroyed or withdrawn, as the reply early in the morning was light. Arord comes from Rosen, the headquarters of the Germany army in the east, that Field Marshal von Hiiideiiburgs army took Lowicz Friday after heavy fighting for several days and compelled the further retirement of the Russian lines. Sir Horace Plnnkett. head of the Irish agricul-! tural Itoard, has arrived at New York, and asserts that Earl Kitchener has now a British army of 2,000,000 men well trained and almost ready t. be sent to the front. Kaiser AAMIhelm is said to be planning to return to the headquarters of his armv on the western front this week. His condition is greatlv improved and he expects to leave Berlin within .1 few days. The conference of the three Scandinavian kings resulted in an agreement to remain neutral and stand together 011 troublous questions arising out of the war. The allies are reported to be .making steady gaius in Belgium and northern France in the face Of vigorous German opposition. i