First Race [1st New Orleans, Daily Racing Form, 1915-01-07

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FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs 4yearolds and upward Selling G0090 105 if 1 112 Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds AVt St A Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy GRAYS FAVORITE bill g 5 100 By Bonnie Joe Myra Blackburn R S Plunkett 1S850 NOrlns 5 f lfcGfast 2J 112 5 3 3 32 41 J McTagrt Great Friar Luria Nila 1SS20 NOrlns 5 f 106 fast 20 100 4 2 3 33 51 J McTagrt 8 LadyMojuet JimBascy Luther 13791 Juarez 5 23 51 R Hoffmanl2 Pajnrnita Ruvoeo Lone Stnr 13764 Juarez 51 f lOTVfcfast 10 102 8 II StnrII 7k 64 L Gentry 11 Pnhacliapi Rsemary LHwood I372G Juarez 34 l12fast G 112 6 7 7 GJ K Taplin 8 Ixjne Star Inlan Butter Ball 13680 Juarez 34 l12fast 12 112 3 1 1 2n E Taplin 14 ThisBelle ButBall KRadford 13618 Juarez 34 113 fast 12 112 4 2 2s 331 L Gentry 11 Seneca Sidney Peters Cool 13585 Juarez 31 113 fast 12 101 3 1 121 1 L Gentry 14 George Oxnard Transact Inlan 13570 Juarez 34 l16mud 12 105 4 7 5 6 A Neylon 0 Calcium Doncaster Great Friar 13187 Juarez 58 59fast 15 10G 7 3 3k 53i L Gentry 13 LBirdie TAVllTarth Rublcoull RublcoullBy GABRIO blk g G By Nasturtium Obscurity G Aivin 31 l18slow S5 us 3 2 = 22 C Peak 8 ToeKniglit KRadford PGann 34 117 mud 115 111 2 2 3 = 453 R Troxler 7 FFIve Brandywine II Brother 18751 Charlen 34 115 fast 2 114 4 5 5 4l 5 = 1 R Troxler 10 MCasca Sonny Boy TMGrcen 18721 Charlen 34 l17slow 2 102 2 G G1SG90 G 4 1 34 E Pool 10 Coptown Brdvwine TMGreen 1SG90 Charlen 34 11C mud 4 114 G 3 3 3 32 AV Obert 1O Priwer Brandywine Beau Pen 18578 Charlen 51 t lOSfast 41 112 5 3 3 21 1 R Troxler f Aiiey Gold Cup Eliss Harwood 18510 Charlen 34 117 Rood S5 IOS 7 6 5 51 3 = 1 K Pool 11 Brandywine Ilearthstne Qneed 18316 Latonia 34 l12fast 21 11313 12 121S171 U QneedU 11 1012 R Goose 14 TheReach LLondon Rio Brazos 1S171 Latonia 1 116 l47 Bood7110 112 2 2 2 2 41 4 J E McEwen 9 MAnnK Garncau P Callaway 18133 Latonia 1 116 l46fast fid 111 2 4 4 4BLUE 5 43 5s E MeEwcnl2 Joe Deibold Louise Paul SMaid SMaidBy BLUE JAY br g 5 107 1071SS31 By Hastings Blue Jacket C F Buschemeyer 1SS31 XOrlns 34 l13fast 4 112 4 2 2 li I1 J Pengast 12 Kiltie Dancing Master Inek 17844 Hillcrest 6S f 124 fast 7 115 7 7 7 7 7 ° 1H AVatts 7 Brandywine AAavering M Lou 17794 Hillcrest Gi f l23fast 10 115 7 4 4 4i 5 1 AV Kelsay S Euterpe MMnard Dahmeyloy 17702 Hillcrest Ab5S l00fast 3 114 4 4 42 1 A AValsh S Kelly Swiftsuro Yankeelotus 17615 Hillcrest Gl f 124 fast 2 111 7 5 4 31 33 R Acton S MissMenard MarlyLou Etiter 17315 DufTerin G f 125 fast 4 117 2 2 3 3l 3i II AVatts S Mar Lou Athabascan Wavering 17211 Dufferin Gi f l25 fast 12 112 4 3 3 2i 1 H AVatts S MMenard TheMonk Athabascan 17140 Dufferin 7S l32fast 4 110 4 2 2 2l 2 II AVatts G HuskyLad ThosHare Leamence 17092 Dullerin GI f l25fast 25 112 4 5 5 41 SJ II AVatts 7 Al Court MissMenard Wavering 16745 Hillcrest 7S l34siop 2 110 2 1 1 21 2 = Herridge S LoKirkcaldy Quecd Cassowary 16619 Hillcrest Ab5S l00fast S in 3 3 33 3i T McCngh S Tactless Barctte Miss Brush 16492 KingEd GI f l22fast 4 109 2 2 2 21 E Smith 10 Cleopat Pontefract Lolaloha 16465 KingEd Gi f l25slow 3 112 Z ZBULGARIAN C LolalohaC 3 321 E Smith G Miss Jean Pierre Dumas Spohn SpohnBy BULGARIAN b c 4 106 1061S316 By Mazagran Chiono T J Brown 1S316 Latonia 31 l12fast 40 103 S 7 2 G 5TJ F Murphy 14 TheReach LLondon Rio Brazos 15559 AVindsor Im20y l44slow S r 2 5 5 5 fi 5 J Metcalf G Love Day Kingling Oreen 15311 Windsor 7S l31mud 15 101 4 7 5 51533S 5 41 4 = 1 A Claver 8 Ilolton Galaxy Father Rilev 1533S FortErie 1 116 147 fast 8 08 1 fi G G1516S 4 4 413 R Shilling G Tom Hancock Mockery Hollon 1516S Ham ton 1 l12hvy 12 103 S 9 G G1D013 u 5 = 3J P Ford 10 Ravenal McCreary Bernadotte 1D013 Conght 51 f lOSfast 15 9S S 9 9K733 5 7 = SD F Murphy 9 Elma Dr Doughertv Amoret K733 Dorval IrmOy 148 fast 5 95 8 S 6 fi Amoretfi 6 = G11 F Murphy 0 Mockery DDcadwood Lcamenco 1331420G 14514 BlueBon Il42good6 95 133 4 4J 4 F Murphy 11 Sher Holmes Cisko Abbotsford 1420G Pimlico 34 l14fast 20 09 8 8 7 6 1 49 J McTagrt 8 Lohengrin ParlorBoy JoeKnlght 13957 HdeGce 34 lI7hvy 5 101 4 3 2 25 2 F Murphy 7 Gordon Supreme Harebell 13919 Jamesn fi f 108 fast 5 106 2 3 3 4s 4 = J F Murphy 9 Susan B Supreme Flatbush 13875 Charlen 51 f 103 good 4 6 4 4 F Murphy G Czar Michael Miss Gayle Laura LauraBy AVRYNECK b h 5 By Pentecost Sabot S R Grieves ISSC1 NOrlns 51 f l07fast 12 112 5 2 h 7i C AanDunl2 Cloak Rodondo Our Ren 12123 Latonia 1 140 fast C7 103 7 7 63 S11 C VanDunIO Taliot Mimorios ClarkM 12381 Latonia 34 l13good 230 101 G 3 10 10 = JC VanDunll Flex Herpes Rifle Brigade 12364 Latonia 34 115 hvy 70 105 S 5 S S = C VanDun Glint Verena Back Bav 1233S Lutonia 34 l2flhvy 9 109 2 5 41 581C VanDun G Areeland Rifle Brigade Glint 12302 Latonia 1 lIShvy 13 104 2 1 1 I5 C VanDun G Clark M Roval Amber Coin 12233 Latonia 31 llfihvy 117 100 3 1 G 6 = JE Martin G ConDeliverv WWiteli MarinC 12202 Latonia 31 l15mud 139 101 3 5 C G23 C VanDun 7 ConDelevory MariaC FRobts KING CHILTON b g 4 101 1011S1S2 Bv Chilton Aunt Belle J 0 Lovell 1S1S2 HdeGcc Gi f l07fast 100 102 10 9 9 So H Laffertyll Yadopeep 17499 HdeGce 51 f 108 fast 7 102 7 7 7 = 5 II Sumter 10 Prairie Soldier Earlymorn Quick M Ca ca Start 17332 Korval 34 116 fast 20 100 3 33i G1 G5J P Louder S FordMai MissBHarbor Trovato Trovatoo 17249 Dorval f l09fast 10 3i 92 5 Acton S iambs Tall 5JJ Sof Rocks Chryseis 17167 Dorval 31 l16fast 93 102 4 o 2 3 4JK Ambrose 7 Ajax Anrisa Bodin 16901 BlueBon 34 16bvy 12 101 1 ij Bodinij 5 iili i lllln in Orlvx TIlc SlirJt T c Governor 16709 Con Klit 51 f l12slow 95 97 3 2 21 3V F Murphy Trap Aprisa Ajax 15S9G Empire 34 117 mud 183 107 6 2 4 3 = 1 A Nicklaus 7 Aailiant Marg Meise Martel TIP DAWDELL b f 4 By Modred Zirl R R Green GreenH 17S92 Hthorne 5S 1I3 slop 75 112 1125S 17S t Hlhornc 5S l01fast 4 IOS IOSrS H i V0 I fi Kll kl v Cheeky B AViliams 15 AAod 9 Mod Boy LJake LdesCocnets 10125 Butlc rS l00fast GO n nr 11 J Nelirm 7 ILnvinia er VirginiaS 16013 Butte r f 1 OSfast 1G 103 J BPrnspect BPrnspecti clriner n F 0VP Mis 15707 Rutte 34 115 fast 4 lv MissTempo mo moS8 I11 i J Collins S MinnieF 13519 Butte S8 l01fast 15 97 973S Tlllinghast AloIetMav I19G Butte 3S 102 fast 7 95 15404 Butte 51 f lOSfast 40 102 15343 Kutte 58 l01Jfast 15 96 1F101 Denver 34 l13 l13sfast sfast 27 107 OKOLONA b m 7 102 1021SS31 Bv Ornus Okeechobee Porter 1SS31 NOiTns 34 l13 fast 20 101 fi fi39S 10MO McGtte10MO J DomlnklJ Blue McGtte 39S Frmont Al rS 101 fast Jay Kiltie Dane Master K9l Frmont 4 f 57 fast 5 Argoiitf MasksnndFaces Incisn Argoiit T 60 Krmont Ab3S 1001 fast f Tenderlleart Ariront Maveella 95525 Pensacola 1 lM9fsIow 4 99 99K J T DreVPr 1 ° k Nimnally NRose FstAid K 516 Pensacola WarnerGriswell Ilarting TDip 4J 59islow S 99 TDip4i 4i J Dreyer 7 Rusticaua Uerersteln Chalice

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1915010701_4_4
Library of Congress Record: