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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY The Paris Ministry of Marine reports the sinking of two more British ships by German submarined The steamers Tokomaru and Icaria were dcstrovcl in the English Channel Three ships were sunk by the kaisers undersea sailors on the west const of England Saturday This suddenly renewed ac ¬ tivity says London indicates that Germany has begun a general blockade of the British Isles The repulse of German attacks in La Grurie forest in the Argonne a slight advantage for the French in numerous artillery combats and the recapture by the British of trenches in the region of La Bassee which were taken Saturday by the Germans are the chief claims of the Paris communique The Ger ¬ man official statement reports victory Saturday at La Bassee but makes no mention of later develop ¬ ments in that region The capture of 10000 Rus ¬ sians and the retaking of the heights among the Carpathian passes are announced officially in Vieuua None of the Austrian claims is denied in Petrbgrad Official announcement of the recapture of Tabriz Persia by the Russians was made in Petrograd The Russian statement says the Turks have been driven out of Com ess with heavy losses A new invasion of Servia by Germans and Austriaus is planned Paris is making preparations to resist an expected Zeppelin attack Strongly reenforced th2 Germans in East Prussia are concentrating their efforts to halt the march on Koenigsberg by smash ¬ ing at the Russian center east of Pllkallen Des ¬ perate lighting is in progress in the forests of the Pilkallcn region A communication issued by the general staff if the Russian army reports further progress in East Prussia and desperate lighting on the left bank of the Vistula In the region around Borjimow the Russians claim to have recaptured a trench lost to the Germans and declare that counter attacks of the Germans were repulsed everywhere except in one of the Russian saps which the Ger ¬ mans captured Violent German attacks in Poland along the Warsaw front are interpreted by Russian military authorities as an indication that the Ger man commander Field Marshnl von Hindenhurg has decided to begin a general offensive and strike once more at Warsaw The Berlin official report asserts that the Germans have made progress in northern and central Poland PolandThe The Italian war office has ordered the reservists called out Saturday to join the colors on February 20 Troops with lixcd bayonets had to be called out to reestablish order at a meeting which had been organized in Koine by senators members of the chamber of deputies and other prominent per ¬ sons with the purpose of forwarding a movement in favor of Italy maintaining neutrality in th war warOfficial Official dispatches to the state department from Mexico say Zapatu forces are holding suburban towns south of Mexico City and Monterey is in complete possession of Villa troops under General Angeles Dispatches to the Carranzi agency report an attack on Monterey under way and Villa forces routed from Monclova MonclovaPresident President Wilson told Chairman Tillinaii of the senate naval committee he believed congress should provide for two battleships this year and that he disagreed with Mr Tillmans contention that none should be built this year but that four should be constructed next year of a type Kised on lessons of the European war warThe The Arkansas house passed a statewide prohibi ¬ tion bill to become effective June 1 1915 It makes violations a felony punishable by one year in prison The Arkansas senate adopted a joint resolution for a constitutional amendment to grant women the right of suffrage suffrageSecretary Secretary Bryan has overruled Germanys protest against the purchase by the allies of hydroaoro pjaues from the Curtis plant at Ilammomlsport IlammomlsportPope Pope Benedicts efforts to bring about an agree ¬ ment between the warring powers to exchange in ¬ valid prisoners have come to naught naughtNew New Zealand has arranged to purchase 1000000 bushels of Canadian wheat for delivery in July JulyMay May wheat soared to 157 per bushel on tin Chicago board of trade yesterday