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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY DAYCount Count von Bernstorff the German ambassador at Washington presented to the state department a note from his government announcing that Germany stands ready to recede from its announced intention of attacking British merchantmen if Great Britain will withdraw its efforts t prevent foodstuffs from going to Germany for the civilian population in a statement to the house of comons Winston Speu C T Churchill first lord of the admiralty intimated that further action would lx taken by the allies to prevent the importation of foodstuffs in neutral ships to Germany Tin British foreign office an ¬ nounced definitely that if the cargo of the American ship Wilhclmiiia should be diverted for the relief of distress in Belgium the decision to send its cargo to a British prize court would be reconsidered Otherwise the cargo woiild be submitted to the de ¬ cision of the court courtChancellor Chancellor Lloyd George in a statement in the British house of commons said that the expenditures of the allies on the war would bo 10000000000 this y ar He added that Great Britain is spend ¬ ing more money than are her two allies The war Mr LloydGeorge said was the most expensive in material men and money that had ever been waged Great Britain the chancellor said can finance the war for five years out of the proceeds of her invest ¬ ments abroad France is able to do so for about two or three years witli something to spare Rus ¬ sia he said although prodigiously rich in natural resources is in a different position positionCnrrana Cnrrana through his agent at Washington Elisoo Arredondo made public a decree which prohibits Carranzas leaders from receiving or treating with confidential agents of any foreign government in Mexico Stale Department ollicials who were ap ¬ prised of this decree regard it as aimed against the present agents of the 1nited States in Mexico and especially against Duvall West who lias just altout reached Mexican territory as the confidential agent of President Wilson to Mexico MexicoThere There is no Hour in Mexico City Washington state deparcincnt advices say and bread is being made from conimeal Carransi forces there dis elaim any intuition of evacuating the city Xapata forces still linid SOUK of the suburbs General Gu ¬ tierrez who fled from the capital is reported with General Blanco at ValUs fifty miles west of Tain Jiieo with 0K troops troopsItaly Italy made virtually the same representations tt Germany as did the lnited States concerning neu ¬ tral shipping in the sea war zone created by the recent German proclamation Italy however did not send a note to Berlin nor did she take any formal step limiting her action to friendly observa ¬ tions through the Italian ambassador to Germany GermanyThe The German hundesrath decided to expropriate all the domestic stocks of oats with the exception of seed oats and the rain necessary for fodder for horses The order becomes effective February 10 The btmdesrath also raised the maximum price of oats to 1250 per metric ton tonThe The German emperor has summoned James W Gerard the lnited States ambassador to a confer ence at the imperial headquarters in the eastern war zone Mr Gerard will go at once accompanied by Dr von BethmannIIollweg the German chancellor chancellorFirst First Lord of the British admiralty Winston Churchill announced in parliament that the British naval losses in the war so far have been 550O olli crrs and men of lower rank Most of them were killed by German submarines submarinesOwing Owing to continuous rains Moods throughout Italy an assuming alarming proportions The river Tiber is over fifty feet out of Its normal banks and bis flooded the lower parts of Rome especially tin1 iuarters around the Vatican VaticanPresident President Wilson and bis cabinet have agreed on a policy which they are confident will keep the United States free of serious entanglements with the maneuvres and counter maneuvers of the bellig ¬ erent nations nationsWheat Wheat came back with a rebound yesterday when May went to 1 on the Chicago Board of Trade more than live cents higher than Saturdays closing mark markIt It is said to be Manager M J Whins present intention to bring the Juarez meeting to a close on Sunday March 21 at the end of its 105th day dayInvestigation Investigation of all charges of influences at work for and against the administration ship bill was ordered by the fenate fenateTin Tin Albanians are invading Servia with success according to dispatches from Nisli