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EUROPEAN WAR DEVELOPMENTS An ollifial report given out in Berlin that the Germans have taken i4KM Russian prisoner during the lighting in east Prussia and a formal statement from Vienna that tht AustroIIungarian forces occu ¬ pied Czernowitz capital of Bnkowina are tin out ¬ standing features in the news from the eastern battle front In Germany the second victory of Field Marshal von Hindenhurg in the province of which he had long made a military study is being celebrated with the greatest enthusiasm and the expectation there is that the Russians will take a long time to recover from this blow even should they succeed in making a stand on the Nieman river It Is evident however that the Russians are far from being beaten According to their ro ports battles are in progress not far from the east Prussian frontier and troops are being rushed from the interior to check the German advance which is being made on i front some 200 miles in extent across the provinces of Vilna and Grodno In the Carpathians heavy fighting continues and the Rus ¬ sians claim to have repulsed all the AustroGannan attacks In Kukowina the Austrians witli their German supports are pushing across the country In addition to their claim to have taken Csterno witz tliev are declared to have occupied Kolomea in Galicia about sixteen miles north of the Buko wina frontier Petrograd thinks that the German advance from east Prussia on Kovno and Grodno appears designed to cut the railroad communica ¬ tions to Warsaw the capital of Russian Poland rather than to an effort to take the Russian forti ¬ fied positions in that territory Along the line from Piock to Niemen which is a little short of 200 miles in length there has been intermittent fighting From all the towns in this district the most popu ¬ lous of the empire the civil population is lleeing The German advance guards are reported to have proceeded from Augiistowo toward the railroad be ¬ tween Grodno and Bialystock and to have reached within twelve miles of the former place where they are said to have liocn checked by the Russians RussiansIt It is said that President Wilson will reiterate to Germany in the reply lie will make to the note from that government that American ships and American lives must not be imperiled in the war zone around the British Isles The president will declare that in spite of the German disclaimer this government must hold Germany responsible for the sinking of an American ship or the loss of American life on a foreign merchantman Two proposals which were made in Germanys reply to the protest of the Iliited States in regard to the perils to neutral shipping in the war zone around the British isles failed to meet the approval of Washington officials One was that American warships convoy all shipments which the German reply suggested was the only method of obtaining absolute safety from damage to the neutral craft The other was that the Inited States place an embargo against the shipment of arms and other munitiois of war to the allied nations nationsAbout About 100 Americans are marooned in Paris and unable to cross the English channel because of the cancellations of sailings caused by the German sub ¬ marine blockade They have through the embassy in Paris communicated their plight to Walter nines Page American ambassador at London and Mr Pages has arranged with the American line to hold until Sunday the steamer New York due to sail Sat ¬ urday from Liverpool The marooned Americans in the French capital have made arrangements to cross from Havre and the days delay in the sailing of the New York will permit them to make their con ¬ nections with the liner linerThe The Norwegian steamer Nordcap according to Copenhagen has struck a German mine in the Bal ¬ tic sea and foundered All her crew perished The Nordcap was a steamer of 322 tons The crews of one Danish and three Norwegian ships at Aarhns Denmark refused to sail for England and left their ships The govenrment of this Netherlands has re ¬ fused a request for war vessels to convoy merchant ships through the marine areas prescribed by Ger ¬ many on this ground that such action would enhance the risks of ships without such escorts escortsThe The French war oliice gave out the following re M rt on the progress of the lighting There lias been nothing cf importance to communicate since the report of last night The night of February 18 passed quietly There were fairly spirited artil ¬ lery exchanges in the valley of the Aisne and in the sector of Reims In the region of Perthes all the jositions taken by us remain in our hands handsThe The German war office asserts that substantial progress has been made In tile invasion of northern Russia along the German border following the ex ¬ pulsion of the Russian army from east Prussia The Germans arc said to have ruptured Tauroggen in the province of Kovno as well as several villages farther south In central Poland along the War1 saw front the situation is unchanged unchangedA A dispatch from Rotterdam describes how Zeppe ¬ lins are being employed in patrol operations It says the Dutch steamer Helena last Tuesday was overhauled in the North sea by Zeppelin Li which trained her guns on the steamer and ordered her to heave to When satisfied of the Helenas idonty the captain of the Zeppelin apologiziil and reaas ceuded with his craft craftNo No immediate news from the submarine cam ¬ paign against Great Britain is expected in naval circles at Berlin because several days must elapse before the submarine fleet can return to its base and report the result of operations No news is expected from England regarding the destruction of ships shipsThat That u general attack by the German fleet is planned as part of the blockade of England is be ¬ lieved to IHJ indicated bv the announcement from Berlin that the kaiser has left for Wilhelmshaven to inspect the grand fleet accompanied by his brother Admiral Prince Henry and Admiral von Tirpitz TirpitzGeneral General TofTre the French commander in chief issued sin order of tins day saying Now that the reserve regiments hsive acquired splendid light ¬ ing ability they henceforth will be put on the same basis us the active army The designation of reserve has been suppressed suppressedThe The Norwegian tank steamer Belbridge struck a mine off Dover yesterday The Belbridge was bound from New Orleans to Amsterdam Her crew was rescued This is the first neutral vessel reported to have suffered damage since the German war zone proclamation went into effect effectScandinavian Scandinavian naval officers in a joint meeting in Christiana agreed upon steps necessary for the de ¬ struction of mines that are imperiling Scandinavian sh in Scandinavian waters Their decision was then presented to the cabinets in Copenhagen Christ iania and Stockholm StockholmA A dispatch from Amsterdam received at Berlin states that all Dutch steamships bound for America hereafter will use the route north of Scotland rec ¬ ommended in the German blockade decree All sailings from Rotterdam and Flushing for London have been canceled canceledThe The Russians have now evacuated all Bukowina according to a dispatch to the London Times from rucharest An official report given out in Vienna says the Russians have been driven beyond Ihith and Czernowitz has been occupied by Austrian troops troopsA A German submarine torpedoed without warning the French steamer Dinorah bound from Havre to Dunkerque at a point sixteen miles off Dieppe The Dinoruh did not sink but was towed into Dieppe No mention is made of loss of life among the crew crewThe The second of the British biweekly reports from the front speaks of seven fighting near Ypres on the western end of the battle line The Germans gained K ssession of several British trenches which however were wen back subsequently subsequentlyA A Petrograd dispatch says that at an important conference attended by the minister of agriculture it was resolved to recommend the re iiiston of all stored cereals amounting to 1803500000 pounds now In the hands of speculators speculatorsAccording According to rtews received at the state depart ¬ ment in Washington all travel between England and the continent has been suspended by the Bri ¬ tish admiralty until further notice noticeThe The government has decided that all of NVw Zealands surplus suppius of beef mutton and Iamb shall be reserved for the imperial authorities In response to their request requestPresident President Wilson informed a delegation of women who willed at the White House to urge an embargo on arms and ammunition tliut he regarded such a policy an uimeutral uimeutralAll All Spanish vessels were notified by the govern ¬ ment to stop and deliver their papers as soon as they are signaled by si submarine in British or French waters watersThe The British government announced that it liad de ¬ cided that the cargo of the American steamer Wil helmlim should be held for the decision of the prize court courtThe The French ministry of war reported important gains bv the allies at many points along the western buttle front