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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY DAYThe The demands Japan is now pressing on China wero discussed by Secretary Bryan at considerable length In conference with the Japanese ambassador and the Chinese minister There are many indi ¬ cations that the crisis in the far cast is going to receive in the immediate future much more of the serious attention of this government than has bten the case up to the present presentHostilties Hostilties between Russian and Turkish forces in Iersia have been resumed March 5 tin Russians defeated the Turks in a sanguinary battle at Atkur lur north of Dilman in northwestern Persia The Turks lost 12000 In killed wounded and prisoners as well as many guns Potrograd claims claimsGen Gen Villa has ordered that the death penalty be applied to those guilty of forgin or circulating counterfeit paper money large tpiantitics of which an repotted In eirciilullini alum the Mivican border II Is announced that reports have lieen nwivod In Berlin of two new outbreaks in India At Snrat throe British orticinls were killed At Knrrachcc two Mohammedan soldiers shot two British officers The French steamer Kinma IMJIIIH to Bordeaux was torpedoed In tin British channel off Beachy Head by a German submarine Nineteen members of the crew were drowned only two being saved The two survivors were lauded at Dover yesterday yesterdayFrench French and British airmen have bombarded twenty cities towns railway junctions and army camps within the German lines during the past fortyeight hours and the aviators taking part in these aerial forays report that many Germans were kilUd kilUdReports Reports that the Germans were phtiinlng a re ¬ treat from the Yser are disproved by Hie Berlin ollicial statement which reports a new advance at Dixmtidf in Flanders It admits that the French have won an advantage at Lmieville LmievilleA A large Dutch cargoboat the Lodewljk vi n Nassau has been taken into New Haven England by two British torpedoboats under the suspicion that she has IKMMI supplying German submarines with fuel oil oilTlu Tlu Germtin liiiilquirlfrs stall stitos hill ilnr ing Miv h the tiirniiiu nslcrii army ti ik iSi l l Ri sian prisoners Inclnding otlicen niiii soldlcrn niul ruptured also nine cannon and sixtyone niavhlm