General News Notes Of The Day., Daily Racing Form, 1915-04-06


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY News of the Bulgarian raid into Servian ter ¬ ritory continues to overshadow all other news from the war zone fraught as it is with the iwssi bility that four more nations Bulgaria Greece Italy and Roinnaiiia may be plunged into the war as a result The general impression however in London seems to be that the affair is little more than a border clash and that the Bulgarian Gov ¬ ernment will promptly disclaim responsibility An ofllcial statement issued at Nish declares that the invaders have all been driven out of Servia and places the dead on both sides at about 100 Noth ¬ ing otlicial has come from Bulgaria regarding the affair On the Russian fronts the Czars troops make claim to two successes one in Poland and the other in the Carpathians In Poland the German statement merely says that Russian at tncks near Augustowo were repulsed The Rus ¬ sian statement says that the fighting west of the NIenien is developing greatly in favor of the Czars forces The statement tells of the route of a German force of infantry and cavalry in a Cossack saber charge The report adds that the pursuit still is on More important however is the ad ¬ mission from Vienna that the Austrian forces have been compelled by superior forces to vacuate the Raskid gateway to Northern Hungary This opens another road through the Carpathians for the Muscovites The Austrian statement telling of the fighting In the Tjihorez valley is regarded as an admission tlmt the Russians have pierced the Aus ¬ trian lines in that sector also In some quarters the prediction is made that within the week the Russians will be sweeping down tlio slopes into Hungary all nlunjr the line The Russians report that the Austrian force thit invaded Basitrabla has been driven hack over the border into Ituko wina On the western frcnt the Germans report crossing the Yser and driving the Belgians out of the village of Drei Grachten The French ollicial statement ignores the western end of the line hut asserts that the Germans have been driven out of Regnieville in the Wocvre district about two miles west of FayenHaye which was captured on April 1 This g in threatens flu Gor ¬ man wedge running down to St Mihicl Berlin gets a report by wiiy f Rome that a new jittack on Constantinople in about to IK instituted I y the allies The Turks report the repnlsj of laiiding parties The following olliciul report by the Turkish War Olllce was received at Berlin from Con ¬ stantinople Yesterday our fleet sank the Rus ¬ sian ships Provident 2000 tons and the Vasto chnaja 1100 tons The crews were saved and imprisoned Enemy mine sweepers which at ¬ tempted to approach the Dardanelles entrance were sunk by the batteries off Kimi Kalch A message received at Berlin from Athens estimates over oOOOO as the number of AngloFrench troops which have heon landed on the Island of Lemnos near the entrance to the Dardanelles DardanellesPresident President Wilsons hopes of being instrumental In bringing alxmt an early cessation of the European war were dashed during the last week it was learned it Washington The president is said to have received official information from both London and Berlin that neither the allies nor Gerinanv and Austria will consider peace terms until after Kit ¬ cheners new army of 1000000 men and the kaisers fresh forces have tried conclusions Germany is ready to meet the nuves of the allies in the spring campaign with not only her seasonal veterans but a new army of 2000000 volunteers none of whom has been within sound of gun lire since the war began The president declines to discuss the charac ¬ ter of the advices hi has received but admits there is no development in the situation warranting him in taking the initiative at this time in a move for peace From other sources however It became known that the information cabled to Washington in the last week shows both parties to the great conflict in a dogged mood and standing pat on the peace terms that they would be willing to consider The allies demand the restoration of Belgian sover ¬ eignty and the payment of a huge indemnity by Germany to Belgium the cession of Alsace and Lorraine to France the cession of German Pol ¬ and lo Russia and the division of the Geruim colonies among Great Britain France Russia and Japan Germany is willing to relinquish Belgium but flatly refuses to pay an indemnity or to cede the French provinces or Poland In addition Ger ¬ many Insists upon retaining her African if not her Asiatic colonies coloniesReports Reports indicate that seventylive persons lost their lives in wrecks caused by Saturdays tcrrliic hllzzard along the Atlantic coast Wrecks an reported from New Knghind to Georgia and the losses may grow greatly The most serious disaster is the destruction of the Royal Dutch West Indies liner Prins Manrits A twentyfour hour search off Cape Hatteras revealed no trace of the Prins Manrits which was repsrted in a crippled condition and it is thought to have sunk The liner which was bound from New York for West Indian ports carried four passengers and a crew numbering forty to fortylive A report received in Berlin from Athens says the British battleship Lord Nelson stranded Inside tlu Dardanelles straits has been destroyed by the lire of the Turkish guns on shore A council of war bfld by the British and French admirals tin Athens dispatch continues decided to postpone the itUinpts t force the Dardanelles because of the insiifliclent strength of the landing expedition The Lord Nelson was 410 feet long displaced IG00 tons and was built in 100i She was armed with four 12inch guns ton 02iuch and thirteen ISiuch guns n nd carried it complement of Sir men menThe The dltllcnlt pus to which negotiation between Italy and Austria Imve come has had n apparent effect on Prinre von Binlow the German ambassa ¬ dor who is continuing his effolts to bring about an adjustment He Is understood to have proposed a new solution of the boundar question It is that the territory which Austria might cede In Italy be occupied by Switzerland during the re ¬ mainder of the war and turned over bv that coimtrv to Italy when peace is concluded concludedHy Hy knocking out Jack Johnson in the twentysixth ntind of a clean cut match in the arena at the Oriental Park race track in Havana Cuba yes terdny Jess Wilbrd became the champion heavy ¬ weight liugilist of the world Johnson more tlian held his own in the early stages of the tight but finally Willards youth and the lack of proper con ¬ dition on Johnsons part turned the scale against the former champion championThe The roving band of Bulgars driven out of Serba after its sudden raid has penetrated Greece at three points according to Saloniki dispatches News reaching London by way of Rome is that Bulgaria has agreed to giva full satisfaction to Serbia Mean ¬ while Greece is massing troops along the Bulgaria frontier and Bulgarian reservists according to new train SalynikiY have received orders to join tin colors colorsLatest Latest reports from the Balkans indicate that H general clash is imminent at any moment Bulgaria is practically on a war footing and tin general hatred felt toward Serbia and Greece througluiit that country is becoming repidly intcnsiUcd It is the impression in London that unless some unex ¬ pected event occurs to prolong pence Bulgaria will soon be up in arms and lighting for Germany GermanyThe The Turkish armored cruiser McdJIdich 1ms IKMI sunk in the Black sea by a Russian mine Accord ¬ ing to a Berlin dispatch the Mcdjidieh which was a part of the Turkish licet near Odessa while pursuing Russian mine aweeperg in the vlrinity of the fortress of Otchatow struck a drifting ex ¬ plosive and sank Its crew was saved by Turkish warships warshipsGcrmanv Gcrmanv will agree to pay the Tinted Suites 180000 as damages for the destruction of the American schooner William P Frye by the auxiliary cruiser Prjnz Kilel Friedrich Information to thi effect has reached Washington from Berlin Tim formal declaration of Germanys purpose will im communicated lo this government within the next day or two twoThe The Netherlands government has notilled tln Ililted States that any foreign ship misusing tin Duteh Hag or other means to make a pretense of possessing Dutch nationality will not be alloxvid to depart from or pass through waters under the jurisdiction of the Netherlands NetherlandsA A Russian bark name unknown was torpedoed Sunday in the English channel The fifteen nieiiihtrs of the crew were saved savedA A slight earthquake was felt at Rome yesterday morning The people were much alarmed but no damage was done

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